Strange Places; Strange Happenings (S3E1) [Maki/Ryuji]

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Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

Maki was in her apartment thinking about the magic used over the past day and taking time to let Mega charge. Mega was currently in locket form around her neck. Maki got up from her bed still letting her mind mill about and going to Ryuji's room pressing the cal button to see if her partner was done with his daily remembrance. She had remembered that he often took a considerable amount of time to remember those who had fallen in battle and meditate on their loss This was an honorable thing; to reflect on the lives of others and a peaceful practice even if it was hard due to the memories involved. Maki wondered if he would want to go eat or if they could prepare food together. She wanted to spend some time with him while the two were not engaged in work. She would not word it in that way but she thought he knew that's how she felt anyway.

[TAG Ryuji]

Ryuji Yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

Ryuji got up out of his meditative pose stretching a bit while he moved to door for Maki "Hey Kamakiha, getting hungry?" he left it to her to close the door behind her while he went to his Kitchen to see what could be made deciding on a ramen made from scratch. "How are you and mega feeling" he would ask her, knowing they both just went through a nuclear bomb's worth of energy

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

As Ryuji opened the door and let Maki inside she closed the door behind her just following him inside and to his small kitchen. These temporary housing accommodations were nice; at least nicer than they were used to. it seemed this government gave its military more money even even their job was more hectic and chaotic. SNIEF had a bad day a lot of the time but still got shit pay like the rest of the Xen and laviesta Forces. Maki was in her kimono which Ryuji rarely saw her in as it was only something she wore off duty. When he asked her about food and about her spirit she nodded. "Food would be yummy... Mega is sleeping. He needs to recharge." She said plainly without much expression as she stood in the middle of his apartment slightly nearer to the kitchen to observe him making food. 

Ryuji Yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

For Ryuji it was a simple task if a timely one, first he offered Maki a seat then turned on the oven to get it to heat up. He chopped and shaved his ingredients to start with broth with a nice flavor. While the broth was getting started he got out his ingredients for the noodles and started on that kneading them into a large round ball before flattening it with a board and chopping them with his knife and while it felt like time passed by quickly for him for Maki it must of taken ages "See anything cool since what happened?" he asked her keeping up small talk

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

Maki took a seat as he had instructed her to. She watched him prepare the food which took time but food making was something she enjoyed watching  and so it was of no problem to her watching him get food prepared and then cooking it. As he asked her about if she had seen anything since they had done magic; during the past few hours since he was meditating she had seen a few of her friends and stared at the buildings around them but she was not really looking for anything in particular. This entire place was actually strange and different; sure it had things in common with their world as all life did but it was just different. The technology was a major barrier; she wondered how he combated that or had he tried to use as much of this place's technology as she had... She wondered if she should ask him such a question but instead she just replies in a usual sense. "Nothing really to report. We are in a strange land so nothing is out of the ordinary with that in mind." She resumed watching his expert cooking skills and wondered if she should help or if this was somehow a treat for her; getting to watch him cook.

Ryuji Yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

Ryuji finished making up the bowl, while he was thinking of cooking and such he filled a container with Whole wheat flour and water and set it off to the side "There everything is done for a bit." he put a bowl infront of Maki and himself with chopsticks coming after the bowls and even some extra sides incase she wanted any "Thanksforthemeal." he says quickly before eating his food

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1815

After the food was prepared Maki observed him place the bowl in front of her. She took a smaller bowl and placed the food within it eating the amen as he gave thanks for the meal he created. Maki just closed her eyes eating as if she were in some kind of trance. She continues to eat with chopsticks in an expert fashion as she continued to be in a trance-like happiness whilst eating.

Ryuji Yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1645

"So what should do today Makikosappan, go exploring, just relax here play some games?" he asks as he finishes up his bowl of ramen with ease  he looks outside the window wondering how has video gaming evolved here "Games might be an entire new experience."

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1815

Maki eats as she listens to him speak. She looks at hiim. "I don't know what to do today... But games... What kind of games" She asked seeming interested enough for her anyway.

Ryuji Yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1815

Ryuji replies with a simple fun game "An rpg of course I prefer fantasy myself lets see if they are in the printer." he'll go to the replicator to search for a video game system or how to play fully immersive games

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 1815

"Oh... RPG Game... One with other people or on our own?" She asked seeming interested in the game. The game would be a fully immersive and through their VX. Once the information was located a local network was enabled and the two of them are given instructions for a high fantasy system. It seemed like the two of them would be automatically placed into a party. This game would allow them to feel anything in the game as if they were actually there. It seems like it might be hard.

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

After the two had played for a little while Maki logged out still emotionless as ever. "Interesting." She seemed more emotionally expressive in the game than she did in the real world but there were certain things that seemed to pull emotions from her; normalcy was not one of them. Her joys were magic, animals, food and games... Maki stared blackly at the room around her indifferent about it now that the game was over.

Ryuji yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

Ryuji logged out very shortly after Maki "Well that was fun right?" he asked her smiling brightly as he streched his neck being stuck in resting position made it a bit sore "its good to get a break and game every once and a while. is there anything else you want to do today maki? we could see what they got on the tv here and see how bad it is."

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

When he asked Maki if it was fun she simply nodded without any words in her response. Once he then asked if she wanted to do anything else she was thoughtful for a second. "Walk around this city; see what it has... Maybe that could be interesting?" She wondered if there would be anything of interest here.

Ryuji yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

"a walk could be nice, we could go see the star constellations on this planet maybe we could even buy a book about astrology." he said patting maki on the head like she was a small child

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

"Stars...." Maki said with a slight smile. She liked stars but that much was obvious. She stood up heading to the door as if accepting the offer without waiting for him. Maki wondered if she could find out where they were by looking out at the stars some more; she wasn't able to out in space but it could be different here.

Ryuji yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

Ryuji looks through his vx to find out constellation and other astrological stuff as he followed maki out the door with a bit of a chuckle

Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi 
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

As the two head out of the apartment Maki stares up at the sky looking out at the stars in the darkness of night. It was hard to see them due to the urban setting they were in but it was still possible. She waited for him taking one of his hands into hers. "Stars... Um... What do you suppose will happen to us here?" She asked seeming ot ask a serious question about their prospects in this place; nobody had exactly told them what was going to happen as of yet.

Ryuji yamamoto
Their Duplex Apartment; Edgemont Housing Facility; District 5 - Earth II
November 20th 4566 Nightime

"For now we will gather information and make friends until we can get back to our world." he replied keeping his hand in hers "and hopefully when we get back they will give us both a pay raise and an extra bonus." he said to make a joke. "maybe we can find weird alien food we can eat and have fun stories as well, but I guess we don't have much to do now except prepare for a million uncertainties"

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