Season 4 - Episode 3: Returning... Home...

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The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 4 - Episode 3: Returning... Home...
January 18th 4567 Afternoon
Narrated by Mira Lowin

The Lavie, Judgemaker, Renaissance and SlamR continued on their travels back to Earth to look over the planet and see how its reconstruction had faired after Gainz, Skynet and the Reconstruction Forces from the Commission had proclaimed victory and began to rebuild some type of society on the planet. In an effort to "help" Adams ordered Nore to port the group of ships to the Sol System making their life a bit easier since they wanted back home "so badly". Upon arriving there the four ships were met by the OMS Regency along with a number of its own support craft which was transporting Erin and Sumire apparently both having completed their respective work on Orteria and Rema. Given the damage to Lavie Jupiter station's drydocks took the ship into refit and requested the ship be kept here for a significant time. Lavie's crew members were either transferred to Earth, Repulse, Providence or the Regency. The force then made its way to Earth only to find the barren wasteland that awaited them. A far cry from the magnificence that Earth once was... A apocalyptic void of what once was the gem of the Federation's control and power; the home of humanity now reduced to sand, lifelessness and a struggle that showed how much the galaxy itself had been through over the past hundred years which the Earth usually had been lucky enough; up until this point to avoid. It was far from a "victory" as a hallow shell of humanity's gem was all that remained of the once beautiful blue orb of humanity's influence. (edited)

The group of ships docked at New Haven station built by the Alchemy Commission as the new HQ for Earth based operations. It seemed like something that would be at the outer rim planets. Very runned down and old looking on the inside. As everyone got their gear together everything was transferred to the Repulse to be taken down to Earth so the group could go down to the surface. The group was met by a greying man in a swade jacket who gave them a grin. "So you guys are with Trinity and the rest of its allies; I really don't see what the fuss is about what with the Earth reconstruction project being such a waste... Y'all'ed honestly be of better use in the outer core worlds... This place is like the Wild West of the past now if you could even compare it to anywhere specific..." He shrugged. "Awe well... Can't say I didn't warn ya... All yer stuff is loaded on yer ship to head down to the surface..." The guy walks off without another word. Maki, Mira and Haru were with the group. Maki pulled out a padd looking up "Wild West" and nodded as she understood it was like the Outlands on Alen-Morien.
[13:08] Solar Tech Superhero: Looking down at the planet. There wasn't much in the way of greenery like there used to be. Aidan held his face but his spirit dropped.
[13:12] Rockyeahh: (I'm here. not made it to one in a long time. Going to need to think of what to do.) (edited)
[13:16] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan shouted over to Suede Jacket guy. Through gritted teeth he growled, "The big deal is I was born here and this planet was raped. I'd like to see it managed properly." Then added "If that's okay with you." (edited)
[13:18] Solar Tech Superhero: (dammit he walked off)
[13:18] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The man shrugged. "Ain't no skin off my back; my job as portmaster is just to see to it your stuff gets where it's goin'" He replied and continued leaving.
[13:21] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Quite the welcoming..." Mira said laughing.
[13:21] M82A1: Dawn bows as takes her leave as Seleni and Dawn both approach. Seleni just stares at the portmaster with disdain before turning to Aidan. "I technically still am an assault cruiser. If you want I can approach Earth and start offloading the ground teams and set up at least an outpost where you need it."
[13:22] M82A1: (yes i know dawn leaving as dawn approaches weird isnt it?)
[13:22] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "An outpost exists... Plus if you read the report were reinforcing the existing personnel." Haru retorted.
[13:22] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan nodded. "Good idea I will leave it in your   capable hands,"
[13:24] M82A1: Seleni turns to Haru with an amused look. "I have prefabs i can land to create a quick outpost if the need arises. They also could serve as rally points, or as FOBs."
[13:25] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I mean the more drop points the better... we will need to see the conditions on the ground though too..." She added.
[13:28] Solar Tech Superhero: Nik walked up. "Once the weather satellites are in place we can start airdropping seedlings."
[13:28] M82A1: "Unfortunately, I won't be able to look for optimal points myself for....medical reasons. Fortunately, the Murasashi should be able to provide orbital support if the need arises." Seleni says with a bow.
[13:28] M82A1: (halo wars anyone? XD)
[13:31] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan walked away down to the mess hall. Ayasha showed up, in Medical uniform. "Oh no. It's a wasteland."
[13:31] Rockyeahh: "Well this sounds like a terribly dangerous plan." William mutters to themselves.
[13:34] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan: Earth, man it's been awhile. 

Aurey: it hasn't for me
[13:36] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The rest of the group heads for the Repulse. The ship heads down to the Earth dropping a large number of people off in Memorial Center; or rather the new form of it; a small flying city. Basically the only one; on Earth. Looking down from the flying platform sand and small outposts could be seen. This place didn't look very hospitable. The flying city was even held in a atmospheric bubble of sorts to maintain temperature and weather control. When   you nuke a planet to hell repeatedly and leave a computer to reterraform and build; only so much work is done... It wasn't the safest land out there anymore.
[13:37] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: After a group was dropped the repulse returned to the station to pick up more and drop them off.
[13:39] M82A1: The Murasashi enters into a low orbit on standby should any issues arise.
[13:40] Rockyeahh: beep beep
A message from Williams Mum appears on their datapad.
"Hi dear, don't forget to visit if you are ever back home." 
William looks at the date. "Hmm, from the day I left. Only got it now."
William watches, as the Repulse departs.
[13:41] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (so who is going to be part of the group that goes down; cause this mission I am going to limit what ships and support craft we use; not massive "OH FLEET MURDERS ALL" stuff here; planet is too hostile for that... unless the ship is specifically designed to land in hostile environments... nope)
[13:41] M82A1: (so Murasashi)
[13:42] Solar Tech Superhero: (Ayasha and/or Nik )
[13:42] Rockyeahh: (I'd like to send William. They could have a good old traumatic time seeing their old home blown up.)
[13:44] M82A1: (I guess the Ardent Dawn will remain docked for now while the Murasashi pretty much provides security with her ground assault teams, her complement of 12 interceptors and any orbital strikes called in)
[13:44] Jack Pine: (wakes up for restroom break and sees tags. Groans in sick.)
[13:45] M82A1: (go rest you can have fun when youre hale and hearty :P)
[13:51] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Haru is met by an Alchemy commission officer who has her come with him to debrief about her work in the New Sector. Maki looks down at the sand nodding. "Hum... Looks more like the outlands..."

[13:51] Aya (Chan&Aurey): (Welp. Guess I can send everything
[13:53] Solar Tech Superhero: (we need people on the ground not walls of gunboats) (edited)
[13:54] Aya (Chan&Aurey): (So, what is allowed?
[13:57] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ari walks up to Maki and stares at the sand; she hated sand... This deathscape didn't surprise her though; after losing Brandon, seeing bugs, seeing Gods and her uncle turning out to be a guy who raises dead spirits into some alternate heaven alterscape she really just shrugged at the deadly post-apocalypse earth. "That sucks..." She said without anything else using the training Sarissa gave her to be even more emotionless; yep; broken Earth... FUN TIMES!
[14:00] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Preferalbly send down a character or two to play; i mean; like...)
[14:03] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan flew down with her own shift, exiting out the back. Selena took over control of the ship and flew back to orbit once she was out

Selena: I'll be on standby if you need me.
Chan: Thanks Sel.

Chan got on Comms with Aurey
Chan: So, boss, will you come and join us?
Aurey: bearing in mind this isn't a solo mission and the SlamR staying in low orbit, I'm seeing if I can commandeer some vehicles
[14:05] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan turns her attention to the group
Chan: Any preferences for ground transportation or support?
[14:06] Solar Tech Superhero: Ayasha piped up. "Walking sucks!"
[14:08] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ari looked to Sumire who had just joined the group. "Obviously some sort of vehicle... Where's Aidan?" "He went away up on the station." Maki explained simply.
[14:08] Rockyeahh: "Well it's a nuclear wasteland desert hellscape."
He pauses.
"So what do you with that? Go in blind and hope to die quick?" William asks to no one.
[14:09] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Yep... He understands..." Maki said patting William on the shoulder.
[14:09] Aya (Chan&Aurey): (How many peeps are we? Don't count Aurey)
[14:10] Rockyeahh: (You assume I can count?) (edited)
[14:10] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Sumire, Ari, Ayasha, Nik, William, Chan, probably some of our other crew but since they are AFK floating numbers point heh)
[14:10] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Maki, Mira)
[14:11] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (so at least 15ish)
[14:15] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan got on the comms with Aurey
Chan: We need an vehicle with CBRN Protection considering this is a nuclear wasteland. Possibly tracked as this is desert as far as the eye can see, some protection would be nice so it's not a coffin. Little bit more than a squad of people.
Aurey: Do you people want a single vehicle or multiple? Because only one vehicle will meet those requirements and it's nearly as old as the SlamR, so more than a four century design. 

Chan turns back to the group
Chan: All of us in a single vehicle or shall we have multiple?
[14:15] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan: Or will one fire support vehicle with just two or three people crewing it suffice?
[14:16] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "You know actually having guns sounds like a good idea lest we find the joyus monsters that come along with all post-death wastelands?" Ari questioned.
[14:19] Solar Tech Superhero: Nik calls up the level 3 power armor that mirrored Aidan's Brutus on standby. "I would want at a few tanks. But that's me" Nik said with a grin. (edited)
[14:20] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (APCs?)
[14:21] Solar Tech Superhero: (Sure)
[14:22] Solar Tech Superhero: Nik added, "The planner in my says at least two Armored Carriers. In case we have to drag something out.
[14:24] M82A1: "The Murasashi can land tanks or additional vehicles should you need them" Dawn says bowing to Ari.
[14:27] M82A1: (and yes the Murasashi currently is a blatant rip off of The Spirit of Fire :D)
[14:27] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira sighs "For  a warship computer you have a dim memory... Earth was nuked; repeatedly with many many nukes; electromagnetic interference... or am I the only one here that actually completed their pilots training... or hell... engineers school..." Mira tilts her head.
[14:28] Solar Tech Superhero:
The New Universes Project Wiki
Mastiff Armored Cargo Shuttle
Mastiff Armored Shuttle
Stemming from a requirement for new shuttle in the last 4430's, the Mastiff is meant to be an all purpose cargo and APC rolled into one. In constant productions since it's introduction, it's even been reverse engineered by other groups.

Crew: four (pilot,co-pilot/navigator, flight e...

[14:28] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Aurey: I'll get you two BNE27 Panther with IFV Module

(Basically it's a tank chassis with an IFV turret with an 8-men passenger compartment and 2 crew (driver, gunner-commander). remote controlled 40mm Chain gun, 1x4 missile pod and smoke launchers. 80 kmh/ 50 mph max speed. External cameras, anti-mine and IED software and electronics, CBRN resistant. Armor is 9 mohs nanocrystal steel and Spaced Ceramic-Composite armour. AMAP ADS. RHA Equivalent: 1240mm at a 90 degree angle all around. It weights 50 tonnes)

A Zebra-class stealth dropship with engine mufflers from the SlamR descends to the surface and disembarks two IFV Panthers before departing again

Aurey: Let me know if you need anything else, I'll stay up here for the time being and contact STRATCOM. Let me know if you need anything else
(and yes the Murasashi currently is a blatant rip off of The Spirit of Fire :D)
[14:28] Aya (Chan&Aurey):  I can get you the Spirit of Fire, UKG Edition x3
[14:31] Solar Tech Superhero: Nik said, "or enough level 2 power armor. That would also provided protection above what the vehicle does. Ayash and anyone on the Alpha team was already  fitted. (edited)
[14:32] Rockyeahh: William looks around at the tech talk. "I might take up smoking. Might help."
[14:32] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Okay... good so the transports are fitted with shielding cause we dont want to fuck our gear completely." Mira replied.
[14:33] Solar Tech Superhero: Ayasha quipped. "Back to knives and guns."
[14:34] Rockyeahh: "Ah what you need is a gun knife. You go to stab someone and a bullet comes out."
William exclaims.
[14:34] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "You mean like that gunblade Yuka made... Ratchet..." Ari added snickering to her gamergirl self.
[14:36] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "What about the giant tank rifle... ey" Remi quipped back.
[14:37] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan: Sorry, this vehicle entered service in 2032 and has ceased receiving upgrades since 2101, so it doesn't come standard with shielding. 
Moving on, what's the plan even?
[14:37] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "So its older than Rome; go it..." Ari quipped. (edited)
[14:37] Rockyeahh: William looks confused, "Plan?"
[14:40] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (final posts for today? next time we will head down to the surface... wasteland time woohoo)
[14:40] Rockyeahh: (nope, gonna sleep or some shit)
[14:40] Aya (Chan&Aurey): (I thought we already were on the ground
[14:40] Aya (Chan&Aurey): >-<
[14:40] Solar Tech Superhero: (Good here)
[14:40] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (where on a floating platform above ground)
[14:40] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (in the sky)
[14:41] Aya (Chan&Aurey): (Oh.
[14:42] Aya (Chan&Aurey): Chan: Sigh
This is going to be a long one

Aurey: Just tell me what you need, what we can't get from the SlamR we'll get from the SC.
[14:42] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <END SIM>

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The team had made its way to transports that took them down from Memorial Center to one of the Earth ground-based outposts. This place looked like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie. Mira had left the group to return her shuttle to the station but said she would be back later after bringing a few more runs down to the planet. As everyone slowly made their way down to the planet arriving to the Mastif personnel carriers and Aubrey as well as Chan's small support fighters Remi commented. "You know with a group like t his it totally feels like something is missing... Where are the mecha..." Ari went to the outposts security office to gather what intelligence she could on the area around them. In short, sandstorms, deformed monsters and barely livable conditions plagued this area.

The room was silent as everyone else entered. The commission officer continued to wait and after a short time he looked put out. "Wasn't the general supposed to be with you people?" he asked looking for Aidan not knowing that the man was not with the group.
[3:17 PM] Aya: Chan: I am not sure, he didn't come with us as far as I know.

Aurey: If you're looking for a general, then you don't have to look far.
[3:21 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The officer stared at Aurey not even knowing who she was. "Uh... Am I supposed to know who you are..." Mira smirked at the rather blunt reaction from the government's agent from the magic police. "So you are looking for General Thornton then; he stayed in orbit on New Haven." The man sighs. "We have an important matter to speak with someone in command about." He replies. "Well... the great Princess turned Queen is outside... and you do have officers from the fleet in orbit here; so... what is it you need or that is so important?"
[3:22 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (Didn't Nik come with?)
[3:23 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The man rolls his eyes and opens a door into one of the back rooms. (yes Nik did and Sumire is outside; plus Mira was also trying to encourage Aidan to come down too... who knows maybe he will come down eventually talk talk to Remi... either way yes people are here; who are "in charge" so pissed off guy should be less mad.)
[3:23 PM] Luni: as luni stood with mira she blinked as she looked around not knowing any faces or context on anything as she stood cuffed, hands behind her back
[3:26 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (I don't remember anyone asking him anything. Last I remember him and Mari were dancing.)
[3:28 PM] Aya: Chan whispers
Chan: What is up with that guy
[3:30 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The officer tilts his head looking in the other room to find no one and then noticing the girl who he was supposed to show them sanding WITH the group. The man mumbles. Mimi comes from behind the group in one of the corners of the room. "Don't have an aneurysm... Just let me do your job since you fail so badly at it... Anyway... Central has began assembling a new unit of gifted non-humans to assist you guys... She's the first of those recruited to it and will be working with you lot in Trinity." Mimi explained. "She's a pretty gifted engineer from what Sumimori and I have seen..." Mimi added. "Introduce yourself..." Mimi said to Luni.
[3:30 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Mira hadn't asked yet)
[3:33 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan was sick of desk duty, Walking to the mech bay, he punch in a command. Brutus wrapped around  him. "Bridge. Thornton. I'm stepping out for some fresh air as it were." He keyed in some other commands, and orbital insertion pack came out of storage and snapped into place. Opening bay door, he step out and fired the thruster heading for planet. (edited)
[3:34 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Trent acknowledged.
[3:36 PM] Luni: "My name is Luni, i'm a Rabbit Hybrid-- originally from the mining sector of titan, one of the moons in the solar system-- I was uhh caught stealing and building a construction drone while stuck on earth-- before all the bugs invaded, i was kinda living in a hole for months before seeing more signs of intelligent life"
[3:37 PM] Luni: she said admitting her entrance in a shame admitting her capture "but i can build repair and constructive machinery!"
[3:38 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The agent stared at Mimi but knowing who she was didn't speak his mind.  blowing his temper at the commander of the unit that oversaw his division even if she was just a tiny pipsqueak who could use gems better than the rest of them would end badly for his career. She was half his age to boot... He just left the room leaving the redhead to her business.
[3:38 PM] Luni: (character image posted in media gifs music for visual ref)
[3:40 PM] Aya: Chan whispering again
Chan: Didn't know they allow people this cute to join

Aurey: Stop acting like a lesbian, Chan

Chan: What? I'm not.
A.I. Serena: She does get quite intimate when talking with me.
Chan: S-shut up!
[3:40 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan had to admit it felt good to do something other than paperwork. There was for less blue than Aidan remembered. It might as well be a different planet. Using the comms link he received the telemetry from the away team shuttle and headed in that direction.
[3:41 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (Is mothra going chase him in a dogfight? )
[3:48 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Oh... How lovely" Mira winked catching on to Chan and Aurey's conversation and being her typical pervy self. She patted the new girl on the head. "This place needs more adorable non-combat personnel..." Mimi shrugs at the display between the group. "Well... that about covers it... Sumimori is arranging for your machine to be left with everyone here... I  heard they were recruiting more people for this thing... but command won't tell me much about it... When someone at my level can't even get details about what is happening... There should be some interesting times ahead for you guys..." Mimi went to leave the building. 

(What do you mean about something coming after  you; erm there is a task force of ships in orbit; once Aidan lands sure critters might notice giant robot and try to go "nom" but until that point any fun monsters would have to be brainless to attack him coming in orbit unless they actually want death.)
[3:51 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (or think he's a chew toy "BALL!" )
[3:51 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (I mean giant worm may consider him its new chewy teddy) (edited)
[3:51 PM] Aya: Chan: I... I will set up the quadcopter. I'll be right back
Chan leaves the building to prepare the quadcopter in front
[3:53 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Remi meanwhile still outside the building looks up. "This place is totally gunna get way too hot... Time to go inside... cause sand-wasteland sucks..." She then enters the building shortly after Mimi left.
[3:54 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: The more landscape Aidan passed over the more he hated it. Driving the thought from his mind, he tried to enjoy the 'flight'. Only a few miles from the location now.
[3:55 PM] Luni: "sand is the worst especially trying to get it out of your clothes gaahh im so glad to be out of that sandy hell hole" luni commented out of desert-spite
[3:56 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Aidan would see gigantic snakes that seemed like they were some genetic evolutionary monster combined with worms. This creature did not look pretty; nor did it seem friendly. It was traveling through the sand dunes in an attempt to find its next meal to consume.
[3:57 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "What the actual fuck?" Aidan swore inside his helmet. Bombarding the planet from orbit and starting over again popped into his head. "General Thornton to away team. Please respond"
[3:59 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Sumire having just entered the building did have her comms open. "The Prodigal son returns... Aidan-san; what say you?"
[3:59 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (If someone is breeding these as pets they might get  a lead lobotomty)
[4:01 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the worm was bombed it went into the sand deep hiding.
[4:01 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Prodigal?! I'm not the one that just went off on the away team without so much as a slap on the ass" He replied to Sumire.
[4:01 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (its like "no; I dont like bombs they arent food")
[4:03 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I'm being a tease... Besides how was I supposed to know you weren't coming down... Seemed Ari had the same thought... Anyway... What's up; I mean you usually dont use military frequencies for social calls  " She responded.
[4:04 PM] Aya: Aurey: Is that the general he was referring to?

Chan performs testflights with the quadcopter
[4:06 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As she flies into the air she sees a battle suit coming towards her and off in the distance a worm going INTO the sand to hide. (edited)
[4:06 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "I'm in charge. It gives me a bit of leeway to do what I want as long as it's not illegal." Aidan said.
[4:07 PM] Aya: Chan: Too big of a target for the drone, the battle suit however...
A.I. Serena: It's a friendly
Chan: Why do you always have to ruin the fun?
[4:08 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan added. "Besides, your arm broken? You could have sent me a note." He sent her a pic through VX with his tongue stuck out.
[4:09 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I don't need arms to send VX messages... Maybe that was all in my plan though; so I can be tied up later..." Remi teased more.
[4:09 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira replies all " "
[4:10 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "No; bad; no emoji time or sexy convos..." She adds.
[4:10 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: His targeting scanner popped over the quadcopter, the bean cannon deploying automatically since it's not sending and IFF. "Is the drone a friendly?"
[4:10 PM] Aya: A.I. Serena on the net: Kinky chick I'll tell you that much.
You shoot down that drone and someone is going to be very upset and will get even.
[4:12 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Sorinson here... It's an ally..." Mimi said with a sigh over the open channel.
[4:13 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (The communications officers are probably dying inside with the comm etiquette lol)
[4:16 PM] Luni: Luni look at the mira before asking "christ these worms have been out here for how long? i didnt remember seeing anything like those when i was hiding in my buildy cave" (edited)
[4:17 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Mimi is outside)
[4:17 PM] Luni: ( oh right sorry)
[4:17 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Mira is in the room though)
[4:19 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "There is two types... handheld ones and ones they lodge in your brain with an implant but yeah basically its a communicator, computer, scanner... it does all sorts of things. You've seen these worm things before... What do they do?" Mira asked her. (edited)
[4:20 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: ~roll 1d20
[4:20 PM] 
@Solar Tech Superhero Dice rolled: 11 - 20
11 + 0 - 0 = 11
[4:20 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Mira answered both her questions)
[4:20 PM] Aya: Aurey turns to Luni with interest
[4:21 PM] Luni: "thats what i was wanting to know, ive never seen them, ive seen the bugs but not these-- are they new? did someone bring them?" she asked gesticulating as much as she could within her cuffs, looking back and forth to Aurey and Mira (edited)
[4:21 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan lands with not some much as grace but at least without falling flat or planting himself. He kneels down and disengages the orbital pack, then stores Brutus appearing in normal bdu's. (edited)
[4:25 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Ey guard guy make yourself useful..." Mira ordered into the side room. The agent comes out with another sigh and removes Luni's restraints then goes back into his office closing the door. "Such a baby... He couldn't be all like... I'm military dude get at me so now he's gunna whine and cry..." Aidan arrives at the door and it opens itself. Mira waves. Remi pats him on the head. "Aidan-san." she said as if this meeting were somehow normal and commonplace. (edited)
[4:27 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: He shot he a brief look, but played along. "I hope you at least missed me." he whispered.
[4:27 PM] Aya: Aurey turns towards Aiden. Chan walking back inside as the heat is unforgiving and Serena advised her to head back
Chan: Welcome back (edited)
[4:28 PM] Luni: she stretches out her arms and shoulders as their achy-ness goes away "perhaps those creature werent in my region back there" as she held her own bushy tail for comfort
[4:29 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Thank you." Aidan replied. "Can I get an update?"
[4:31 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Remi patted Aidan more then the pats changed into a hug. "Of course you were missed; I'm not a psychopath like my father... I don't send my family away willingly...." Mira replied as he asked a question and the couple embraced. "Well this is one of the reconstruction outpost villages... Pretty much earth is without better words; fucked to hell... This girl here was assigned to our unit by the Alchemy Commission... Apparently they will be sending us more unique individuals too... As for your problem; no idea... no reports on t hose worm things; I didn't see them coming in for a landing last time."
[4:34 PM] Aya: Aurey: I'll have Serena linked up to the SlamR incase we need a bit more than we have ourselves. 
Chan: Serena doesn't care about danger close
Aurey gave Chan a glare who quickly backed down
[4:35 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan held his breath, then blew it out. "So I guess the question is can it be recovered or is it permanently screwed."
[4:36 PM] Aya: Aurey: More like it needs new management.
[4:37 PM] Luni: "i mean that drone i built can rebuild what we need, as for fight it can only do what you could with a plasma welder.. if you had 8 arms" luni added offering what she could
[4:38 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Without lag Aidan shot back, "then it needs an upgrade."
[4:39 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Maybe Skynet would have more information on that piece..." Remi proposed not knowing how to reach the computer though. "Usually Gainz or Lily are who got me in touch with it." (edited)
[4:39 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: He thought about it and added. "Sorry, this hits close to home for me. To see the Earth ravaged, raped, and beaten is a struggle for me."
[4:40 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Then let's find that interface." Aidan offered.
[4:41 PM] Aya: Aurey: I was born in Switzerland.
Chan: I lived on Earth till the evacuation and got separated.
[4:41 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Black Vegeta and space warship interface girl lol)
[4:42 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Thornton to Trent. Launch enough probes to get a complete and accurate picture of the planet as it is now."
[4:43 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Lavie here; understood General; scanning is underway." The tactical officer responded.
As the tactical officer scans Remi asks. "How should we reach out to the old... supercomputer... anyway?" Mira and Maki were just waiting. Mira; as per typical; since nothing was happening now and people were no longer misusing the comm channel now was fiddling around with her tablet drawing something.
[11:09 AM] Tuncecine: (if you scroll up a bit he did answer that)
[11:10 AM] Jack Pine: (so rolling heavy alright)
[11:10 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (yeah; fighting giant monsters planetside; I think Aidan brought Brutus)
[11:11 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (there are construction mechs everywhere; its a wasteland right now)
[11:12 AM] Tuncecine: Ryuji is equipped with a lightweight smg Prome on his shoulder "well if its in space A ship might work, if its on land, depends on whether or not its hostile to us I assume, maybe pinging some wireless signals to figure whether or not its still receiving them?" (edited)
[11:15 AM] Aya: Aurey is working with her omni-tool while leaning against the wall, silent but observant

Chan places her disruptor cannon on the ground, placing her arms on the stock and leaning on it
Chan: So far the drone hasn't detected anything on optics and sensors up to 16km/10mi.
[11:16 AM] Jack Pine: Jack was standing by, donned in power armor and a heavier weapon then the standard rifle. If the wildlife was big, he figured it was best to pack as if big game hunting. Not that he was sure who was hunting who here anymore, but he also wasn't keen on a lengthy search mission either in all of this. "I mean we'll know soon enough if it tries to bite us. Best to be prepared and armed for if it is, more then not being prepared at all.", came his casual reply as he looked out over the sands from the viewport.
[11:16 AM] Solar Tech Superhero: (I know aidan is with Remi but I forgot where nick is) (edited)
[11:20 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Huh... Wireless... Does that thing even accept wireless signals; how far down is it..." Remi asked then Mira just turned her tablet around showing an app; it was a map. It was showing topographical scans of the planet layer by layer. It was over what used to be islands. "Satellites my dear Princess. the Skynet computer is underneath the former mass of land that was the japanese islands. In some sort of underground installation..." She shrugged. "Trying not to get eaten is a good idea though... heh..." Mira added.
[11:20 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Nick is with the group)
[11:21 AM] Solar Tech Superhero: Nick added, "well at least I don't taste very good. One point for the artificial life forms."
[11:24 AM] Tuncecine: "I mean, if it wanted to communicate with the outside it would need some part of it that was sticking out to send and receive signals right? if my research on this topic is up to date there could still be some old satellites we can bounce off of to even see if its up and running." Ryuji said trying to go through his thought process to help locate the computer and reach out to it "if there isn't any signals then it would be a plug in and we'd have to find where it was located."
[11:25 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It did have to communicate with its ships..." Maki said.
[11:27 AM] Jack Pine: "Doesn't have to be big either, just small relay that pokes up from the dirt. So getting an orbital image may be hard, depending on how big the relay was made for top side information access.", Jack added, just tossing into the conversation while on lookout. He didn't have much else to do until they started moving, but it was helpful for passing the time. And it helped him feel included beyond standing muscle.
[11:27 AM] Solar Tech Superhero: "If we could have the Repulse act as a relay. Not sure how much signal gets inside." Nik said using his scanning device. (edited)
[11:28 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (the ship is under refit at jupiter's shipyards though; so would need to use the other ships)
[11:29 AM] Aya: Aurey was still on her omni-tool, holding it a bit closer to her as she was on a confidential communications channel

Chan: Yeah I agree with not wanting to be eaten... Hmmm, if the Lavie isn't enough I can ask Serena if we can boost the signal with the Judgemaker or attempt a surface scan.

[A.I] Serena: I won't be able to provide fire support or transport for the duration of the scan, sending a strong enough signal may also draw unwanted attention. (edited)
[11:30 AM] Jack Pine: (was any of that audible to anyone else?)
[11:30 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Could use her ship to communicate with Skynet; that works)
[11:30 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (but yeah good question)
[11:30 AM] Jack Pine: (because i have an idea to add if so)
[11:31 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (also @Luni your girl is here; since shes an engineer she might be able to add to this conversation)
[11:31 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (I dont know if you remembered if she was here or not so figured id point that out)
@Jack Pine
(was any of that audible to anyone else?)
[11:34 AM] Aya: (The communication module Chan and Serena talk through is on her neural interface and is usually only audible for Chan, also allowing her to communicate by just thought/her mind. But in this case as it is a team discussion and not a solo or stealth topic/mission it is audible through a speaker on her disruptor cannon which also has a sensitive mic that's almost always on. TL;DR: Serena's reply is audible and she can hear everyone else in the room and those adjacent)
[11:35 AM] Jack Pine: (gucci, working on reply now)
[11:36 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (so its like the VX; comm in thier head but outputtable through a device if needed)
[11:36 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (good to know)
[11:37 AM] Jack Pine: "If you're worried about attention. You could have the ship send out two probes, have them relay the signal, and use tight beam to transfer the connection between them. Three points will help triangulate the origin, and sending the signal by probes draws the attention to them and not the ship.", he offered after overhearing the discussion.
[11:38 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Aren't we assuming this computer is our ally; uh... why secretly talk to it or hide ourselves... It could attack us right now if it wanted to could it not>" Maki posed
[11:39 AM] Jack Pine: "Just incase anyone else is around that isn't I suppose.", Jack replied.
[11:39 AM] Tuncecine: "wouldn't it be easier to use on field resources? I'm sure there are still some things in orbit we could use instead of your ship."
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
(so its like the VX; comm in thier head but outputtable through a device if needed)
[11:39 AM] Aya: (Comparable yes)
[11:39 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {BRB}
[11:41 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {back}
[11:42 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Remi looks to Aidan "Thoughts?"
[11:47 AM] Jack Pine: (brb, gonna grab a sandwich)
[11:48 AM] Solar Tech Superhero: (Wait. I thought he two were separate groupd?)
[11:48 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {nop}
[11:49 AM] Aya: Chan puts one hand to her chin as she thinks
Chan: Serena?

Serena: The suggestion sounds viable. Our limpet drones are able to send and receive data albeit very limited, the limpets are specialised and only capable of managing one type of task reliably. I can not guarantee that it'll be successful or I'll have to dump a lot of them to be accurate and reliable enough.
[11:49 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: }Remi was outsidde; }
[11:51 AM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan smirked. "Mostly dirty.  But I guess we should find the group and see what is going on, unless you have a better idea."
[11:52 AM] Luni: (oooh gotcha i just came back from cooking jp curry)
[11:54 AM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Okay... Then I guess lets do it... have your ship open a link with the skynet computer so we can find out more of whats actually happening..." Remi replied after Aidan's comment.
[11:57 AM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan opened the comms. "Thornton to bridge. Trent, launch a few micro satellite relays  blanketing the area. We need a high bandwidth connection to attempt a few things. Let's keep an eye on incoming back to the ship though. I don't want any shenanigans effecting the ship."
[12:00 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Trent had the Repulse deply a couple of the small relays and linked them to both the repulse and the other ships in the fleet in the event comm trouble occurred. "Connection escablished General."
[12:01 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {Forgive the shit spelling lol taablet keyboard_
[12:02 PM] Jack Pine: "Should only need two, they just need to send then receive. It should work if task managed correctly, just might take slightly longer.", Jack replied to aurey and the AI. Those were some annoying limitations, but it could work if handled properly in order of task.
[12:03 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuji just scratched his chin and surveyed the area silently patrolling around the group, being probably one of the more quiet of the group.
[12:03 PM] M82A1: (am here now bleh)
[12:04 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Outside of town one of the aligator bug things approached screatching.
[12:04 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {Creature hungy; wantss nom nom town}
[12:05 PM] Jack Pine: "hey general, we got company."
[12:06 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {fifteen minutes}
[12:06 PM] Jack Pine: (until what?)
[12:08 PM] Aya: Serena: Copy, launching limpets
Serena launched a volley of eight limpets to boost the relays' signals

Serena: Picking up hostile audio

Chan picks up her disruptor cannon, activating it
Chan: I'll need time to charge this thing. (a turn)
[12:09 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Repulse, we may need some CAS. Something thinking we are snacks." Aidan sent to the ship. He sent the command as the large cannon on his should swung into place.
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
(the ship is under refit at jupiter's shipyards though; so would need to use the other ships)
[12:11 PM] M82A1: (this)
[12:11 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The creature enters town as construction mechs flee. The creature rolls walking on its legs upsidedown licking the ground with a hallow tube that was sucking things inside of it; it seemed to be a tonuge... somewhat.
[12:11 PM] M82A1: (Murasashi and Ardent Dawn are available for tasking though)
[12:12 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: {Its turn is consuming sand]
[12:13 PM] Jack Pine: Jack withdraws a AT launcher from VX storage and moves to take aim.
[12:14 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki buffs the group.
[12:16 PM] Tuncecine: "perhaps some loud noises, animals tend to be scared off from loud noises."
[12:18 PM] Jack Pine: Jack looks at Aidan with brutus, and his AT launcher. "Think these are loud enough?"
[12:19 PM] Tuncecine: "if you back it into a corner it may attack so try not to surround it."
[12:20 PM] Aya: Chan moves to the roof of the building, having her quadcopter provide her cannon and HUD lenses with targeting data, she puts the alligator bug into the cannon's sights while watching the charging level rise

She has her quadcopter fire a burst with its minigun as it moves parallel to the town's border, moving from right to left. Chan wanted the creature to move a predictable trajectory as well as having its attention away from what would hopefully be its impeding doom
[12:23 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The creature snarls and sucks in more sand then as bullets fly at it spews sand at a building where Chan is blinding the building but not its roof. The blinding missed the rest of the group though as it was too far away (no roll since it totally missed lol).} The creature rolls back to its front approaching the  building licking it as it is its pray.
[12:23 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (oh fyi this thing doesnt have eyes)
[12:24 PM] Jack Pine: "Clear back blast! Firing!", Jack announced as he checked behind him, then fired the AT rocket at the approaching bug.
[12:24 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ~roll 1d20
[12:24 PM] 
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡ Dice rolled: 11 - 20
9 + 0 - 0 = 9
[12:25 PM] Jack Pine: ( i roll as well?)
[12:25 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: yes
[12:25 PM] Jack Pine: ~roll 1d20
[12:25 PM] 
@Jack Pine Dice rolled: 11 - 20
20 + 0 - 0 = 20
[12:25 PM] M82A1: (thats a crit?)
[12:26 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The creature is hit in its middle which causes it to explode in a mass of guts and green goo. They splasy all over the building that was still blinded in spite of it being a building and not being able to see anyway.
[12:28 PM] Tuncecine: "...." ryuji stands there looking about "well we can stop thinking about making it retreat."
[12:28 PM] Aya: Chan drops to the ground to avoid being hit by the incoming mass, her cannon now fully charged which she keeps it that way incase there was more to come, recalling her quadcopter to go back on a search pattern
[12:29 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (more final posts?_
[12:31 PM] Jack Pine: Jack standing up, set the spent tube to the side, "Well that was a lot more effective then expected. I should pack these more often, hahaha!" Reloading the launcher, he restored it before dipping back in. "So uh yeah, that was a highlight."
[12:33 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Totally murdering any hostile thing is a good idea... Yeah lets not ever let anything survive..." Mira commented sarcastically.
[12:35 PM] Aya: Serena: That was quite spectacular even from up here
Chan: Nice shot, you were slightly faster than me.

Aurey put up a slight smile, still on her omni-tool as she continues to communicate with the, to the others, unknown party
[12:36 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <END SIM>

[Moving on to Season 5 mission 1 to continue the search and helping restore Earth.]

] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the group continues to travel towards their destination in search of Skynet night had appeared. They would still be traveling for awhile... and so the jeeps stopped. Maki got out of her jeep and began to set up camp. "She really doesn't talk much" Mira thought as she watched the girl unpack and prepare tents in silence. By the time Mira got out to offer help two of the three tents were already set up. Mira decided to get a fire going; that much she knew how to do with the time she and her past love spent on that planet. Earth was peaceful at night even if it was known there were creatures underground and other monsters wandering the desert. Once the fire was prepared Mira sat cross legged observing Maki as she looked over her work with the tents. Mira then began to draw as he mind wandered into her memories of her past and equally as peaceful experiences as this... Which there was not many of for her... At least on land as until recently she had never really experienced any of this.
March 29, 2022
[10:30 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuuji  would give a small patrol of the camp, noting any animal tracks or distinct smells that indicate typical animal territory. Once he finished his patrol he'll begin prepping Two unit shifts making sure people with problems and couples don't get the same shift. everyone had an equal time of watch who would go on watch.
[10:43 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira continued to draw as she observed those around her going about their work. She wished that her ship had a crew like this back when she ran her own missions; but her little ship always had limited space given all her gear that was required to keep her alive. At least she was somewhere now where she could be useful and also not the one everyone took care of... That was good... Maki prepared cocoa and drank watching Mira draw in silence as Remi; being ordered pretty much by her subordinates to keep watch just sat on the back hatch of one of the jeeps looking around while she considered the lowering temperatures. "I should have brought more guards......" Remi said to herself.
[10:56 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuuji will go into his backpack, grabbing a brown pack from it, he uses a knife to cut it open neatly and digs around inside of it pulling out a bar of some sort and handing it over to Maki before he pulls out a couple of packs and an empty bag, he put one of the bags into the empty back along with a small container of something and filled it partly with water as he propped the bag beside his chair as he sits besides Maki "did you get a different candy,  I'm not feeling chocolate today."
[11:00 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "mmm?" Maki replied to him handing Ryu a few malt sweets from one of her ppockets. She apparently kept candies from her ration packs when she did not want them. There were various types in her bag from protein bars, malt candies and chocolates to hard candies and even caramels. "You guys run a drug ring of rations don't you... I haven't seen that much variety of things... since... Rim worlds...?" Mira commented as she drew the two exchanging candies.
[11:12 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuuji eats one of the malts and looks at Mira before responding "Nah, they're from home, kind of perfect on nights like this and it tastes much better then the bars served on the ship." he put his old ration cup  over the fire heating up water for his coffee "Having food that reminds one of home helps morale as well as food that isn't just bars of protein vitamins and such can also help morale I'm more surprised to see everyone here being okay with bars."
[11:17 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Imagine my life; the only thing I had to look forward to in my medically secluded cage was what the internet would bring me on that day, what sludge the food machine would generate and if my caretaker would grant me a moment of their time. Being caged really isn't fun... I would totally get how eating the same thing over and over again day by day would make you want to kill someone with the glass from your tablet's screen... Or in this case hardened plastic... it can still be a good improvised weapon if sharpened..." She joked.

(A short time passes)

The jeeps were loaded back up and ready to leave with it being early morning or late night depending on who you asked; traveling at 2 am by some considerations would still be night but... burning the midnight oil. Maki was already prepared to drive by the time everyone and everything was loaded.
[3:27 PM] Tuncecine: (on a side note, Ryuuji is carrying  a Smaller caliber Sub machinegun which is why jack is the gunner he has the big boy gun.)
 Ryuuji  got in his car and started getting everything else ready making sure people were in seats and stuff was properly stowed through out the Vehicle.
[3:29 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira downloaded maps into the computers of the jeeps so the drivers had more effective positioning; as opposed to "turn ∞" forever.
[3:31 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Nik and Aidan traded places back at the camp. Niklas could run all night in Brutus, but The marine needed sleep. He felt more naked than usual with the mental and physical cocoon power armor provided.
[3:33 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (he just wants to see all  his harem be honest; its why hes out of the ironman suit)
[3:33 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (that too)
[3:34 PM] Jack Pine: Jack watched the horizons as he rested on the roll cage of the jeep, his lmg snap mounted to the bar. (save a turn for gunner boy)
[3:38 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Once everything was set Maki led the way driving towards the Skynet base being told "continue same direction" by the lovely programmed GPS not seeing their surroundings as an ocean anymore.
[3:41 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuji followed after Maki in his own jeep looking around to keep a general eye out for any traps natural or otherwise
[3:44 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Like any soldier, if you could sleep, you slept. Aidan was in the middle seat, out like a light.
[3:47 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The group would occasionally see batlike bird things that resembled vultures. They seemed to be looking for the dead to consume. They did not seem interested in the metal moving boxes traveling past them. Plus the boxes contents weren't close enough to death; except maybe Mira to be tasty enough for them to attempt to risk themselves for a meal.
[3:51 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The group moves past a giant cavern in the what once was sea; it goes down quite far into magma. Falling down there would... not be survivable.
[3:54 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As nobody was saying much Mira just recorded what was happening outside taking pictures, making video and just doing content creator type things so she had shit to use for later. Plus how often did you see giant crevasses that led to steaming magma shooting fissures (edited)
[3:56 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Once the group passed these marvels of the past seabed the encountered a snake that was as large as a small town in vertical length; it kept going up and down into the sand. it seemed to have noticed their moving but was ignoring them; for now. (edited)
[3:59 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: A bump jarred Aidan out of sound sleep. "would someone tell me why we didn't just teleport over? SHIT." (edited)
[4:01 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I dont know." Mira replied.
[4:02 PM] Tuncecine: "isn't it a potentially malfunctioning AI? do you really want to beam into a potential bullet hell?"
[4:04 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "So; not being dead..." Mira replied. "Yeah; arriving as non-corpses would be good; I've been close to death; I'd rather not actually see what dying feels like."
[4:05 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "while I don't disagree Mira, we could get with dealing distance."
[4:06 PM] Tuncecine: "I think this was the closest we could get but I'm no engineer."
[4:06 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I make maps and drive ships; you think me a military strategist..." Mira joked (edited)
[4:07 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Are we there yet?" Aidan quipped as he rolled to one side and attempt to sleep again. (edited)
[4:11 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The jeeps arrive at an ice path; there was sand then gravel... then... ice... this was no normal ice though; it was acidic radioactive ice. radioactivity emitted from it.
[4:12 PM] Tuncecine: (extreme levels of radiation ice specifically as I had to ask)
[4:14 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan and swappedNik back so the human was protected. "Who here doesn't have power armor? Aidan asked. (edited)
[4:16 PM] Tuncecine: "I don't  have any sort of radiation protection, but lets back up Ice from my knowledge doesn't typically hold radiation so there might be a lot of activated uranium in there." Ryuuji will begin to back the car up to a safer distance.
[4:19 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki follows letting Ryuji lead since at this point the tactical leadership was in the other jeep; she didn't understand radioactive fallout, toxic waste or diseases caused by said stuff; she'd differ to the experts.
[4:20 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "So that leaves myself, Nik, and....." Aidan asked
[4:22 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Um... I dont think anyone here brought those..." Mira commented.
[4:24 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "Then we stop and have the ship send down enough sets of level 2 armor I don't like the idea of radiation sickness. Unless someone else has a better idea?" (edited)
[4:25 PM] Tuncecine: "could we not detour around it? I think we are basically grounded ."
[4:26 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: "How large a detour?
[4:27 PM] Tuncecine: "large enough so we aren't getting a third arm?"
[4:28 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It wouldn't kill us to go around..." Mira said checking the map.
[4:31 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The group decides to go around the radioactive death puddle and continues on their journey getting closer to the skynet base and what once was the islands of Japan.
[4:33 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (final posts since we are about hitting the time I said we would do)
[4:35 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (all good here)
[4:36 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuji keeps driving for now and looks up at the powersuit  radioing in "Good hustle general,  would of been a perfect answer with power suits it seems we have to be much lower tech for this trip though."

 ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <start>
Maki follows behind Ryu just following as her vehicle moves. Mira meanwhile was now in the back having put her drawing tablet away to engage in conversation if anyone wanted.
[3:18 PM] Aya: Chan remains sat in the back, Disruptor cannon ready. Aurey meanwhile ensured constant communications with UKG SlamR
[3:20 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The radioactive acid ice continued to imitates radioactivity as the group passes by it avoiding the deadly nuclear radiation as its toxicity continued to be menacing to its surroundings.
[3:21 PM] Tuncecine: "Does everyone always go out in such heavy arsenal?... are all of you genetically modified or something?" Ryuji asks his passengers as he drives  around the death ice's area of radiation.
[3:24 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira shrugs. “Uh… I’m not THAT modified… eh… the tech shit inside me just keeps my body in check and kills intruders… it’s not like I can punch through walls or shoot shit out of my hands or lift a jeep… like some people…”
[3:24 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (and both Nik and Aidan are in the other jeep correct?)
[3:25 PM] Tuncecine: (up to you at the end of the day I think its up to you but once you pick you can't switch we ain't mad maxxing this bitch.) (edited)
[3:26 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Rem is in maki jeep hiding from Ryu lol)
[3:27 PM] Aya: Chan: My modifications aren't that extreme, if you want to stand a chance at survival with certain foes the choice is quickly made. And this gun packs its weight.
Aurey remains quiet and wary
[3:29 PM] Tuncecine: Ryuji will nod and pop a malt ball in his mouth "Sorry where I'm from even those modifications are extreme."
[3:30 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: Nik piped up. "I'm only modified in the sense that I am no longer human. Android body now. Not by choice but it beats old age."
[3:30 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Without hers Mira is bubble girl lol)
[3:30 PM] Solar Tech Superhero: (Nik with Ryuji, Aidan with the other jeep) (edited)
[3:34 PM] Tuncecine: "I think the most modified thing about me is that replacement lung I have and that chip that was shot into my neck." ryuji commented while he continues driving keeping a lookout for anything that might rock the jeep too much while they drove.
[3:35 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The vehicles approach a marker on the gps. Nothing really seem to be different then anything else because now they were just back in deserts. The giant worm from before seemed to purposefully be avoiding where they were going. Of course it would be though trying to engage in battle against a technological death city defended by a planet sized artificial intelligence would end badly for the creature. “The chip thing is normal here… it’s how people interface with virtual reality, pay for things and other such stuff I mean there are some people who still carry around a little tablets like me but for the most part people just use their stuff on the little chip in their head.”
[3:36 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira replied
[3:36 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Smart creature is smart it’s learned to avoid underground city lol)
[3:38 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Gainz what would skynets automated defenses do detecting these jeeps approaching it)
[3:38 PM] Aya: Chan: Ehhh, we have a bit more implanted into our head, it's a ne-
Chan gets a whack from Aurey, which makes her shut up
[3:41 PM] Tuncecine: "I was not given a choice of the tablet." Ryuji hears the smack and then says out loud "Also if you hit any of your fellow soldiers while we approach I will make sure everyone in this jeep gives me fifty laps when we get back to the ship, without augments, except the ones that keep you breathing of course.

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M] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <START SIM> As the jeeps parked and the midday sun was beating down on the group Remi got out of the jeep she was in looking around. "Well... as the stories said it is most definitely underground cause there isn't shit all here... The big question is... where and how to get down there cause it couldn't be as easy as just beaming ourselves down there... I mean; that is why we traveled all this way... attempting not to be vaporized by some fun security system..." She shrugged.
[1:07 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (cause becoming mist would have been totally fun  )
[1:08 PM] Aya: Chan: I can send my quadcopter to scout ahead, it has an array of optics and sensors and lightly armed should we run into trouble.
[1:10 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Yeah but like she said... down... uh... There is no accessway down... just sand everywhere..." Mira said referring to a three dimensional representation of the area around them in holographic form. There was sand, more sand and critters... no way down from what was currently visible.
[1:13 PM] Tuncecine: "Not even a front door?" ryuji rubbed his chin lightly " how does it vent out hot air? perhaps the vent is cloaked?"
[1:15 PM] Aya: Aurey listens on the conversation, seeing if the others can find a way themselves
[1:15 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It is a giant computer that created human AI constructs to control warships and a superpowered genetic clone of a guy... so I would assume it and its designers were not stupid... I mean... venting, cooling there would have to be something... like you said..." Mira replied.
[1:16 PM] Aya: Chan: I could use my disruptor cannon to clear a decent area of sand. I'm just worried it's going to attract monsters.
[1:16 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (and possibly its automated defenses)
[1:17 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (you know stuff usually doesnt respond well to being shot at)
[1:17 PM] Tuncecine: "It might be designed to blend into the enviroment, I'm not sure what materials you use now a days but vents are usually metal, maybe a good ol fashion metal detector?"
[1:18 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I'm not an engineer..." Mira said with a shrug in reply to Ryuji.
[1:20 PM] Tuncecine: "I mean searching for nearby metal might be a good start or, if we are close enough to it, maybe it can still get some connection to it."
[1:22 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Well... Has anyone been in contact with the ships recently... are the relay points set up?" Mira posed the question
[1:22 PM] Aya: Aurey: I got it.

Aurey set her Omni-tool to act as a Magnetic Anomaly detector. Scanning the terrain
[1:33 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the relay sends a signal a girl who looks similar to Lily appears in front of the group. "Why are you here?" Remi looks over the exact copy of the girl she met. "People started building stuff on earth again." "It's not done yet. This planet isn't safe for you" "You could say that again... Like radioactive death, massive temperature differences... no water... Monsters everywhere." "Then why did humanity come back?" "There is atmosphere." "On 10 percent of the planet. We're still working. This place won't be good to use for a very long time; equal to human lifetimes." The girl told remi.
[1:35 PM] Tuncecine: "I think a signal got beamed to the ship." Ryuji said looking at the girl going through her veritable swiss army knife of tools.
[1:37 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Skynet still has a lot of work to do here. You are taking time away from our work. Earth is not safe for recolonization yet." The blonde stated again rather bluntly.
[1:40 PM] Aya: Chan: Any way to accelerate that?
[1:42 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The girl does not respond to that question.
[1:43 PM] Tuncecine: "I've seen enough action movies to know accelerating things like that usually don't go well, Like cooking a chicken  at a thousand degrees to cook it faster."
[1:44 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "RIP?" Mira replied.
[1:45 PM] Aya: Chan: Serena, go through the Guardian data, see if you can find anything useful.

Serena: Looking for a way to cook a chicken at a million degrees to insta-cook it? On it ma'am.
[1:46 PM] Tuncecine: "Don't do that, it will catch fire."
[1:47 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Remi stared at the clone of Lily "So basically all the randoms who came down here are fucked and stuck to surviving like they are ants being crushed by a shoe?" "Yes."
[1:49 PM] Tuncecine: "So because people are going to be people, maybe we design essentially biodomes for those who want to stay? perhaps some electric fences to keep the critters out?" Ryuji shrugged a bit
[1:52 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "People adapt." Maki coined as if on point with Ryu. The Lily clone shakes her head. "Don't humans have an entire galaxy to colonize... what is so important about this specific rock; why not wait for it to be properly rebuilt?" "Nostalgia." Remi replied. "But... if  you have your historical documents and there is nothing here... what is nostalgic about a sand covered, radioactive wasteland... I do not understand the logic of this." "Nostalgia." remi repeated again.
[1:54 PM] Tuncecine: "People are quite fond of the places they were from, or things they tried, even if its not nearly as good as they remember, there will probably be more of them."
[1:56 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Leaving until it is done would be the best alternative response. It isn't advisable to be here. If humanity stays we cannot be liable for what occurs." The clone states.
[1:57 PM] Tuncecine: "Listen, you have your databanks full of how humanity is right? they called for special forces to come here, they'll keep calling for someone and you'll have this conversation over and over, if you offer a safe zone for them to travel to you'll be saving more time then having to explain this over and over again
[2:00 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Your scientists found our underground city; there is space there for scientific personnel and some others but space is limited. We would recommend transporting to there as it is not safe to open our accessways. Too much uncertainty of how stable the areas around them are." The skynet computer transmits coordinates for beam in to the ship that sent the transmission first.
[2:06 PM] Tuncecine: "Would it be fine to say build a city nearby? having them around and Militiatized might help with your own Security too. I don't know who else we would talk to about this, I'm just the guy they hired to find problems and solve them, usually through violence."
[2:07 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Humanity can build wherever it likes; we just cannot guarantee safety."
[2:10 PM] Tuncecine: "Well another case solved."
[2:12 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Okay... So talk with the reconstruction leadership... and build if that's what they want..." Remi shrugged. The clone didn't respond as there was nothing else to say. The crew would need to report back the situation to command and move on from here... Whatever that meant.
[2:12 PM] ♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <END SIM>

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