Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection

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Ari was now in her office after finishing things up on Earth II. Most of the crew should be returning by this point and the group would be ready to leave on a mission again. At least this one was less shoot first and ask questions later than usual. They were searching for someone now. It would be pretty low key compared to their usual missions. It was the 25th now; she wished that she could stay for her upcoming birthday but alas duty called. She would not be a very good commander if she didn't do her duty even if she didn't want to.

Meanwhile knowing that they would be leaving soon Ayano had the flight deck personnel secure all the mechs and flight gear.

All the while Maki was also on the flight deck but staring out of the bay at the planet in front of her. it looked so small in comparison to when she was on it. The emotionally inept girl just observed the planet from space marveling at it.
Desiree's shuttle arrived in the flight deck, she had been watching it from one of the viewports as the shuttle made its approach. She had just graduated from the Military Academy, and was looking forward to seeing how life was going to be on the Lavie.
As the shuttle landed one of the flight officers secured the shuttle and the pilot opened the shuttle door stepping out.
A giant of a man entered the flight deck as he stretched a bit looking around for someone he could talk to, he need to report his invention and he didn't know what had happened while he was in his creation isolation so he needed to ask for info
Desiree grabbed her things, and as soon as she was able, she stepped out of the shuttle. She saw a few of the mechs, and considered the idea that maybe she made a mistake in not becoming a pilot. She made her way over to Maki who seemed to not be doing much in the flight deck, and tapped her on the shoulder. "You wouldn't by chance know the quickest route to the bridge would you?" she asked with a French accent.
"Oh..." Maki turned to her. She nodded without speaking and started to lead the way without any other visible reaction.
Owain continues to scan the military personal to find both the least busy and the highest ranked person he could talk to, and he guesses Ayano since she was ordering people around he walked up to her and spoke "Excuse me miss, hopefully I haven't caught command at a bad time but I recently made some new toys for the boys as it was and hoping you would know where the commander is and what has happened in the past few months."
Desiree followed Maki, keeping pace with her. She thought she'd just get directions, but wasn't going to say no to an escort. "My name's Desiree Allard, what's yours?" She asked introducing herself.
Ayano look at Owain; him assuming he was command personnel. She smiled. "You think I'm in charge... I just pilot death robots for this poor place... As for where the Admiral and General are... I assume; if they are on the ship they would be in their office or at the bridge." Ayano shrugs then asks Lumi. "Computer where is Rear Admiral Ari Mizriki?" "She is currently in her office." The system explains. Maki had arrived at a lift by the time she responded to Desiree. "Makigisa Tahoshi." Her response was blank and lacking emotion.
Owain very much in civilian clothes smiles "Thank you miss when I asked the computer said something about clearance." he will then walk towards Ari mizriki's office which he should know unless the ship somehow changed interior designs
"Pleasure to meet you," Desiree replied and offered her hand and smiled at Maki as she was lead to the lift. As soon as the lift doors opened, she stepped inside. "I hope I haven't interrupted you on anything important."
Owain caught the lift that Desiree and Maki was on. As Desiree seemed worried about interupting something Maki was doing she shook her head no. "The stars will always be there." She replied blankly. Maki looked at Owain. he seemed too happy; or enthralled about whatever he was doing. She wondered why he was so joyous. Better yet who was he...
"Deck 2." Maki told the lift almost forgetting to tell it where she wanted to go.
Owain waved to the two of them "I am also going to deck two, my name is owain a pleasure to meet you two."
"Desiree," Desiree replied introducing herself to Owain with a friendly smirk, "I'm the new Security Officer."
"Owain... What do you do?" Maki asked.
"I invent things, mostly, an engineer and inventor I believe the ship is still running on an engine I helped build."
"Really?" Desiree asked curiously looking at Owain with her cybernetic eyes. She was impressed that someone who built parts of the ship being among the crew.
"Yeah the alchemy commission set me up here to help if the engine breaks and to keep me safe while I make more things."
"Oh; you work for that place too like Mimi Sorinson; so you are part of the magic police here... But its science division." Owain doing stuff with magic instantly interested Maki.
"haha, I have to get tell the commander my new invention, if you are lucky you two might be the ones to test them out." he laughed heartily
"Oh?" Desiree spoke after hearing Owain laugh heartily. The idea of testing a new invention peaked her curiosity, as did Maki mentioning Magic Police. "What is your new invention?"
"hopefully if I can get them to function for the everyman, magic guns."
"Well I'll definitely be volunteering to test that."
The lift arrives on deck 2. Maki leads the way to a door close to the lift pressing the call button; she was getting better at understanding this place. "Enter." Ari said. Maki walked in leading the other two. "Magic research has been completed." Maki said to her apparent new commander since she and Ryuji wouldn't be home for awhile.
"Also a new recruit has arrived." Maki said to her saluting. Ari waves away the salute.
"Well more like one of my ideas while I work on my main project but if it goes well it would be easier access to a magic corp amoung other things."
Desiree followed Maki all the way to the Captain's Office. Upon entering the office, she stood at full attention. She saluted along with Maki, and dropped it after Ari waved away. "Ensign Desiree Allard reporting for duty," She spoke
Ari nodded. Ensign Allard; I was informed you would be joining us. You are a replacement for the fact that Seleni is on maternity leave and so we needed another body to handle team ones security detail. In short You'll be working security for our tactical unit." She then looks to Owain. "Wasn't I still the chief of security when you last came up for air... How do you actually survive in your lab?"
"I have a replicator in there, an industrial one, and about a thousand cup noodles." owain replied
"I actually came out because I need to restock my gems if we are at a place where they can be acquired"
"Aye Ma'am," Desiree replied as Ari spoke of her assignment on the ship. She figured she'd be given a new task once Seleni was back on full duty.
"Oh; I can contact AC command... We are over Earth II right now. hence the new girl." Ari said to Owain. "If you need bodies for your research these two don't any assignment until we get to our mission location; so feel free to use the girls; hell with gems I'd even be interested in seeing what this does." Ari said.
Desiree just eyed at Maki as  Ari basically volunteered them for whatever research Owain happened to be doing. She figured if Maki wasn't concerned that meant she had little to worry about.
"We should also get someone who is good at firing guns and using gems." he says as he clicks a button to set up a holodeck in advance
"Are you saying I can't shoot?" Ari asked Owain curtly.
"I'm not as incompetent as the guy who recruited me..."
"I didn't say that at all but extra hands are always welcome." owain replied again laughing
"I don't know how to handle gems, but I am a fast learner," Desiree spoke up, "And I had the top scores on the firing range for my class."
"Gems..." Maki nodded. Veil explained to her about that while she told veil about magic in general and how spirits and Atsikai worked... They were all based off of the same types of energy. it shouldn't be that hard for her to learn. Maki simply nodded. "Then I guess we should set upa time to work on this together." Ari posed to Owain.
"If all goes well they won't need gem training on one of them with which would be better for diversifying our soldiers who have a hard time with gems."
"They would still need a base understanding though... I mean; all gems require some type of mental concentration and understanding to use them; I couldn't hand a toddler a gem and say heal someone...." Ari replied.
(I need to pass out irl haha)
(thats fine we can end here)
as the holodeck is being raised/being transfered to a new location kirin is learning to control the gravity around him to be lighter in the room
After that Ari set up a time to chat more about this and have the other two meet up with him. She then had Zoe issue Dezy a room.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt

Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection

November 27th 4566 Early Morning

Narrated by Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi

We are about to leave on one of the smaller ships that is attached to the Lavie heading out on the mission that was requested by The Unified Council through command. I wonder what we will find in those far away stars… Will this mission be simple or were we split up from the rest of the crew for a reason… Something sinister… Who knows…

Ayano had her gear stowed in her quarters as did Maki; Maki really didn't have much to speak of anyway since everything she owned now was in her bag already. Maki went to explore the small ship as she did not have a duty station as of yet; she and Ryuji were only recently commissioned into Trinity as provisional officers thanks to Ari. They would be assigned to team one as the groups primary sniper team. That meant on the ship she more or less was just on standby. Meanwhile Ayano had arrived on the little Defiant ship's bridge; she was assigned as the ship's Executive Officer; for a small ship like this having a Lieutenant as an XO was not unheard of. She was in thought about how of thier mottly crew would be in charge of what division though and who would best be useful in what department. Maybe she should ask each of those whom would be on the mission and then consult with Aidan on it. This was new to her.
(So; who is here... )
Aidan had stashed Brutus, but made sure he was always wearing level one basic skinsuit. If he couldn't get to Brutus or vice versa, the nanotech version he carried with him would have to suffice. It would be a bit different not to have oodles of support pouring out of every side. He was used to it that way, being a Marine, but lately it wasn't normal. He stored the rest of his gear and headed towards the bridge. He'd have to make sure everyone was doing their jobs.
William Reed Shert: 

William wakes up with a yawn. He had fallen asleep within minutes of arriving in his quarters.
“I arrived on the Lavie for maybe five minutes, before joining this crew on this much smaller ship. Well it might be less Engineering work for me.” He very slowly strolls out of his quarters to explore the ship on the way to his post.
(Charlie your new guy would be assigned to engineering on this shop so Tory can be on the bridge overseeing engineering and ops)
(Yea I guessed that.)
Tory Trace04/12/2020
Tory Trace stowed his gear on his bunk and had EVA sync up with this ship's systems. He needed to report to the bridge soon so he can get familiar with the ship at his station on the bridge. Tory stepped out into the corridoor to head off to the bridge
kirin stretches in cabin starts to do some morning excersises to wake up before exploring the new smaller ship and who may be on board
With the limited number of bridge qualified personnel on the ship Ayano would likely be flying the ship though the issue would still be assigning someone to tactical; The person they had with the most tactical and security experience currently not delegated to other mission preparatory tasks was kirin; she had him sent a duty roster report of his new assignment.
Tory Trace04/12/2020
Tory arrived on the bridge and found the engineering station.  He saw Ayano there and smiled at her.  "Getting a feel for the ship, madam?" he said to Ayano as he took his station and accessed his console. EVA linked up and began displaying some basic windows for him to view
"More like; a feel for command... some ot think of it I think we only have two qualified pilots onboard meaning in addition to my leading I am also probably our primary pilot." She said shurgging.
kirin looks at the message he got from ayano and the criteria of the situation that could happen
(My guy is qualified as a pilot but transferred to engineering so probably the very last choice.)
(Ayano wouldnt know that)
(as he is so new)
(ah righto)
(YOu need to report t the bridge is what that means Kev)
William reaches engineering and pauses outside. He thinks for a moment. "Right, time to actually work... Time for this new life to begin." William sighs as he gets to work.
kirin starts his approch toward the bridge area to report to the commander
By then Aidan was squared away, quarters wise. Stepping onto the bridge, he saw  everyone stiffen. "As you were."
He soon realized this was a mistake. He needed to allow Ayano the time to acclimate. Walking up to her, he offered. I'll be in my closet, I mean ready room, if you need anything." In a more normal voice, Aidan said, "You have the bridge, Number One."
Dezy stepped out of her quarters after she finished her pre-shift routine. She did a few last minute adjustments to her uniform, making sure she was presentable as she approached the lift. She checked her sidearm to make sure it was properly loaded as the lift doors opened for her. "First shift, probably be assigned to watch the brig." She spoke to herself as she stepped inside.
(She would be assigned to the new ship as well;  yeah she would be in security)
(Great, she arrived on her first ship only to be sent to another)
As Aidan left Ayano nodded. Shen then looked over to Kirin as he got ot the security and tactical station. "Check your departments status everyone." She said to the two others in the room; the bridge was suprisingly small and surprisingly empty; for a small ship though most processes would be automated by now.
(its an attached ship; basically shes being sent with a small team handling the teams security)
(Well guys; call your departments and get a status @Tory Trace and @keving ; welcome to being department heads of departments of three lol)
kirin looks around for a way to check for the status of security by looking thru camaras and files if anything is out of the ordinary
(use the coms; call to the security office; you have an officer there)
kirin to security team/office? report in
=A=Ensign Allard here,=A= Dezy replied as the turbolift arrived at her stop, and she started wandering the corridors, =A=On my way to my duty station.=A=
"roger report in anything that is might of been out of place and we will take care of it Allard" kirin replied
=A=Will do=A= Dezy replied.
William stares into space before thinking out loud. "I actually found nothing wrong. This ship is in incredible condition." He starts to pace the room. "At least in here I won't get shot at. But the boredom!"
He stops to check his terminal. Nothing has changed. He goes back to pacing.
(careful what you wish for Rock)
Dezy made here way to the new ship, and started making her way to the Armoury.
Once the reports of all clear were given from engineering and security Ayano contacted medical and Natsumi responded. "Sickbay is all prepared here." Ayano then checks to make sure all hands are accounted for she then messages Aidan in the ready room that all hands are aboard and all gear is aboard; they were ready to depart whenever ordered to do so.
Walking out the short distance to the bridge, Aidan stood at the back of the bridge so he was out of the way. "Take her out Lieutenant. At your discrection."
Ayano nodded. "yes sir." She signals flight control that they are ready to depart. The docking bay detaches from the ship. Air lock reads all clear. Flight ops then grants them permission to depart. Ayano aims the ship in the direction of where their course is set and engages the ships drive.
Tory Trace04/12/2020
Tory turned to Ayano, waiting for the command to send orders to engineering to begin taking the ship out for her next mission
(Ayano is also the pilot engineering doesnt fly the ship)
The ship was now traveling to its destination.
(ti would take awhile to get their though; the rim was quite a distance away especially with no city ship to just poof you there.
(Alrighty; so my main thing today was getting the ship undocked and on its way; one on ones will be able to continue but yay we are on our way out woohoo)
(final posts before I end?)
William feels his stomach move around a bit. He thinks to himself. "This won't end well."
In the armoury, Dezy took stock of the equipment there, making sure whatever her team might need was there with plenty of ammunition.

Repulse was now heading towards its destination which would be a few weeks out given that the planet on the Rim was so far out. Ayano was still on the bridge as Maki had pulled out some headphones and was listening to music from her world was she just waited in the mess hall. She had spent some time with Desiree and apparently made a new friend. Maybe this place was more inviting to her than she initially assumed it would be. Pausing on this thought she stared out the window at the stars just watching them fly by at an almost impossible rate of view due to them moving so fast; she didn't care though.
(me and names = trash-factor 12)
(im here)
Ayasha padded into the Mess hall. Sweat from her workout was still evaporating off of parts of her skin. She had a towel around her neck, white vee cut  t-shirt and long cotton shorts. "A liter of cold water, and two dragon rolls with extra wasabi."
(but will the super doctor extraordinaire  be joining us Mr. Scotts)
(is he drunk or crazy....i think he has coffe)
Maki noticed Ayasha remembering her from the mission as well as medial and brief encounters she had with the woman prior. They were similar in age. Maki tilted her head observing Ayasha as she went about her food gathering and such things. "Your perspiring..." Maki said almost being too analytical as if like an android; her poor people skills or lack thereof. Her response showed little to no emotional reaction to her presence. The stars were flying by too fast to be observed properly so she had to give herself something to do.
(Scott if he wre on this ship would probably have to make another coffee machine or something; this weeks of travel would be far tooo boring; until something happens)
( @aqace100 )
Jack Pine04/17/2020
(Family stuff right now, and I need to catch up on everything still.)
With her plate and drink in hand, she sat near Maki. "I was shown how to turn my power armor suit into a full body workout. I may have sore muscles tomorrow but prefer to be in top form. Guess I get that from dad." Ayasha said.
(is this the ship that got set from the lavie as the small team?)
(yes Kev)
Scott decides to have a coffee-maker made and have him and ceci take it to the cafeteria to spread the joys of coffee
"being in top performance for a day of drills... optimum efficiency can be obtained without wrecking yourself... But oh well... Busting your ass into the ground only works for so long; or so my father told me." Maki said shrugging as if she didn't care about work outs much. She was raised to be support and a magic user so she found how she did things as normal and other people doing things as odd. Then again Ryuji and her ideas of training was a light work out to keep themselves fit enough to not die then meditate for days; most of his meditation was in memory of those who died; for her it was building up Mega's power.
"I don't kill myself but I like to stay limber and have a amount of muscle tone. Plus the more I can burn calorie wise, I can eat more." She countered
(@atsumari ceci response?)
(sorry answering questions in DMs)
The little girl AI takes the machine originally made for Koto and takes it to the mess. Upon walking in the room Ceci walks over to the table Ayasha and Maki are sitting at just placing the coffee machine of the ages on the table. "Daddy offers a gift of caffeine and pain..." She said happily. Maki stares at the little android girl controlled by a master AI curiously.
kirin doing patrol around the ships inside to get a good knowing of the lay out
"Caffeine... and pain... what?" Maki asked.
"it keeps you up for months!"
"No, that amount of caffeine will kill you." Ayasha said in a matter of fact manner.
Scott says "i have tested it and i will vouch for it"
"People only ended up in medical twice using it according to my records..."  Ceci said. Maki casts detect magic on Ceci and finds even more reason to be confused by the little android.
(didnt charlies character almost die lol)
'Considering that it's a beverage, that is two times too many. There are far more effect ways of staying awake." Ayasha commented.
"So... what is she?" Maki asked confused by Ceci.
"A drug pusher?" She replied
"A magical drug dealer... this space place just gets more confusing..." Maki said staring at Ceci.
Scott chuckles and says "well technically caffine can be considered a drug"
"..." Maki stares at Ceci some more. The girl stares back at her walking closer and closer until they are right next to each other staring into each others eyes.
"First to blink loses" Ayasha quipped
Dezy conducted her patrols along the ship.
Maki and Ceci stare at each other.
Aidan walked in, retrieving a large mug of coffee from the food slot. As he turned sipping the liquid. He looked around wondering just what he was witnessing.
Ceci climbs onto Maki's lap still staring into her eyes and never looking away. The two are now mere inches from each other.
(Scott had to leave; his phone broke midpost)
(it fell)
Finally he decided humor might be better."Should get you two a room, or a referee?" he said.
(That sucks)
Inori Yuzuriha04/17/2020
(well neither of my characters are here so yea rip me)
"Why a room...?" Maki asked as Ceci inched closer; the little girl was now millimeters from her face. The child just continues to stare.
"have you heard of boundaries?" Maki asked but giving no visible reaction. Ceci doesn't respond.
(she can't respond if scott isn;t here)
Inori Yuzuriha04/17/2020
(i guess Loa until either A) i get off my ass and make a new character or B) one of them is relevant again?)
(She can she just wont; shes an NPC so scott doesnt technically contorl her)
kirin asks dezi "if they have a set routine for patrol?"
"If there's a set routine, I haven't been informed," Dexy answered, "I just figured I'd patrol a few areas."
Inori Yuzuriha04/17/2020
(what @keving)
Inori Yuzuriha04/17/2020
(why would there be patrols inside a ship?)
(erm; the set patrol parameters would be teh same taught in the academy)
(its a standard patrol; your team is given a section you patrol ina  standard way)
(Patrols make sure there's no funny business, like a stowaway @Inori Yuzuriha
Inori Yuzuriha04/17/2020
( i mean might be cuz of how i built mine but for mine there is no need for them :X)
Ceci pokes Maki just to get her to stop staring even if it causes her to lose. The poke was more like a jab.  Ceci then hugs Maki in a nearly crushing hug. "Ahhh!!! what are you... stop..." Ceci resumes the painful hugging. "Let go of me!"
(It's a Defiant more or less, not much room for patrols)
Ceci lets go leaving the room to go find something more interesting to do. Maki is jsut still standing there confused. "Little brat... what purpose did that serve?" She asked for the first time seeming ot show negative emotion; she wasn't happy about nearly being crushed by the little AI child.
Aidan commented, "Ceci is more superweapon than anything else. Don't let the outer covering deceive you. That is not some small child."
"What is she?" Maki asked Aidan figuring she would get an actual answer from him as nobody else seemed to be willing to explain to her what she was.
(ending in 10 minutes)
"Android and science experiment. A Superbomb wrapped as a little girl. I honestly don't know. She's never hurt anyone on our side anyway." Aidan added. "You'd really have to ask Scott Johnson."
Maki nods. "So the insane scientist... Okay..."


~Notice Me Oniichan~ 27-Apr-20 02:37 AM

Ayano was on the bridge. They had been out now for a few days and with the Lavie using a gem drive and them being close to the edge of the core worlds they were far from help; in essence the Repulse would be on its own from here. Her first go at being an XO being a mission out into the depths of the Rim seemed like an odd choice; though maybe that just proved Aidan, Ari, Sumire and those others at the top trusted her. Ayano was told by the newer crewmen at tactical "Sir I'm detecting a Federation slipstream point in front of us." As the man stated this, a cityship appeared; no moreover it was the Onyx. It was all the way out here... Why exactly was that? It should have been at Earth II or Orteria. At that point a comm line was opened and the cityship's administrator simply said on the viewscreen. "Where is the General?" Ayano tilted her head. "General Thornton is off duty right now... What are you guys doing out here anyway?" "I need to speak to the General urgently; its regarding the Princess." "Sumire's sister?" The man nods. Ayano VX's Aidan that he is needed on the bridge urgently.


"On my way." It took less than 15 seconds for Aidan for get to the bridge. He had changed en-route into BDU's complete with service pistol. As the lift opened, he wasted no time. "Report."

~Notice Me Oniichan~

The stations administrator said over the view screen. "It was felt that the safest folks to come to about this would be the Lavie but as the ship is in dark mode to search... We have been trying to find you... I guess our luck paid off. We should really speak in private." The man said not knowing who in this room he could trust.


"XO. Teleport the man aboard and escort him to my ready room" Aidan offered.

He also VX'ed Ayano to listen in via VX as he would leave the channel open as well as ordering two extra armed Marines to stand by after the man arrived.

Tory Trace

Tory turned to face Ayano at his seat on the bridge at his console. "Our mission can't be that sensitive, can it?" he said when the view screen returned to normal with the administrator being brought over. He can only wonder which part of the senior staff would be allowed to be in the ready room to listen to him.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Ayano nods and heads over to the transporter room. The cityship's administrator was beamed over with Godwhin. The three then head back to meet with Aidan. Upon arrival two marines were there. The man had Godwhin wait outside then he entered. "Xavier Sentori... I am the new civilian administrator of the Onyx; basically the cityships governor. Are there any active coms into this room... The matter I need to discuss with you is extremely sensitive. It involves your family."

Ayano shrugged. as she waited making eye contact with Tory. "This mission may not be sensitive but we have no idea what this man is here for. Hence the additional security." She said to him while keeping a line open with Aidan.


Aidan made the effort to isolate the room. He left his VX open. "We're good, Governor. You seem agitated."

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Xavier nods. "We were contacted by parties representing the cult. They were quite explicit that we will tell no one. The kidnapped Princess Yuki; in essence proving to us there are still people within the Ortiera government loyal to them. We were unable to contact the Royal Security Service for this reason and made a mission story that were taking the civilian population off on a sort of cruise. As we do not have the location of the Lavie like I explained to your XO we were not able to contact the Queen or the RMA. Not knowing who to trust Lt. Cmdr. Godwhin suggested we locate you."


Aidan's skin flushed and started turning red. "I assume they have demands. Unreasonable ones." Aidan asked.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"Surrender and acknowledgement of the faction they control as the rightful rulers of orteria; though we both know that is a meaningless demand; what they want is to be able to complete their revival of the demon."


"Doesn't matter. While we shouldn't let them get away with the kidnapping, without knowledge of their whereabouts. It doesn't matter what we do. Can't fight what you can't find. Getting really sick of fighting ghosts and spooks." Aidan said plainly.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"We know they have not left the cityship as station security locked down all incoming and outgoing transportation following report of the kidnapping from the academy. The problem is knowing what this cult is; station security doesn't have the expertise to deal with this."

"The civilian population on the station is not happy about being locked in but what other choice was there... Letting them run..."


"let me find just one of them." Aidan said rhetorically. "So what next? How are they getting messages out? VX? There has to be way to find them. My only other alternative at the moment is to evacuate the Onyx to prove how serious this is."

"I can't really start random executions." Aidan added.

~Notice Me Oniichan~ 

"Now you see why I am here... This is something for a tactical and intelligence division. Normal cops and civilian government..." He said crossing his arms.


"What I need is Erin. A true born bloodhound." Aidan said.



Aidan typed out a few commands to Tory. "I will start an investigation with what we can here. I will also coordinate with Johnson on the Onyx. He can do some checking around at least."

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"Anyone else you want to bring in on this" The governor asked.

Tory Trace

Tory read the command and can see that he needs his services. He activated a VX line and EVA would be sending a comms invite to Aidan. "Secure line for you General Aidan. Ensign Trace on the line as requested," EVA said in her computerized yet womanly voice


"Comms officer for now. I'll have to see who I can task for Intel. This is a pretty lean ship. "Tory, Start analyzing our comms and well as the comms from the Onyx when we get them. See if we can find a few clues."


Tory Trace

Tory can see it's a bit of a tall order to search for communications related to the cult members but it's something he can do to help. "I can get it done. I'll have to set up in our communications room and it would help if the governor can send over any message evidence they have relating to those cultists. I need something as a sort of reference if this needs to be done faster," he said to Aidan as he stood up from his station.


Aidan responded, "This is top priority. Get it done."

Aidan added the comms back to the room.


"Lt Blom, report to my ready room on the double." Aidan spoke.


Nik hit the panel, waited for the response, and stepped in. "You wanted to see me Sir?" "Yes, I want you to coordinate with Tory, we need to smoke out the cult once and for all before I start lobbing Nova bombs." Aidan said, his tone completely serious. "Questions?" Aidan asked. "None Sir. I'll get right on it." Nik turned and left.

Tory Trace

Tory had begun to head to engineering to gather some of the equipment he will need. He would need to dive into the communication network via the use of some modified VR gear. He would be working alongside EVA inside that world. The problem now was trying to sort through all the mass quantities of data. He entered engineering to grab the needed equipment. "Ensign Shert. I need your help carrying and setting up this equipment in the comms room," he said to William Shert.


Aidan turned back to the Governor, "Is there anything else you can tell me. You probably have a file." Aidan said, standing up and grabbing a coffee while offering to get the visitor his own.


William turns around surprised. "Oh right, yes sir." He starts to gather what they needed.

Tory Trace

Tory took some gear as well and walked with William over to the communications room. He chose the most comfortable looking chair in there and set down the dive equipment and with view screen and data storage and monitoring. "I'll need you to watch over me and the data traffic I'll be sifting through while I'm diving into the network. We're looking for any sort of message traffic from those cultists and to find out who are the likely suspects and maybe even where they are on the city ship. If anything we'll just be taking in the suspicious messages for the guys with the brains to figure it out later," he said to William as they finished the final set up.


Nik walked up. "Put in a line tap and shunt a copy to me. I can sift through data quickly on my own. Two sets of eyes are better than one."


William starts connecting the gear. "I'll be as focused as can be. Hopefully you won't have to be in their too long." Internal panic creeps into Williams mind. He thinks for a moment "Do not fuck up on your second day!"

William sets things up for Nik too.

Tory Trace

Tory saw Nik come up and nodded. "EVA, set up a secure line for Nik as well," he said. Nik would soon get a message for Nik to take to have a data stream link too. "Given what I have to find, I might in there for awhile," he said as he placed the VR gear on his hands then his helmet. "Well wish me luck. Hopefully those crazy cultists didn't put any virus's on their stuff," he said as he began the dive. EVA was there as he jumped over to where the communication servers were. To him it was like the message files and transmissions were bigger than him as he began to run through the first large cluster of messages.

EVA would be running beside Tory as they would start to highlight some messages of interest and send it to their data storage for William and Nik to begin looking over but it certainly wouldn't have high hopes to have anything of interest to them.


Nik talked to Eva in machine code. "Don't slow the data stream for me. Feed it as fast as possible. I will slow down when I need to."

Tory Trace

EVA nodded her head as she ran through the messages of interest. It came up with mostly coming from chat groups and messages circulating within the city ship but none seems to stand out more than just talking about the cult group. "Tory asks if you see anything or anyone that seems overly enthusiastic about the cultists," EVA said to Nik.


"Nothing yet." Nik's voice had a monotone quality to it. His concentration was on the data.

<Pause sim>

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~Notice Me Oniichan~ 09-May-20 04:34 AM

After the meeting with the governor and a bit of information gathering it was determined that the best way to work on this would be to actually send a team over to the cityship as it had more resources than that on this tiny defiant ship; if this were the Lavie that would be a different story but this little ship was meant more for recon and light response not an integrated intelligence and tactical response. It was a hole in the wall compared to the Lavie.



Aidan's frustration was apparent. One the one hand, he might discover the mole, on the other, keeping himself from flat out killing the person spying would be near impossible, esp if he caught them.


Eternal starvation forced Aidan to the small mess. It wasn't a mess hall, not much more than a mess closet he joked to himself as the doors opened.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Ayano messaged Aidan if she should get a team prepared or how they were going to handle the kidnapping.


Sanya considered the mission briefing in contemplative silence. The notion of treason confused and upset her. She flexed her hands as she toyed with her kit, trying to familiarize herself with her new equipment.


The old-young Marine General responded to the message. He wanted a small tactical team ready on a moment's notice. It would consist of him, Ayasha, Ayano, and a few hand picked others. He knew what Ayano was capable of an knew that in power armor, she would be nearly as deadly as her mech. It was just a question of size and situational awareness.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Ayano acknowledged his response. Sanya had proved herself and so Ayano would appoint her as part of this team... Oscar was someone Sumire's staff appointed to a special unit and then assigned to Trinity so obviously he was already vetted by Eru Yuna and her RSS folks. She knew that people that close to Sumire could be trusted; beyond that like Aidan she didn't trust any of the others outside of their small team... There was a small short list of folks within the Royalty that could be trusted especially with Yuki; Sumire's sister. The enemy could easily use her to their advantage... Royalty was a prime bargaining chip especially in these times.

She would then leave the bridge to Godwhin whom stayed on the ship after the governor left assuming Aidan; or someone on board would need him. The old war information officer had been with Erin on and off for months now and even though he had been assigned to watch over the cityship he felt his most useful place was with the team in Trinity where he was less bogged down with bureaucracy. he could actually use his skills here without civilian leaders questioning his methods.


Grabbing two club sandwiches and a pile of home fries, he walked back to his ready room. He could eat in the mess, but wouldn't feel completely open to talking freely.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Ayano was waiting in there for him when he arrived back.

"Want me to call the others?" Ayano asked him as he returned with food.


"Please." he commented. He offered her one of the sandwiches and kissed her on the top the head. as he partially hugged her.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Ayano sent a message to Ayasha, Sanya, Oscar and Maki to have them meet in the ready room prepared to depart. Ayano patted Aidan lightly but with emotion in the gesture. She was still getting used to this whole being second in command and wanted to keep things professional on mission; even if they had a moment to themselves who knew who would just walk in. Having the old man walk in and gawk at she and Aidan would be strange especially with her similarities to her other self. Everyone knew who she was but having association with her other self still confused her even if she had been here awhile. Having in essence a genetically identical "twin" running around was confusing especially when you actually had no siblings.


Sitting in his chair, the first half of the first sandwich went quickly as he speared the fried with fork and tartar sauce. "Any thoughts on switching to ground combat?" He asked Ayano.


Sanya received the message and nodded to herself. Reholstering her service pistol into a leg drop holster, she sighed and started out of the room. She paused before leaving the room and grabbed a churro. She decided to indulge in walking and eating as she made her way snacking on her churro.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Maki followed shortly thereafter following behind Sanya without saying much. Meanwhile back in Aidan's ready room Ayano shrugged. "I mean I already do both... Everyone's second job in trinity is ground support; were all infantry in the grant scheme of things... Though I guess command suits me; otherwise how would Yuka have ended up in charge of basically everyone except you..." She mused.


Oscar opened his eyes when he received the message, since he was lying down on a bed, resting. As he got up he streched a bit, cracking his neck in the process, then putting some clothes on and heading towards the ready room.


"Well....she was in charge of me." he said. "She was my commanding officer for a long time. It felt more shared to be honest. We tended to lean and count on one another."(edited)

He added. "I knew where the line was and let her command in her own style. You're finding your command legs. I have no doubt you're competent and capable. To be clear, I mean you, not her. There are differences and you two aren't alike in every sense."

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"You've told me about your past and I looked up some things of her history here but really one thing that I don't understand... we have basically the same arrangement she wanted... Why was it different with her; did you guys agree to be fully mono or? Like I don't fully understand why things went the way they did..." She asked before the others got in the room.


"She kept changing the relationship. First it was just us. Then us, meaning her, me and Emily. Then when that imploded she decided it wasn't to be. Then it was 'let's do with adding others. There was no structure. He liked the idea of us, but was never satisfied with just us." Aidan offered.

"At least that is my take." he added.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"I see. No consistency?"


"And in more than just in bed. She wasn't emotionally consistent either." Aidan said.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"Rage is totally a part of life though too... Or do you mean something else?" She asked.


Sanya pursed her lips together at the fragment of conversation she caught. "Should I come back? I don't mean to interrupt?"


Upon arriving to the room, Oscar mutters to himself while having his eyes closed, still walking forward; "Yet another mission, welp, here I go.." Then opening his eyes and greeting the others "Hello everyone."


Aidan's mouth opened then closed. Via VX he added."Rage I can deal with. Depression and running from me....not so much."

"No come in. We have items to discuss." Aidan offered.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

Maki enters saying nothing.

"A mission." Ayano added.


Ayasha entered and took a spot near one wall standing. She had a virtual padd via VX in her line of site to make notes as needed.


Sanya offered a smile in return and took a seat, deciding to not comment on the overhead conversation. "There are things for us to do, yes?"

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"So basically the cult captured Yuki."

"Were being sent to find her and deal with the threat."


Aidan laughed internally at the threat comment. "Exterminate with extreme prejudice would be the correct term in my view, but alive might be more useful."

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"Questions?" She asked.


Sanya wrinkled her nose at the order. "Such a waste of life. Do they really need to be executed?"


Aidan countered quickly. "Given that enemy is giving no quarter, so yes. I actually plan on sticking their heads on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations." He said honestly.


"There is no talking, no discussion and no mercy from their side. It's time to bring the fight and destruction to them. Show them just how awful and wasteful they have been to everything they touch." Aidan added.

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"We will be heading out in a short bit and then using the intel our analysts gathered to find them and search more..." Ayano said.

"Any other questions or clarification?"


Oscar leans on the wall and comments on the order; "I guess I would rather not kill people if I didn't have to, but it doesn't seem like I have a choice here.. Not to mention those people are evil to the core..." He looks away while having a neutral expression on his face.


To Sanya, Aidan offered, "I know it's horrible. But we've tried everything. If there was another option, I am all ears. But make no mistake, this is the enemy in the purest sense of the word."

~Notice Me Oniichan~

"If we had one of SNIEFs mental manipulation Atsikai we could make them live hell lifetimes repeated over and over." Maki offerred.

The group was dimissed to prepare if they had no other questions and meet in the transporter room when ready.


Sanya frowned. "If that's what we must do to save others... then they shall die."

~Notice Me Oniichan~


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