(ENRB) Stats Template

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Armor Class: 10 (Base; humans) +/- (modifier)

Roll 3d6 7 times; drop lowest roll. Can place in any order they want. Use for stats. Can redo ONLY if all stats are dropped. Can use server dice roller or personal dice (with staff permission)

Auto Dice Roller

Vital Stats



Modifiers Documentation

6–7 −2
8–9 −1
10–11 +0
12–13 +1
14–15 +2
16–17 +3
18–19 +4
20–21 +5


Combat/Strength (Physical Strength and Dexterity)
Ranged Combat -
Close/Martial Combat -
Feat of Strength -

Deductive Reasoning (Mental Reasoning, Deduction and Analysis)
Leadership -
Information Systems - (Higher levels beyond Tier 1 require formal training)
Intelligence Gathering -

Item Identification/Appraisal -

Diplomacy -

Engineering/Academics (Engineering and Academic Disciplines)

Piloting - (Requires formal training)

Starship Engineering - (Higher levels beyond Tier 1 require formal training)
Civil Engineering - (Higher levels beyond Tier 1 require formal training)
Repair -
Research/Innovation -

Life Skills (Life, Biology and Survivalist Skills)
Domestic Skills -
Survivalism -
Medicine - (Higher levels beyond Tier 1 require formal medical training)

Special Skills (Magic, Energy and Flow Related Skills)
Concentration (Gem/Mental/Physical) -
Gem Specialization (Fill in gem type) -
Psionic Energy -
Ki Energy -

Restricted Skills (Staff approval required for these skills)
EU Mastery - (GM Skill; system limit 5)
Summoning -
Atsikai Spirit Affinity -
Partner (Familiars or Specialized Pets) Affinity -

Technical Information

Tier 1
1-4 = 1
5,6 = 2
7,8 = 3
9 = 4
10 = 5
Past 10 is only possible with mastery; creates a new tree with skill name II and above. Costs are increased by 1.25 per tier.
Fill 23

Tier 2
1 - 4 = 1
5 = 2
6 = 3
7,8 = 5
9 = 6
10 = 7
Fill 32

Total Tier 1/2 = 50 (Half of a normal players skills to max one skill.)

Cost Examples/Explanations

1 point costs 1
2 points costs 2

3 points costs 3

4 points costs 4
5 costs 6
6 costs 8

7 costs 11

8 costs 14

9 costs 18

10 costs 23

This is only for tier 1.


100 - Normal Players Starting

150 - Existing Players Starting when system implemented

200 - Mains/High rank/council justification
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