A New Friend (S3E1) [Erin/Oscar]


Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1600

Ari entered the lounge and took a seat as she started to mentally reflect on the days past. She wondered where things would take her and the crew but was thankful for the time to sit here and actually be able to reflect; usually her life was filled with death, paperwork, explosions, more paperwork, meetings and chaos with a tiny smattering of sex. She orders herself some dinner; it was a little early for dinner but you had to eat when you had time. She waited for her food nursing a coffee as she continued to think about things

[TAG Open]

Oscar Kashima
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1600

Oscar enters the lounge a bit after Ari, stretching a bit as he does. Then taking a seat somewhat close to Ari and orders a coffee.
"H-Hey Ari... We haven't really talked with each other much, have we..?"
He says a bit awkwardly, as he is somewhat shy around Ari.

[TAG: Ari]

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Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1605

Ari notices him as he talks to her seeming a bit awkward. When he suggests that they have not talked much nervously she shrugs. "I mean... Is there really that much to talk about... Life is hell... Welcome to the club.... Something I can do to make you less tense?" She had asked as her food arrived wondering what was really up with him. She remembered her; they hadn't talked much on the ship or even off the ship. He was here to provide support but something seemed familiar about him if even a little.

[TAG: Oscar]

Oscar Kashima
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1605

"A-Ah.. It's just because I'm a bit shy around women.."

Oscar says as he looks at Ari, blushing a bit , then turning his face away and whispering;

"...especially you.."

He starts fidgeting after saying what he did, but as his coffee arrived and he took a few sips, it calmed him down a bit.

Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1607

Ari tilts her head looking at him as he seems to display the undertones of someone having an attraction for her. She was used to this. She still hadn't been able to dismiss the fact that she had met him before somewhere; or at least someone like him. She smirked at him being at blunt, cold and impulsive as ever. "Awh how cute; You've got the hots for little Erin-chan don't you..." She said sarcastically in an almost belittling way hoping the statement was not as abusive as it sounded to her after coming out of her mouth. 

Oscar Kashima

Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1607

After taking another sip from his coffee, Oscar responds to Ari:

"Maybe so...who knows.. I'm not sure about it yet at least..haha."

He chuckles a bit nervously as he rubs his cheek with his index finger, blushing again because of what Ari said.

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Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1607

As he stated that he might but might not Ari shrugged. She then replied. "Okay; so....  Um... Well.... I totally have no idea what to do with this now; are we like trying to have a conversation or what is this anyway?" She asked him as she was confused by his reply and also why he was talking to her; was this just conversation or was there some other motive here; date?

Oscar Kashima

Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 -1607

"W-Well.. To tell the truth I am quite interested in you...so I want to spend more time with you, if all possible. But I'm a bit quiet so...I'm not sure if my company is all that great.."

Oscar says as he lets out a short sigh, then slowly drinking the rest of his coffee.

"Ah. I might need another cup.."

He states to himself as he looks at the empty cup before him.

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Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1607

As he admitted that he wanted to spend more time with her and wants to go get coffee more to distract himself than to actually get himself coffee Ari found herself feeling bad for the poor guy. He totally didn't get it did he; she didn't just date randoms she worked with... The only reason she and Aidan were a thing; albeit behind closed doors; was becuase he had supported her through much a hell. All her other partners were not her subordinates when she started seeing them. Something about Oscar still prodded her though; what was it... Finally she asked him as he stares at his cup "Have you ever played any VR games online here?" She was trying to figure out if he was in fact who she thought he was or if it was just a case of mistaken identity. Ari finished her meal and stared at him awaiting a reply wondering if she should backhand him or pat him on the head based on his response to her. 

Oscar Kashima

Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1607

"Yes, I have.. How come?"

Oscar says with a puzzled look on his face, slightly confused why she suddenly asked about games. Then realizing that she seems strangely familiar to him as well.

"Say... Do you play them too..? 

He asks carefully.

Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - Early Evening (Posting exact times will get annoying)

Ari heard his affirmative response but didn't believe it herself. She stared at him for a moment once more contemplating wither to punch him or not.  She tilts her head at him sending him a VX message with a particular room number and game type. "Do you specifically play this?" She asked without giving him a response as to if she plays games; she looked more annoyed as the seconds ticked by waiting for a response form him. In a way she was worried that him running around the ship blabbing nonsense about her if he discovered who she was. Plus she and Sumire were not exactly very inventive; they used their first names in these communities; not the smartest thing to do online. She started tapping her fingers on the table getting more and more visibly annoyed.  She thinks to herself without outwardly verbalizing it "Well Erin; should we bust his face in... Tell him not to tell a soul.... Toss his ass out the airlock.... That's a bit far... Even for us...." She showed no sign of her devilish thoughts.

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Oscar Kashima

Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - Early Evening

"Ah..that game..."

Oscar fidgets nervously as he blushes a bit more than earlier, remembering the "scene" that took place in it.

"Y..Yes...I do play t-that one.."

He decided not to ask again whether she plays games or not, since he thought she might not want to answer the question.

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Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

Ari's glare softens and she simply says. "I see.... How often?" She asks without providing any more explanation as to why she is asking such a question. Once she asks the question she ponders if he has recognized her yet; she decided to not mention it for now. Besides; that was then and this was now... He was some random dude on her crew whom she hardly knew. game and life were different; or were they... She waited for his next reply as she bounced this thought about in her head. 

Oscar Kashima

Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

"Well...it was actually my first time playing it back then.. I haven't really played it after that..."

Oscar turns his face away since he's still blushing, starting to recall the scene completely.

A thought wanders around in his mind; "Is this the girl that was doing it with me?" but he decides not to ask her, at least for now.

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Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

"Hum... So..." She said her words trailing off as she doesn't know how to continue their conversation. She contemplates asking him to go somewhere where they could talk more privately but didn't know how that would end up so she didn't ask. The two sit next to each other at the table awkwardly seemingly waiting for the other to say something.

Oscar Kashima

Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

"U-Umm.. Should we continue this discussion somewhere more...private..? I have something I need to ask you, but it's something that you shouldn't ask in a place like this... " 
Oscar suggests carefully, waiting for her answer as he keeps thinking about the VR scene.

Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Lounge; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

As he suggested moving somewhere else Ari thought about it; that would probably be for the best. Not like she was going to sleep with him or anything but she wanted to hear what he was going to say before closing a door in his face. Ari stood. "Sure; let's go to my private room." She said; she waited for him to follow and then headed to her office taking a seat on her couch wondering what he wanted to bring up. The thought of flooring him had still crossed her mind. 

Oscar Kashima

Ari's Study; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

As Oscar had followed Ari to the room, he took a seat next to her and was visibly nervous, afraid that she might get upset because of his question. He then steels himself and decides to ask her anyway.
"So umm... Ari..? W-Were you the girl I had sex with in that VR game...? I'm pretty sure her username was.."Erin".."
When he finally got the words out of his mouth he blushed really hard because it was embarrassing for him to say a thing like that out loud.

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Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Her Study; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20th 4566 - Early Evening

As Oscar followed her in and got seated she waited for him to speak. When he asked her such a thing she tilted her head; thinking for a moment while silent. "What I do in VR and what I do in real life are two different things... Don't say my legal name unless you want to get hit." She checked her VX list and found that he was indeed someone she played with. "As for an answer to your question; yes." She thought he seemed quite sad with how embarrassed he was over having her. She couldn't smash his face in now; it seemed too pitiful. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She asked impulsively. 

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