2022 Report



Welcome to the 2022 annual report for The New Universes Project. In this report we will cover the happenings for the 2022 reporting year as well as hopes for the 2023 year. This year was eventful in some aspects of our non-role-playing-based operations but also not so eventful in other operations. Each of our operational divisions will be broken into sections to make this report easier to follow.

First we will cover our non-SIMM operations which include providing advertising support, technical assistance, website and Teamspeak hosting as well as events and community organizing services to the online play by post community at large.


There was moderate use of our advertising channels throughout the year though, all that we do in these rooms is moderate to ensure no problems occur. This part of our activities pretty much manages itself as it does with all other advertising channels in the community so there is not anything to really report here.

We began offering Teamspeak hosting in the middle of this year as part of a merger with one of our partner organizations. Since this there have been two interested parties, which have been accepted into our hosting program. We also currently host two websites beyond those that are required to maintain our operations. We are hoping to expand this service in 2023 as people require additional assistance with web hosting opportunities given our rather gracious arrangements with cPanel, Microsoft and AWS which allow us to offer these services completely free of charge to anyone who requires them.

This is our first full calendar year managing the SciWorld and FallFest online conventions. This year both events were hosted by Theta Fleet. Starting in the spring and summer months with SciWorld, we began offering voice panels, which was a resounding success and is something that we will be doing in all future conventions. Moving forward, panelists will have the option to do voice, traditional text panels or a combination of the two, depending upon what their interest falls into. Attendance numbers for both of the cons averaged about the same as last year with about 230 people in attendance and 12 active in voice. During each individual panel there was around 15 people chatting between the panels so most of those in attendance were observers. In recognition of her amazing hosting abilities and service to the community during these conventions Kathryn Burke the chair from Theta Fleet was awarded a seat on the SimmingHub Event Organizing Committee to help plan further conventions for the community.

Simming Operations

During the 2022 year the crew at the Lavie was tasked with helping to restore Earth to its former glory as colony ships had returned to the planet, in hopes of recolonization, only to find it being a barren wasteland and inhabited by genetically modified radioactive monsters due to the nuclear fallout from Starfleet’s assault on Earth to defend against the bug armada during the war with said bugs.

The crew made quick work of the creatures, and made their way to the artificial intelligence, which was in charge of restoring Earth through terraforming. The AI advised the crew that occupation of the planet by civilians was not advised at this time, and that Federation civilians should leave the planet, given its current hostile state. The AI also noted that it could not be held responsible for any loss of life given the inhospitable nature of the planet’s current state. The crew negotiated with the AI to allow for some civilians to stay on the planet to assist in terraforming work, and this was agreed to provided that, the risk of the planet’s current state was understood. It was also offered to use the AI’s research and development city built under the Earth’s crust to house these civilians for safekeeping. After this mission, the crew was met by a scientist who requested they explore a derelict part of space once inhabited by a race of light beings known as Mogs.

The role-play at its height this year had about 12 active members. Currently there are only six active members as the vast majority of members are on some form of leave of absence. During the year there were 26 posts that occurred over live chat medium which means that a post occurred once every two weeks on average. This is not what we would prefer. However, it is still within tolerance for activity. We do hope that in 2023 we see more activity from the members and input on further stories to improve everyone’s enjoyment of the writing. Currently, the game master team is working on rehashing the combat system and skill statistical elements to allow for easier combat and use of skills both in writing, as well as when dice rolls are required.

DFS Phoenix
Not much is known about the current status of this role-play story wise. However, there are still posts going on in this story. We hope for additional updates from this games game master team in the 2023 year to provide a more fleshed out report to the community.

Production Projects
The VN authorized by the council has resumed its development in unity. Beyond this, there has been little to report in the way of updates. Currently, the game is still in early beta development on its new unity build. We are hoping to have additional information in the next reporting period for this game. As of this moment the project is about 50% completed so the hope is that it will be finished by 2024 or earlier.

Administrative Updates
During the 2022 year myself and Brian Furman were reelected into our positions as president and vice president, respectively, following voting by the council. None of the council members were up for reelection during this period.  Significant budget constraints prevented expansion in certain developmental areas, such as server and IP infrastructure. This also caused a need for downsizing of current infrastructure use. At current operational output we will only be able to continue maintaining our current level of service and providing web hosting to eligible organizations following submission of an approved application. In the 2023 reporting year telephone support services may be completely eliminated in favor of ticket-based services due to lack of use as well as limited funding. No other notable items to report occurred administratively. Annual reports to the Department of State and Department of Justice Charitable Activities Section were current as of November 2022. For additional reporting details or inquiries, please contact me for a copy of these reports or refer to the applicable government agency’s online reporting database for up-to-date details.

That’s all for this year’s report. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Josh Hina (Atsumari)
President/Lead Game Master
The New Universes Project

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