Timothy James Rogers


Character Information
Name: Timothy James Rogers
Nicknames: Slim, Tim
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 21
DOB: 02/17/4545
Blood Type: O+

Physical Appearance
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 176
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Physical Description: A short guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and a look that shows he ready to help, no matter the situation, if he can help it.

Personality & Traits
General Overview: Is seeking a challenge out of life, he committed to serve his purpose. 
Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: Smart. Weaknesses: Could use combat training at some point I suppose.
Ambitions: Wants to help out as much as is needed of him.
Hobbies & Interests: Likes big vehicles, outdoors, etc.

Life History and Relationships
Family: Mother, Father, and brother
History: Tim spent most of his days enjoying his hobbies but wanted to seek out a bigger challenge from life and so he decided to pursue flight training from the Academy serving 2 years.

Education: Basic 2 year advanced pilot class from the Starfleet Academy.

Languages: English

Starfleet/Military Service Information
Assignment: Pilot of the Lavie and support ships.
Rank: Pilot Officer
Service Record: Only 2 years of required Military Missions from the Starfleet Academy.
Service Medals: N/A


Domestic Skill: 5
Survivalism: 4
Piloting: 10
Ranged Combat: 5
Long Combat: 4
Medicine: 6

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Approved. Assignment assistant HELM officer for the Repulse.

You also have stat points left over did you just want to keep them for use later?

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