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The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt 
Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection
November 18th 4566 Morning
Narrated by Erin “Ari” Mizriki

At the Orteria Royal Compound upon returning from battle and capturing two key figures, whom were affiliated with the cult which led the rebellion against Orteria; we were able to gather further details as to the culprits behind the attempt at reviving the Phoenix. It seems the Federation government, in particular a group of Senators formerly aligned with the United Universal Alliance of Republics’ Senate Special Projects Subcommittee were involved. We are gathering together a team to head for Earth II and confront those responsible; hopefully getting answers and stopping further bloodshed. This Senate committee focuses on specialized gem warfare and magical forces of extreme power which means our team should be prepared for anything and ready to use force if necessary. 

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt 
Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection
November 18th 4566 Afternoon
Narrated by Erin “Ari” Mizriki

After organizing the team Aidan and I returned to the Lavie to prepare it for departure to Earth II.  We have left orbit with all hands on board under the guise of a survey mission near Earth II. From there we will be taking our team to Earth II and beginning our operation to investigate and hold responsible those whom have been behind numerous events in the galaxy's recent history. I only hope that with my reaching out to Gainz unexpectedly we can use his help to try to prevent large amounts of bloodshed; hopefully the Senators involved will just surrender but I have my suspicious that things will not be that easy... I may be cynical and cold but that does not mean I am for mass murder or torture of any sort... I guess only time will tell and history will be our judge.

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The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt

Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection

November 19th 4566 Afternoon

Narrated by Erin “Ari” Mizriki

As we traveled about in space we were informed by Adams that the Cult found out of the Senate's involvement in their affairs and was now preparing for a full out assault on Earth II. Adams and Mith provided little help; as usually but at least assigned Tessa to us again. As we work to make a new plan we arrive at our drop of point only to be stopped by a Starfleet ship requesting to send an emissary over. After negotiating with them we have entered a sort of ceasefire with the Senate in hopes of finding a better way to resolve the issues with them.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt 
Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection
November 19th 4566 Evening - Late Night
Narrated by Erin “Ari” Mizriki

As Mimi and her group were sent to set up an operational base and gather information those of us left on the Lavie were left in what we thought would be a boring situation... Only to have that change to go from a stalemate to having strange magic users from a far off world even further our that Kiru called Allen-Morein. Apparently those sent were government agents sent to explore a portal? We just happened to be on the other end. As the two new guests; Makigisa and Ryuji were getting used to things here they, Aidan and others from the crew ended up being dropped in the middle of the Capital building close to where Mimi and her team were exploring. The group discovers the signs of battle when Oscar was confronted by members of the Cult and eventually finds a woman who slaughters the Senators whom were involved in the recent government cover ups; the question still remains; who exactly was she and what is she doing... For that matter how did Aidan, Ryuji, Makigisa and Dawn end up in the Capital... Is this all just some game by Mith and Adams... There are lots of questions that remain for us to solve.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt 
Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection
November 25th 4566 Midday
Narrated by Misuki Raion

It has been awhile since I did one of these and so why not...

Trinity took some time to have leave but during this leave they found that finding their target would only take much longer than they expected. On top of that an Earthquake rocked Earth II as if not to add additional problems to their already full plate... So much for leave.... At least they got a couple days of leave though... See you again...

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 1: Discovery and Reflection
November 26th 4566 Evening
Narrated by Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi

Lots of stars in the sky and a universe full of adventures to be had. Ryuji and I arrived here to investigate what was on the other side of the portal under the orders of SNIEF. Since we had no way home, we have joined the Trinity Forces. Since our arrival we have helped them to understand magic and Atsikai. We also got to participate in their leave, make some friends and also engage in humanitarian work by helping their capital planet recover from an earthquake. Now we have been asked to go with them in search of a woman who I witnessed kill members of the Federation Senate. There is also a mission in the works to respond to an emergency call; typical mission for people like us but splitting a unit up usually isn’t a smart thing to do… I wonder how competent the commanders of the fleet really are… Not that such a thing actually matters… We will still follow orders and save lives.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 2: Into the Unknown
November 27th 4566 Morning
Narrated by Ayano Layton

Those of us who were assigned to the Repulse, one of the little ships assigned to support the Lavie; have begun our trek to the furthest reaches of Federation space. Our mission is respond to the emergency call sent from a Rim Colony. As we were on our way out, we were approached by the Onyx cityship and its governor came aboard to request assistance with remnants of the cult which had captured Yuki; Sumire’s sister. It seems like we can never catch a break but at least leading a team to deal with this cult once and for all will finally get them off our ass.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 2: Into the Unknown
November 27th 4566 Afternoon
Narrated by Ayano Layton

Our team was sent to the cityship and went to rescue Yuki. We battled with the Cult and defeated them once and for all. We are now in the process of taking Yuki back to the Repulse.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 2: Into the Unknown
November 28th 4566 Nighttime
Narrated by Mira Lowin

The crew of the TFS Repulse had successfully completed their mission only to find my little ship having completed its survey of the sector. A tiny little survey vessel which only just got out of having its own problems on a planet out here was looking for something else to do anyway. Now I have joined this crew in its mission to respond to the emergency call to the world at the edge of known space in this unexplored sector where we have first encountered a cryptic people whom threatened to destroy us for possessing artifacts and siding with the cult only to be saved by the Lavie mid-battle... What is the purpose of this organization and what role do they play in this sector... Better yet what are the things they are so worried about; what would prompt such destructive behavior or are they just naturally this hostile?

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 2: Into the Unknown
November 29th 4566 Midday
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

We have arrived at the planet after encountering the rather strange organization without a name threatening to kill us if we did not hand over gem users and those with the cult. A field team was sent to the surface of the planet including myself and others from science and engineering to discover what happened to the colonists only to discover more questions than answers. Seems like that is what this assignment will be for me what with reuniting with Thornton and now this job... It is better than being trapped behind a desk through.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 3: Behold Unto You…
December 5 4566 Morning
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

After leaving the outpost we spent time studying the data collected from the researchers only to find out that the creatures consume all matter of energy. Based on their age and size we can overload them with power and make them pop due to overfeeding them. They seem to mindlessly consume whatever they find; with a particular interest in gems. Meanwhile as the research teams and engineers were working on recovering the data nonstop and researching with only sleep between us the Lavie’s tactical staff had noticed an uptick in ships from that organization that tried to attack us before in the sectors. We have spent the last few days running about dodging enemy vessels while trying to figure out what has caused this sector to be so unstable. While finishing the data recovery a sensor contact was discovered on a planet that seems to be a civilization; we have set a course for this civilization. Captain Mizriki hopes it might be less hostile and able to provide us more insight into what is going on considering since we were able to detect it; it must be using energy in some form.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 3: Behold Unto You…
December 5 4566 Evening
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

The Lavie has now arrived at a world we detected on sensors and in the hope that it is less hostile than everything else we have met in this sector. A team including members of the science department, team one and I were sent to investigate the world and meet with its leader after they allowed us permissions to dock. We arrived on this strange world to realize it is a cold barren dark sad place but seems un-phased by the space monsters. They have offered for us to do some work for them in exchange for information but something seems quite off about this place. They seem to be unable to see the outside world or interact with it much. Its protective AI also seems rather... too protective of certain details.

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The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 3: Behold Unto You…
December 5 4566 Late Night
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

While the away team and I were working to gather information on the mission that the planet's AI was sending us on planetary guards from this world; Rema, showed up at the Lavie while its power was being drained by a mysterious phenomena. The crew comes to find out that this was being done to keep the Lavie from leaving. After getting communications back between the ship and the away team I offered to try to get us answers by distracting the guard stopping us from confronting the planet's governor and queen; Chi. We come to figure out that she is largely unaware of the happenings aside from what she is told by her caretaker. Now we must confront the world's governing board who seems to really be in charge and figure out what the truth behind the resistance they want us to defeat for them truly is involved in; our first stop in this investigation; Rema's Technological Institute. 

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 3: Behold Unto You…
December 6 4566 Morning
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

The team and I entered the Rema Technological Institute with the help of the young student in their shield maintenance program; Lima Aionios. She helped us get through the facility and into the city's underground where we met a technician who works for the Pilot's Union named Zed. Once there Zed explained to us the magnitude of the governing board's control and agreed to help take action in freeing his world from the control of its corporate overloads. We are now making our way to the capital to confront the governing board and hopefully put an end to this world of forced labor, captivity and classest control.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 3 - Episode 3: Behold Unto You…
December 6 4566 Morning
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

Having had enough of things on Rema and the world's general disloyalty to its own people we made our way to the capital building and entered having scared away most local security forces with the help of the Pilots Union along with our other superior technological enhancements. The away team and I confronted the Rema Governing board which consisted of the planet's corporate leaders. After making multiple excuses and trying to enslave yet another ship Aidan had finally had enough of the corporate games being played by the board and effectively; with the help of the Pilots Union and our own; now freed forces from the Lavie staged a military coup to restore the government of the capital city to the control of Chi; the planet's rightful ruler.

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 4 - Episode 1: Alone in the Cold
December 22nd 4566 Midday
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

Peace; or something like that… Is what we hoped to bring here. You know ”si vis pacem, para bellum”. They send a bunch of marines, naval elites and scientists to bring peace to the furthest parts of space yet all we have been good at is shooting things up until this point. Now we are making preparations for a new base in this sector and heading off to do more exploring. We were preparing for that anyway; until like clockwork we hit another bump in the road… Systems failures again… Serves us for trying to implement other people’s technology without testing it in a clean environment first…

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 4 - Episode 1: Alone in the Cold
December 23nd 4566 Midday
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

We had managed to stabilize the ship and take some time for those crew who were non-essential to take a break while the others worked on repairs. The next morning I gathered together a group to take some of the team out so we can go and explore an unexplored part of Rema which the local governments tend to avoid due to encounters with the local creatures not being safe. It is thought that they are living mechanical life forms; I guess we will see what we find. At least this is a less tactically driven mission for once...

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 4 - Episode 1: Alone in the Cold
December 24th 4566 Late Night
Narrated by Haruka Sumimori

As our team arrived in the little explored part of Rema we headed of from the shuttle to explore only to end up getting lost in a fictitious sandstorm created by a holographic emitter. Disabling the emitter led into a forest where we soon encountered traps as night fell. Someone sure went to a lot of trouble to keep people from exploring this place...

The New Universes Project: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Season 4 - Episode 1: Alone in the Cold
January 10th 4567 Morning
Narrated by Mira Lowin

After arriving at the village hidden in the forest we fought off and attack by the corporations that had overtaken Rema. In response the village's defender android; Kel offered to assist us. The team returned to the Lavie with Kel and some of the smaller dino-people who began to affect repairs to the ship. It was not long after that they completed most of the work for us. It seemed to these reptilian creatures we were archaic to them even if their town seemed low tech it appeared they had better technology than the Federation or our allies. That would explain why their ship was able to avoid the space monsters and live in harmony with whatever was around them... and why the locals wanted to capture them. I had also began to realize a new power of my own similar to that of the gems with the help of Kel.

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