Staff Meeting


Mira was in her office as the ship moved toward their destination. She would need help along the way and this crew was currently lacking some leadership roles. She would need to fill them with people she trusted and could expect the best from. She knew if it were required that Aidan and Sumire would take on their roles if required but they were more in charge of the fleet and overall operations... Her job was command and protection of this ship and its crew as was all captains; her first and foremost duty was to keeping them safe and keeping the ship sound. She opened up a ship comm channel to the comm center. "Communications Operator Perez how may I be of service Captain." "Locate and request that Nik Bloom, Jack Pine and Ryuji Yamamoto report to my Ready Room." "Understood Captain message will be relayed." She then waited for the aforementioned crew to arrive. ( @A DM for supernatural @Solar Tech Superhero @Jack "Trench" Pine Remember that you can reply to this as you like and add or remove in the same manner.) (edited)
[3:16 AM]Jack "Trench" Pine: Arriving punctually, the security officer was sporting his alternate colors today of black hair, and blue eyes. In crisply dressed uniform, he entered the room, "I understand you summoned for me captain?" he asked while standing at attention with a brief salute. Them having a new captain was still a bit of adjustment for him, but one that had been postponed as a concern as other duties had kept him busy. After all, some of his free time was trying to forget the smell of giant worm and ozone from his mind. Then there were the days he greatly missed Sumire, as well as Haru, and some of the others who had seemed to come and gone overtime of his being here with the crew. Such departures and events, made the whole thing feel as if it had been years since his arrival here already, apart from his flux in past memories.
[3:24 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As Jack arrived Mira signaled for him to be at ease "At ease Commander. As you may have noticed I've been tasked with taking over command of the Lavie given that; even though they will be staying on board her highness and the General will be overseeing the larger scope of our operations they needed someone to take charge of local operations here. With that said I need people I can trust in leadership posts on board the Lavie... You've been here awhile and some of those in the security and tactical division look up to you. Given those things and my professional trust of you albeit my time here has been limited... I've only been on board a few months... Anyway... that said... I'd like to offer you the post as Lavie's Chief of Security." Mira stated staying formal; right now was job time. She could be herself later... She had duties to attend to.
[3:24 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Jack "Trench" Pine )
[3:30 AM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "I'm honored for the offer ma'am, and will gladly accept. Is there anything immediate with the new position, that you require of me, or I need to be aware of?", the man asked as he relaxed his stance to normal, but likewise staying professional with the conversation for now. Well at least it felt like one for once, some of the previous with others, had always felt a little too casual to be comfortable with given his job. That being said, their protocols and rules of operation, had never felt very... normal, before in the past. This simple conversation and how she carried herself, did embolden his respect for her as a leader though by these simple facts alone.
[3:35 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Great. I'll inform Trent, Mr. Ross and the rest of the security and tactical division. As far as things stand right now there is nothing of worry on the security front. We still have a ways to travel before we arrive in the territory of the Mogs... It is dead space from my star charts so I don't think we should have any problems but you never know. Always have to keep your eyes open. One can never be too sure how safe things actually are until you end up stepping in a trap.... Like my little ship has done in the past. I'll also be assigning a new acting chief engineer and first officer today; so you know the duty rosters and command codes will be getting updated." She explained.
[1:41 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik arrived late and waited his own turn. "I was in surgery." @♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
[3:02 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As she finished explain to Jack his new role Nik entered; Mira looked over to Nik with a nod "No need to explain; there is no late when someone summons you without an appointed time dear doctor." She said wanting to inject playfulness into her words but keeping that locked away for now. She cuts right to the chase. "How would you feel about taking on the role as chief engineer until we get a replacement; I know that is not your ideal job but putting the blacksmith there makes as much sense... He should be fabricating, making weapons and focusing on his job. Not overseeing our engineers. You have more experience overseeing people anyway given your past... So what do you say?" She asked Nik.
[5:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Needs of the service and all. Not a problem. I think the Alpha Team is deep enough in medics anyway." I don't have a problem with handling engineering. Since the debacle back on the shielded planet, I probably know as much as anyone about the ship. I'd like to coordinate with Lumi as a backup for myself. "Nik answered curtly and honestly.
[5:14 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Also thinking about giving Carmela enough positronic upgrades she becomes human level sentient. )
[5:15 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Which would also require a body redesign. )
[6:38 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji entered the room last, he was not in any sort of trinity uniform and only partly in his own places uniform, her had on a tanktop, with forging goggles on his head, He had a flat circular piece of metal in his hands some etchings partially carved "Uh, you wanted to see me." he had a relaxed demeanor despite being in the military previously. He was definitely about to do something, Maki also wasn't around him at this moment.
[6:58 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira nodded as Ryuji entered and asked her if she needed him. She then replied “Currently we are without an executive officer. I need people I can trust in all the leadership positions shipwide but I also need people who can be seen as leaders and who are the crew can trust. You’ve shown all of these traits and given that you have been here a while now, I wanted to make your commission with Trinity official offering you the post as ship’s executive officer.” She said to Ryuji.
[7:41 PM]A DM for supernatural: "What am I expected to do?" he asked scratching his head behind his head lightly, he doesn't seem to be shirking his responsiblities but he doesn't see it as a honor of some kind "do I get any minions or is this more of a more responsibilities same pay kind of situation."
[7:44 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "You are the ship's first officer; the entire crew is your minion. Also yes singular... the crew as an entity; you command it... it is yours kinda thing." She shrugged. "The responsibilities of a first officer are many... Think of yourself as my right hand and if for some reason I become hospitalized, disappear or am otherwise done away with and unable to be captain you take on the role in an acting capacity." She explained.
[8:15 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I think that might be better if you had someone particularly from your organization for that, As happy as I am to fill in roles you need an unfamiliar face who is not entirely familiar with your ships or how they work, Any nautical training I might of had is also useless upon the usage of the Z plane, its like teaching Nuclear fusion to a chimp." he explained calmly "I might be good at Atsikai's and leading in the field but those were things I already knew. I think it might be better to make me a team field leader so that people get used to me in a leadership position and time to I guess study everything going on with ships."
[8:31 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "In effect that is what you would be doing. According to our protocols the first officer usually also leads the away teams and combat teams. As far as there being someone better... to be fair if there were would you be in this room; if Nik; whom I have a personal relationship with wasn't the best option do you think he would be who I would pick... nah... See it looks like I'm promoting people I wanna have sex with... So the fact I'm promoting on skill... if there were different options you wouldn't be in here." She said bluntly. "It is like me... I'm sure if general thornton and her highness had better options for the captain of the lavie; they probably would not have picked the civilian captain who just joined their military ranks." She shrugged.
[8:45 PM]A DM for supernatural: "May I have some time to think about it? Perhaps after my forging session with Ned's forge?"
[8:46 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Sure; I believe the blacksmith is in his section; last I checked he along with his wolf never leave." Mira replied.
[8:47 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I mean that's where I was before coming here and I believe my metals are properly heated."
[8:48 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Alrighty; well let me know but either way there is a need for you to do more on this ship. Your skills are indeed quite useful."
[8:48 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: She dismisses the three of them if they had nothing else to discuss.
[8:55 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <END POST; moving on to next post>
[8:56 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji goes to back to ned's forge giving him a nod in thanks as the sound of hammer hitting metal comes out of the room while ned is sitting outside of his own forge.
[9:05 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The older buff massive smith stands over his forge clancking away at the metal ingots crafting t hem into a beautiful shape. He had already finished a handle made of old wood in a handle style reflective of old Japan that had emborder and a symbol of the users choice on it. The craftsmanship of this tool was above average for Ned's normal work. He was hoping for exceptional work but this was above average so it was acceptable to him. As he finished the metal working he began to impart the naturally created energy that was akin to that of a certain gem. The power emanating from the formed crystalline structure as it was being combined into the soft ingot mixture that was slowly forming into the shape of a sword gave off a disturbing uneasy aura that brought forth fear and discontent to all around. Even Ned's animal companion the wolf Adar whom was used to all this work was uneasy watching the work from afar confused by the magiccraft it contained.
[9:27 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji takes his smaller hammer using his ki to more perfectly shape the blade keeping it correct for ned's large swings making the basic shape of it using his small hammer to form more of the blade with every large hit. Once the sword is formed Ryuji will quench the blade in very specific oil, pulling it out to look at the swords temper and upon satisfaction he will start putting the blade together sealing the blade inside the sheath for now. "thank you Ned. Perhaps sometime I'll teach you the ki technique to do the work I was doing, I ask only you don't make the exact sword we just made, Perhaps Red gems in your preferred sword styles or something.
[9:32 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The old blacksmith chuckles after the two complete their work. "A fine sword it is... Always look to better the skill as a warrior betters his. Feel free to come back if you need anything else... and take this... You don't want that pesky aura drawing unscrupulous bunches to ya." he said handing Ryuji a sheathe that goes with the sword. It appears endowed with its own magical energy. Something of a null field to block out magical energies. The wolf replies "strange human from another world brings strange power... mmmm...." The wolf then sighs and goes back to resting on the floor now that the danger has passed.
[9:38 PM]A DM for supernatural: He nods "Normally the sheath does protect it but yours might be a bit better then mine." he says sheathing it and using a cord to keep the sword from accidently unsheathing and to tie it to his hip "I hope to never use this sword, but recent things have made me think its better to have it and not need it." he'll wave Ned goodbye for now heading for somewhere to think and perhaps meditate a bit.
[9:44 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <end post>
March 21, 2023
[8:00 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji ends his meditation in a small corner of the mess hall, connecting himself with as much ki as he can at this moment, he had a few things he had to do, one of which was see if he could contact any family contracted Atsikai from the ship, and what he could use as a contract circle, the closest things he had on hand were gems at the moment. He might be able to to use Mega as a temporary messenger so he had a few options.
[8:18 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As Ryuji was meditating Maki entered the mess and began fiddling with the replicator having it create ingredients rather than fully prepared food. She began to prepare some sort of panini-like sandwich from various meats and cheeses. There was left over so she created another sandwich. Once the two were prepared she used a pressing tool inside the kitchen to heat them and finish the preparation. The sandwiches were made to near perfection.
[9:02 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji waves to Maki and gives a glance around her to also wave to where he thinks the invisible Mega is, "thinking of the devil, hello you two." he smiles lightly and moves aside for them "feel free to sit down, I was thinking of contacting local Atsukai and helping someone on the ship form a contract, and maybe sending one out towards our world to retrieve some things for me." (edited)
[9:45 PM]A DM for supernatural: (oh anyone feel free to join in on this by the way.)
March 24, 2023
[7:40 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (question is...who)
[7:43 PM]A DM for supernatural: (who do you think would be intersted in this stuff or might be interested in pushing ryuji into Chief of staff on the ship.
[7:44 PM]A DM for supernatural: (I think that was the position offered to him)
[7:44 PM]A DM for supernatural: (it was XO)
[7:47 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Niklas walked in carrying a small case. He walked up to the replicator, and said "Computer, a bowl of cooked sushi rice, hot, and several sheets of Nori. Also large mug of boiling water for tea." Taking the tray he sat down nearby. Opening the case revealed what looked to be fresh fish, and several condiments. Nik quickly formed a few handrolls. " Interesting change of pace around here, but then when isn't something in flux." He said to the room.
[7:56 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (grabbing headphones)
[7:58 PM]A DM for supernatural: The only other two people in there seem to be Ryuji and Maki, as Nik might remember Ryuji is currently in the processes of mulling over the XO position he was offered. He might of even been able to catch the very tail end of what Ryuji said something about contracts and sending one out towards a world very far away for stuff. Ryuji looked at Niklas "Yeah, I remember still driving through that radioactive planet."
[8:01 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "So, the elephant in the room. XO and Chief Engineer. Wanna trade?" He asked Ryuji while showing a genuine smile.
[8:01 PM]A DM for supernatural: "If you want the ship to crash when I accidently blow the engine up." he flashed a finger gun. (edited)
[8:04 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Well, Never Piloted a starship may not be far off. Engines, Easy. Parts is parts as the old cliche goes. People or machines. Not much difference to me." Niklas said.
[8:05 PM]A DM for supernatural: "from my understanding I'd be commanding the staff, and probably doing all the paper work Mira doesn't want to do, Well its not like I'm not used doing filing lots of paper work
[8:09 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Plus there are ways of automating much of process now. Holographic yeoman? For that matter. Does it NEED to have a physical body? It just needs to be a secretary. "Nik offered.
[8:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Hmmmm...need to finish the Carmelas body post too)
[8:14 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Perhaps its come from a different time, I think its probably better to have a person do that." he said while rubbing his chin. (edited)
[8:19 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "i may actually have a candidate for that position. New person on the ship. Or she will be one soon." Nik said. (edited)
[8:23 PM]A DM for supernatural: "hm I see, My answer is leaning towards yes, mostly because I've seen the kind of disorganized this crew gets, and of course that doesn't speak for everyone."
[8:28 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I'll be blunt. It's Carmela. She was my pet android dragon. Well, I built her too well and she will soon be sentient and in her permanent body."
[8:30 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik added, In a day or two she will be college level so getting her up to speed should be easy and she's used to helping me."
[8:31 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I think many scientists from where I am from would be jealous and afraid of you."
[8:38 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "My human body was incinerated in front of me after being forced into an android body, Which, now, I am actually grateful for, though the transition wasn't overnight. But androids are the least of humanities true problems, though I still find it hard to believe people harbor so much prejudice after thousands of years of servitude or slavery to humanity. " Nik said. (edited)
[8:41 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Don't trust them, Don't build them. I created a daughter. Which is only different in the scale of time it takes to build one. I could just as easily clone a few test tube babies and groom them."
[8:47 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Well the first thing you should know, based on everything I've read during our travel times, I don't think we have cloning technology on our planet, having a metal body wouldn't be so surprising that we think you are out of the ordinary, and our planet isn't space faring yet, with my understanding of other things some branches of some goverment are doing, Your daughter which I assume you started making within the last two decades would shatter every technology we have on our planet by a very wide margin, if we ever some how end up there, I'll tell you some things to watch out for."
[8:50 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki comes over “ my opinion on your taking command is you’ve been doing it for years anyway… Just because you rarely work with people doesn’t mean you weren’t commanding the army from afar. Your actions and leadership skills dictate what people see. Usually when you get this far up from what I remember being told by the director; at least in SNEIF she and her superiors would not offer someone that high up a role without knowing they’re actually capable of doing it even if they’re rough around the edges. Maybe the same is true here… and if not just trust in those below you even if some of the people here are idiots there are many more who are fairly competent at their jobs. Let them guide you.” She then offers him the other Panini she made sliding the plate to Ryuji. (edited)
[9:04 PM]A DM for supernatural: "So nothing to say on the other topic Manzanilla then?" he grinned a bit taking a bite out of the panini "There are other problems beside just capability, is Mega here Maki?" he asks looking at her he is his same jovial self, he just seems to have a tinge of more seriousness to him as he puts down the panini for now.
[9:15 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "She always is... Never leaves; not that I could see Mega if she did just something you sense you know." Maki explained.
[9:25 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "There is also General Thornton. If you wanted the ear of experience." Nik offered
[9:31 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Mega, would you be so kind as to show yourself." Ryuji rubbed his chin a bit in thought "she really only saw me a bit during the road trip and its not like we have my military records." he nodded to Nik "its not the experience that scares me, I think I might take the position if not to make sure the ship is not a disorganized mad house.
[10:34 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: There was no response of words only a feeling that there was a presence around him as he asked for Maki's partner's presence. As he also responds about the XO job Maki nods. "It should be good for you; plus it isn't like we will be going anywhere." A voice appears in Ryuji's head seemingly out of nowhere; it was easy for him to tell it was through telepathic communication. "Such a task while not impossible in this globular cluster would be difficult. We are far from home and it is hard to say if anything even resides in our space here." The voice did seem neutral about taking on the job though.
[10:50 PM]A DM for supernatural: he rubs his chin and uses his senses for Atsukai to feel out space before answering back on the same telepathic channel mega was using 'There are quite a few, middle level, its a few humanoid types with more then a few beast types.' he then turned to Nik after staring at maki and making non verbal communications with her. "Can I see your hand Nik, I have to test something and I need someone with a particular affinity."
March 25, 2023
[9:43 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik complied, but was unable to prevent his face from cocking an eyebrow in confused interest. He held out his hand, palm up.
[9:43 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: { @A DM for supernatural }
[9:48 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji held it for a moment, if he was sensitive to supernatural things that he could detect (atsukai,ki) he would detect it in some form or fashion "Sadly nope, nothing is that easy it seems." Ryuji's hand retracts "I was testing for a natural affinity towards a certain something, uhh to best describe while sounding as fortune teller as possible I was testing the wavelength of your soul."
[10:12 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "As a scientist, I am a tad skeptical since I don't understand what you are looking for. Do androids have a record of any supernatural abilities?" Nik said. (keeping in mind, he has 6 degrees in a few subjects including gems if I remember correctly since he basically copied Lumi's knowledge base. Still doing the work to earn the degrees)
[10:13 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (correction She has the equivalent of seven Ph.D's and a medical degree because of her knowledge from being the ships computer and access to all the ships databases. She also knows a lot about engineering from her understanding of her own former self (the ship.). She has been awarded the PH.D's and M.D. through the ITC. She has degrees in holo-programming, spacecraft design, spacecraft structural construction, biology, computer science, environmental sciences and starship operational and logistical services management (Starfleet Academy Degree))
[10:16 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (But the lavie has a gem drive and he did quite a bit of work on the Lavie during the last debacle with the drive) (edited)
[10:21 AM]A DM for supernatural: "I mean you can use those gems right? What I was looking for they don't care about what body you have, again its, you as a person or your soul. there are some things I don't understand I didn't really study them, some soul waves, don't really gel with them. Given enough time you can train yourself to be more adapted towards them, Or so I've been told unfortunately I kind of need someone with natural affinity. " (edited)
[10:28 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "That's fair. Though I might need your help as I have come into more contact with in Medical & Engineering so it's a good idea to study why. Actually, one of the medics uses them all the time. She might have that affinity. ( @♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡ I think it's one of yours)
[10:30 AM]A DM for supernatural: "If I take the XO position it'll be easier." he shrugged and started eating his panini again.
[10:32 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "You'll be fine." Nik said. Taking a handroll and adding wasabi and soy sauce. (edited)
[10:34 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I'm usually near engineering or helping out anyway, so I might as well take the rank." Nik said.
[2:20 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Those questions were from Josh but you replied to all of them; Maki is pretty much just here as moral support lol)
[8:23 PM]A DM for supernatural: (I could switch out to another room)
[8:24 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (you both can still use this room I was just letting Brian know that none of the questions were directed to my character)
[8:25 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Maki is just here to pat Ryu and eat food pretty much… she’s being her normal unsocial self)
[8:28 PM]A DM for supernatural: (I more mean he can go to Mira and accept the position)
[8:30 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Oh)
[8:32 PM]A DM for supernatural: ryuji will stand taking the last bite of his panini "thanks Maki and Nik." he'll say before walking out of the mess hall.
[8:36 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki says bye to Ryuji in another language before heading off herself going to go stare at the stars in her special place leaving Nik to his devices.
[8:36 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <end post>
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