Scanning for the Enemy (S3E1) [Erin/Scott]


Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Scott Johnson
CO's Office; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1500

Ari was in her office and had asked Scott to come from the cityship to meet with her about an idea she had.

Scott receives ari's message and asks ceci to join him and heads to her office

Once he arrives Ari starts to speak. "Morning Doctor... I'm sure you know about the Alchemy Commission building a device to track down that woman who attacked the Senate.. In short I and Trinity want you to build us one of our own; it is not that we have no faith in the Federation but you know having our own in house device... Well... Tracking magical powered people is becoming more and more necessary." She said cutting right to the chase.

Scott hearing this considers this for a moment and responds "I agree that its becoming too necessary. Ill get to work making this work. Sadly the federation is utterly corrupt and is partially why i go to the glass the planet option"

"Exactly why I want us to have something to do this for ourselves; we can't really trust the government even if we serve them. Blowing up Earth II though wouldn't solve anything it would just piss everyone of... but hey; it would make an epic wallpaper as Earth II is exploding..." Ari replied.

Scott considers how they could set up a monitoring system to do this and came to the conclusion it would have to work similar to ceci one overarcing ai with multiple satelites seeded to sense everywhere
Scott tells ari what he thinks

"How long would it take to build something like this?" Ari asked.

"The longest part of this could be producing and shipping them to the correct locations so we have maximum coverage and overlap with no blindspots" Scott answers

"Okay; timeline or are we talking like forever; how much personnel do you need?" She asked.

[TAG Scott]

Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark
Scott Johnson
CO's Office; DFS Lavie - Earth II Orbit
November 20st 4566 - 1505

Scott responds "we can only feasibly cover so far in say 2 weeks of flight time around each cityship but to cover the galaxy.....too long"

"that is why I asked how long it would take to build it... What is the timeline on that... I know searching will take forever; that's why I plan to search smart... We aren't just going to run at this like idiots with old ass minesweepers walking back and forth over a minefield until we hit something; were doing this strategically... Gathering intel and then searching areas that intel supports hitting." Ari said abruptly to him.

scott responds "roughly 4 weeks ari"

"Make is two; get some of our brains to help you; Nik, ned... Nore." Ari ordred.

Scott chuckles "with that list we should be able to make that happen"

"maybe even ask that new girl; not sure how good she is with engineering stuff but she seems competent enough with magic... Makigisa..." Ari said. "With that anything else to report or talk about?" Ari asked.

Scott shakes his head and thanks ari for her time and says "ill get to work right now ill also add itc on this"

She nods and dismisses him.

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