Player Character List (Season 5)


This list includes a players primary character and their four other secondary characters. Limited other NPCs are included in this list as it is used for tracking purposes and as a master list. This list is organized by player.

Atsumari (GM1) (Josh)
Mari Cecilia "Mira" Lowin - Commanding Officer/Pilot; Trinity Tactical Team One
Sumire "Remi" Rembrant - Queen; Orteria
Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark - Orteria Royal Military Authority Intelligence Chief
Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi - Sniper Support; Trinity Tactical Team One (Supporting)
Ayano Layton - Commander; Trinity Tactical Team One (Supporting)

Tugar (GM2) (Brian)
Aidan Thornton - Chairmen; Orteria Royal Military Authority
Ayasha Thornton - Medic; Trinity Tactical Team One
Niklas "Nik" Blom - Chief Engineer/Robotics Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Kacie Blom - Chief Engineer's Assistant/General Staff Yeoman; Trinity Combined Service
Sarissa Slane - Chief Medical Officer; Orteria Royal Military Authority

Tuncecine (GM3)
Ryuji Yamamoto - Executive Officer; TFS Lavie
Maria "Mary" Hina - Medical Officer; Trinity Tactical Team One/TFS Lavie-A
Owain Danforth - R&D Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Ellen Hayes - Sumire's Bodyguard
Takeko "Akane" Hassam - Sumire's Ex-Girlfriend

Subject 2458 - Security Officer; TFS Lavie
Ardent Dawn - Selani's Maid/Adjutant; Ardent Dawn
Selaniphi "Selani" Kiirmant - Aide to Queen Sumire/Adjutant; Murasashi

Jack Pine
Jack Pine - Chief of Security; TFS Lavie
Sarah Pine - Marksmen; Trinity Tactical Team One
Kessler Ryzka - Backup Pilot; Trinity Tactical Team One
Seraphina "Sera" Cerulius - Chief Science Officer; TFS Lavie
Neera Pine - Security Officer; TFS Lavie

Players with one character (Non-GMs/Staff):
Kirin Drawmawl (keving) - Summoning Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Oscar Kashima (oscar-senpai) - Close Quarters Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
William Shert (Rockyeah) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Chantelle "Chan" Singularum (Aya) - Commanding Officer; UKS Judgemaker; SOCOM, UKG
Aurey Simulacrum (Aya) - General; SOCOM, UKG
Yozuki Edwards (Angel/Bluey) - Nurse; TFS Lavie

Inactive Characters:
Tim Rogers (SlimJimTim) - Chief Helmsmen; TFS Lavie
Sanya Isilme (Kim) - Gem Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Scott Johnson (Aqace100) - Chairmen; Inter-Universal Technology Command
Lune Fortestille (Luni) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Yvetta Ebony (Maho) - Close Quarters Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Tory Trace (hellsangel) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Haruka "Haru" Sumimori (atsumari) - Alchemy Commission Gem Researcher
Hikaru Ino (Kaligos) - Systems Manager; Seeker Mech
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By Role

Sumire "Remi" Rembrant (Atsumari) - Queen; Orteria
Aidan Thornton (Tugar) - Chairmen; Orteria Royal Military Authority
Ellen Hayes (Tuncecine) - Sumire's Bodyguard
Selaniphi "Selani" Kiirmant - Aide to Queen Sumire/Adjutant; Murasashi
Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark (Atsumari) - Orteria Royal Military Authority Intelligence Chief
Ayano Layton (Atsumari) - Commanding Officer; Trinity Tactical Team One
Sarissa Slane (Tugar) - Chief Medical Officer; Orteria Royal Military Authority
Mari Cecilia "Mira" Lowin (Atsumari) - Commanding Officer; TFS Lavie/Pilot; Trinity Tactical Team One
Ryuji Yamamoto (Tuncecine) - Executive Officer; TFS Lavie

Owain Danforth (Tuncecine) - R&D Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Ayasha Thornton (Tugar) - Medic; Trinity Tactical Team One
Seraphina "Sera" Cerulius (Jack) - Researcher; Trinity Tactical Team One
Yozuki Edwards - Nurse; TFS Lavie

Tory Trace (hellsangel) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
William Shert (Rockyeah) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Lune Fortestille (Luni) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One

Tim Rogers (SlimJimTim) - Chief Helmsmen; TFS Lavie
Kessler Ryzka (Jack) - Backup Pilot; Trinity Tactical Team One


Niklas "Nik" Blom - Chief Engineer; TFS Lavie/Robotics Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Makigisa "Maki" Tahoshi (Atsumari) - Support Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Sanya Isilme (Kim) - Gem Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Kirin Drawmawl (keving) - Summoning Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One

Jack Pine (Jack) - Chief of Security; TFS Lavie/Marksmen; Trinity Tactical Team One
Sarah Pine (Jack) - Marksmen; Trinity Tactical Team One
Neera Pine (Jack) - Marksmen; Trinity Tactical Team One
Oscar Kashima (oscar-senpai) - Close Quarters Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One
Yvetta Ebony (Maho) - Close Quarters Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One

Scott Johnson (Aqace100) - Chairmen; Inter-Universal Technology Command
Ardent Dawn (Inori) - Selani's Maid/Adjutant; Ardent Dawn
Haruka "Haru" Sumimori (Atsumari) - Alchemy Commission Gem Researcher
Takeko "Akane" Hassam (Tuncecine) - Sumire's Ex-Girlfriend

Diplomatic Personnel (Non-Trinity Personnel)
Chantelle "Chan" Singularum (Aya) - Commanding Officer; UKS Judgemaker; SOCOM, UKG
Aurey Simulacrum (Aya) - General; SOCOM, UKG
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This needs updating with new more active players but here is a more current version of the crew list with descriptions that existed previously:

Main Cast Descriptions

Mari Cecilia “Mira” Lowin - Commanding Officer; TFS Lavie (Played by Atsumari)
Introduced In: TNU Multiverse Side-Stories
Weapon of Choice: Technology of various types
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Hair/Eye Color: Pastel Blue/Blue
Height/Weight: 4' 8”/ 101 lbs

Description: Mira is a stellar mapper and surveyor who writes and draws manga and visual novels in her free time for extra money and to quell her own romantic and sexual desires. She joined the crew of the Lavie after they found her ship adrift in space following a mission she was returning from. Mira is adept with computers, given her only interactions with the world before the Lavie crew treating her highly advanced medical conditions were through VR technology. This also meant that her self-worth and social interaction capacity were low; since her interactions with the crew, this has gotten better, and she is now in a leadership role commanding the Lavie for Aidan and Sumire. Mira shares the lead female role with Ari and Sumire. She is in an open, polyamorous relationship with Nik Blom with a romantic interest in Kessler Ryzka and is close friends with Tim Rogers and Yozuki Edwards, which has swelled into romantic interest for the both of them.

Erin "Ari" Mizriki – Trinity Intelligence and Tactical Services Chief (Played by Atsumari)
Introduced In: Connections
Weapon of Choice: Martial Arts/Judgment/Blue, Purple and Grey gems
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Hair/Eye Color: Auburn/Hazel
Height/Weight: 5' 1”/ 115 lbs

Description: Ari is a journalist turned soldier from Earth of the 21st century in Universe 001. She ended up in this time as a side effect of doing work for Temporal Security without knowing about it with her lover Brandon. She has an almost tsundere-like personality. She has been of help to the crew acting as the ships information gatherer and then acting as the ship's head of security. After Brandon's death she is confused about her life's prospects and confided in Sarissa; she has also become less aggressive as a result. Sarissa and Ari are in a intimate though less sexual more platonic relationship and have telepathically bonded. She shares the female lead role with Mira and Sumire based on events occurring in the story, whether they occur on the ship or on mission. Following multiple nearly failed missions and the loss of Earth Ari has begun to understand her own limitations and has started work to construct weapons, machines and learning to rely on others to help make her stronger and better able to prevent people ending up like Brandon. She pilots the DCU-02 Judgment. She has become less secretive about her love for anime and computers and has even begun studying robotics and programming with Remi's help. Ari is more or less Remi's older "sister." Ari is romantically involved with Aidan Thornton, Hikaru Ino and Jack Pine.

Aidan Thornton – Trinity Task Force 1 Commander/Fiancé of the Queen/ORMA Chairmen (Played by Tugar)
Introduced In: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt
Weapon of Choice: Battle Suit/Service Pistol
Gender: Male
Age: 39 (His body was de-aged to being in his mid-20s)
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown
Height/Weight: 6’ 4”/ 245 lbs

Description: Aidan has a daughter and is a native of Earth as part of an Indian culture. Aidan is a marine veteran who joined what would later be the Trinity Organization in an attempt to redeem himself from a nearly failed career. It is there he met Yuka Layton. Yuka and he became romantic partners only to part ways due to them realizing they wanted different things in life. Aidan still would protect Yuka but does not like the person she has become. Aidan would then offer support to Sumire, Ari, and Mira in their lives during times of trial for the girls, eventually leading to him starting a romantic relationship with Sumire and accepting Sumire's engagement. He is now in a polyamorous relationship with the girls. Aidan can be brash, blunt, no-nonsense, and akin to order and military structure due to his long-standing career as a marine. Aidan is the male lead.

Supporting Cast
Jack Pine – Chief of Security; TFS Lavie (Played by Jack.)
Introduced In: ERNB: DFS Lavie
Weapon of Choice: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Hair/Eye Color: White/Crimson
Height/Weight: 6’ 2”/ 220 lbs

Description: Jack is a man from an alternate dimension who came to end up in Universe 001 by happenstance. Most of his history is not known but through limited knowledge it is understood his past has been rather hard and he has lost members of his family. He joined Trinity to help keep those he cares about safe and use his skills from his past to assist tactically to the best of his ability. He is romantically involved with Sumire Rembrant and Erin Mizriki.

Seleni Kiirmant - Tactical Team One Commander, Trinity Combined Service/Murasashi AI (Played by Kiyoshi)
Introduced In: DFS Lavie
Weapon of Choice: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 20 (Appearance) 50 (Physical)
Hair/Eye Color: Black/Green
Height/Weight: 5’ 5”/ 142 lbs

Description: Seleni is the Human consciousness that controls the Murasashi. She is a former Confederate soldier killed in the line of duty and revived to serve the Confederates. She became lost in space after a mission gone wrong. She is part of the resistance forces whom were trying to take over the Confederacy from its corrupt tyrannical government. Seleni agreed to help Trinity on a limited basis in exchange for their help repairing her but throughout her time here she has become attached to some of her friends here. She has told others about the loss of her female partner whom was tortured and murdered to get at her. Seleni is now in a Human body created by ITC’s Medical Research Unit similar to Lumiere however her body is more cybernetic than Lumi’s at her request. Seleni is romantically involved with Hitomi Rio and Sumire Rembrant. She is currently pregnant and this on reduced duty with Ayano Layton taking on the role of commanding team one in the field. Her adjutant Ardent Dawn is acting as her eyes and ears out in the field.

Primary Player Characters not in the Main Cast
Ryuji Yamamoto (Tuncecine) – Executive Officer; TFS Lavie/Sniper; SNIEF; Laviesta Government
Nik Blom (Tugar) – Chief Engineer; TFS Lavie
Tim Rogers (SlimJimTim) - Chief HELM Operator; TFS Lavie
Maki Tahoshi (atsumari) - Field Operations Support; Trinity Tactical Team One; TFS Lavie/Field Agent; SNIEF; Laviesta Government
Yozuki Edwards (Bluey) – Nurse; TFS Lavie
Chantelle "Chan" Singularum (Aya) - Commanding Officer; UKS Judgemaker; SOCOM, UKG
Aurey Simulacrum (Aya) - General; SOCOM, UKG

Inactive Characters:
Tim Rogers (SlimJimTim) - Chief Helmsmen; TFS Lavie
Sanya Isilme (Kim) - Gem Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One; TFS Lavie
Scott Johnson (Aqace100) - Chairmen; Inter-Universal Technology Command
Lune Fortestille (Luni) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One; TFS Lavie
Yvetta Ebony (Maho) - Close Quarters Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One; TFS Lavie
Tory Trace (hellsangel) - Engineering Specialist; Trinity Tactical Team One; TFS Lavie
Haruka "Haru" Sumimori (atsumari) - Alchemy Commission Gem Researcher
Arisa Eirini (NPC) - Human Half of Arisa's Dragon Spirit
William Shert (Rockyeah) - Assistant Engineering Officer; TFS Lavie
Ardent Dawn (Kiyoshi/M82A1) - Royal Caretaker/Tactical Team One Member; TFS Lavie; TFS Lavie
Kiyoko Ino (Atsumari) - Pilot; Seeker Mech/Commander; TFS Lavie Armor Mechinized Corps Detachment
Hikaru Ino (Kaligos) - Systems Manager; Seeker Mech; TFS Lavie Armor Mechinized Corps Detachment
Oscar Kashima (Oscar) - Tactical Team Member; TFS Lavie
Kirin Drawmawl (sceptile403) - Tactical Team Member; TFS Lavie
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