Gifts (S3E1) [Erin/Dawn]


(Need to edit this eventually)

After she was done riding around town with Jack Ari was now at a coffee shop having some actual hand made coffee. She was still in her sleeveless hoodie that zipped up. Under it was a tank. She also wore short shorts and sandals with her hair in one bun instead of her normal two.She noticed Dawn; still. Finally she decided to confront the adjutant "Like I totally get your sister, boss... friend whatever told you to follow Aidan and I around and your doing this to get more experience... but like... Do   you do anything in your life but take orders and follow your charges around; even for an AI that kinda sounds like a sad life." Ari said bluntly.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
Dawn tilts her head at Ari. "I was designed to ensure Seleni and her family lives in relative comfort. As you are considered part of her family I am obligated to ensure your comfort. As for what I do, I do follow milady around if only to protect her. Amongst me and my sisters, we have agreed that her happiness is paramount and we will lay our lives down if needed."
"Okay... So your soldier; got it... but living and dying for someone you pledge loyalty to is not ones entire life; what else do you do with yourself; do you have hobbies... Somewhere you want to go that isn't an order... Honey.... We are on leave; this entire city is under lockdown after Senators got obliterated by some random insane chick... Only reason we can go as we please is we are military... Go have fun... or is there something you would want a number two for?" Ari asked.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"I do have hobbies. Thats why I have the maid plugin installed." Dawn giggles. "But in all seriousness, I do enjoy embroidery and cooking."
"Would you like to do something right now?" She asked.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"If you do have something in mind, sure" Dawn says.
"Not realy anything in particular... What would you wanna do?" She asked trying to get Dawn to direct things for once.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
Dawn just tilts her head at Ari, confused.
(I realized i never really gave her any real hobbies besides enjoying the things she does to make sure Seleni lives in comfort.)
"Think for me; if you could do something for fun; just for you... What would you wanna do?" She asked.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
Dawn ponders for a moment. "I guess we can make something for Aidan or Seleni. I understand you two had a bit of an affair?"
As Dawn mentions Aidan Ari tilts her head. "A bit too observant aren't we... He and I haven't done anything... Every time we try we get interrupted or call it off... We are sharing the same room though; so I guess that's a start... I am not really much of a cook or baker... So what would you suggest?" She asked; this really wasn't her area of expertise.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"I can always teach you how to cook." Dawn says. "As for your relationships, I am able to access some information from the Murasashi." she adds with a chuckle.
Ari shrugged. "If you want to; though; where are we gunna do that out in public... We could shop for things though..." She posed.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"Sure. You have any idea what he would like to eat?" Dawn asks.
"Not in the slightest... I am totally no help in this domestic or what would normally be considered romantic stuff cause even my former fiancé didn't get my level of romance... I am strange I guess... Kinky girls romance isn't romance I guess.... Whadaya gunna do..." She shrugged.
(Shes useless in this area lol)
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"Very well, I guess it won't hurt to go with a classic then. We'll be able to find most what we'll need in the markets I presume." Dawn says.
Ari nodded following her or rather letting her lead.
(fucking afk events lol)
(just leaves client open)
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
(stop playing mabi and try something like Dungeon Fighter Online or Elsword or blade and soul lol)
(I was a founder for blade and soul)
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
Dawn scours through the markets that were open carefully, buying several shellfish, 2 lobsters, various vegetables and a bottle of wine. "So I assume you never even had a nice candlelit dinner?" She asks as she buys what she needs.
"I mean; nothing too fancy... Brandon and I were poor but he tried and sometimes while lovey dovey is good its just not my thing usually." Ari said; she did like it every once in a blue moon but more often than not was not a romantic person. Ari watched her gather items and just continued to follow carrying anything she needed help carrying.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"Well since you are related to Milady Remi, yes?" Dawn asks.
Ari shrugs "I mean; not technically but yes."
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
(are we on earth 2 and how far away is the city ship?)
(which one; the Onyx; its back at Orteria and yes we are on earth II0
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
(so im guessing the Murasashi is docked on the onyx?
(no; it was left here at Earth II to protect)
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
(okay then perfect)
"Well, I guess it's time you learned how the upperclass lives." Dawn says as she flags down a military jeep and has the driver take them to the space port. "Seleni used to be the heir to a planetary government. Even though it is no longer the case she still has considerable assets to use. The same assets she used to create what technically is a mansion aboard the Murasashi."
"So shes like Sumire." Ari said bluntly.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"In a way. But she has not forgotten who she really is and why she fights. Even though she has lost everyone she cared for, the accident is probably the best thing to happen to her so far. So even if you have missed your chance at making her yours, do at least visit her occasionally. Even if its just going aboard the Murasashi and talking to Hitomi." Dawn says.
(download DFO or Elsword reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
"Making her mine... Erm... I don't think of Seleni in that way; any one off was just that; a one off... Think you are getting your wires crossed there... " Ari said trying to think of a time when she was intimate for an extended period with Seleni; sure she was her friend and the mansion experience brought her closer to her but Ari didn't consider her her girlfriend or anything; maybe awhile ago that could have happened if they were closer but things turned out differently. She would have liked to go there again though. She didn't say anything else.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
(i take it Murasashi is docked at the space port?)
(shes in orbit)
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
Dawn giggles."Come, we have arrived." She says as she gets off the jeep at the space port. "I take it you haven't been to her personal quarters aboard the Murasashi?" Dawn asks as she makes her way to one of the shuttles that go to and fro from the Murasashi.
"I was in one of her hologram programs; she showed me one of her mansions... Once... but other then that no." Ari said.
Inori Yuzuriha03/10/2020
"That was her family mansion. People rarely get to see her personal mansion since its pretty much built into the Murasashi." Dawn says as they both board the shuttle and head off to the Murasashi.
"Huh... Fancy..." Ari said shrugging as she too boarded the shuttle and as it was an automated route there was no crew so it was just Dawn and her on the shuttle.

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