

Here is technical information on the gems. There are two types not listed the Ether and time gem which both have not actually been seen in the story. 

Calefaction Dante Rubie - Commonly referred to as "fire gems" This gem operates by simply adding heat to things. This can consist of actions that heat up an area or a room,
or for shooting flames. Expert use of this stone can create magma out of the ground we stand on. Mastered use of this gem can create superheated fusion energies such 
as plasma.

Aquatic Pleides Sapphire - Commonly referred to as "water gems" this gem operates but manipulation and creation of liquid water. Simple uses can be purifying, 
cleaning and creating flows of water. intermediate is manipulation of bodies of water and using healing properties of the gem. expert and mastered use is
freezing and the creation of ice.

Climate shift Fluorite - Commonly referred to as "lightning gems" or "wind gems". These gems are classified as both as they can manipulate and create both. simple uses is
 creating breezes and short ranged Shocks. Intermediate to expert uses can consist of creating updrafts to create flight, or can call down lightning, and creating wind
storms. Once Mastered you can directly shoot extreme high voltage bolts and strikes of lightning directly from the stone and your body.

Terra Nature Quartz - Commonly referred to as "earth gems". These gems can manipulate Earth and Nature. From manipulating Stone and earth and creating magnetism to
 manipulating and creating nature. intermediate uses can consist of using nature energy to heal wounds to being able to lift and create constructs of stone.
Expert use can consist of earthquakes and heavy magnetism.
Darkmatter Nox Alexandrite - Commonly referred to as "purple gems" or "gravity gems". Uses of this can be used to manipulate gravity, transfer energies and even create
dark matter. These gems are normally used in Ships and other machine processes such as cloaking devices, and in-atmosphere airships.
however these gems can be deadly in the hands of an advanced gem master as gravity is a hard force to overcome, there are not much reports of people using purple gems
in combat or war outside of machinery.

Demise Netherfallen Obsidian - Commonly referred to as "death gems" or "black gems. This gem is extremely dangerous because the act of removing life begins with the host, and using
 the surrounding area as a source of life to draw from. The gem simply removes life energy and returns them to the Energy Subspace. However the less life around you
the more dangerous the gem is, as it will draw on your own life to remove the life of your intended target. This can be slightly remedied by carrying and mastering a
 Vita Lumiere Pearl however it is not recommended to carry many on you.

Vita Lumiere Pearl - Commonly referred to as "life gems" or "white gems". This gem can summon and can imbue things with the energy of life. This means you can use this to
 resurrect someone from the dead aslong as they've been dead only by 3 days with little consquences, any longer death times can result in recommending expert or mastered use
 of this gem. In the wrong hands of this gem, you can cause cancers, cellular overgrowth, mass mutations, and can create things that can result in.. nightmarish proportions.
 if used to create raw life, it is unknown whether the life you create will become an infectious cancer of our world or can create guardians, it is better by the alchemic
 commission that it is extremely limited on who's hands these gems fall into.

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