Charitable Status



Effective on May 14th after much work and preparation we were informed that The New Universes Project was determined to be a 501(c)3 nonprofit. This means that we are able to take tax deductible donations and are exempt from tax. This also provides us certain legal requirements and protections but much of this is stuff we already do not engage in anyway due to the nature of what we do as a fan based writing group and group that keeps writing alive for people. In short it has a lot to do with politics and for profit ventures; all of which don't apply to us since as mentioned we don't do either of those things as TNU operates role plays, collaborative writing operations and helps with simming stuff. Even the recent visual novel is just being done with the council's permission; not directly by TNU. Anyway with all of that said some additional projects will be coming to fruition in the coming days and hopefully this will bring some activity into the role play. As always if you need anything please reach out to a staff member.

Josh Hina (Atsumari)
Administrative Coordinator
The New Universes Project

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