Season 5 Episode 2



Mira, Remi and Maki were staring at the blank screen in the conference room. Apparently a ship had been acquired for the whole lot of everyone and more "pets" as the madman in the front of the room kept calling them had been acquired to fill out the group's lacking areas. Remi and Mira both thought the balding old scientist reminded them of some kind of psychopathic pedophile but kept their opinions to themselves all the wonder trying to understand why this guy had any authority over anyone much less the ability to order other scientists the level of Scott bless his madness around.

"MMMMMMM...." The old scientist said stroking his non-existent beard as he stared into the blank screen like the others. "Ze space ants must be vanquished!" he proclaims.
[6:17 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Why is it always space quadrupeds or other likeness of insect in this place..." Maki asked the room puzzled.
[6:22 PM]Kiyoshi: A familiar white catgirl, sitting a chair away from everyone rolls her eyes in an exaggerate and exasperated manner, as she nibbles on a small strawberry cupcake.
[6:24 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( raised eyebrow )
[6:25 PM]Kiyoshi: (i should update my bio for the manor soon™)
[6:26 PM]Kiyoshi: (Dawn and Sashi would be busy doing other stuff at this point i think)
[6:27 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan walked in, the semi-permanent companion when on the job. Sitting down he looked down at his padd as he sipped the steaming beverage.
[6:28 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( or others or not as needed)
[6:28 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (everyone would be here)
[6:29 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (this is basically a briefing if you could consider a guy screaming about nothing randomly a briefing)
[6:29 PM]Kiyoshi: (if everyone is here then so would sashi and dawn?)
[6:29 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (si)
[6:30 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (uses hypospray with sedative)
[6:31 PM]Kiyoshi: Murasashi just gives an exasperated sigh and puts her head into her hands. "Great...." Dawn just calmly stands behind Sashi, betraying no emotion.
[6:34 PM]A DM for supernatural: A relative new comer to the scene Maria was spending the time the old scientist was using poorly to instead make sure her arm was tuned up her fingers making rhythmic clinking as she tests the fingers "Doc, speak coherently or I'll treat you like an old tv again." just in the middle of his rant.
[6:41 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: A portal appears in the room and Erin walks in. "Is there less dribble in here than there was five minutes ago?" "No, still talk of ants." Maki replied. "Where does the future find these guys; is there just a 1970s mental sanitarium that still exists with its doors unlocked so its victims can escape lobotomy... Wait... don't answer that I already know the answer." She said sarcastically. The scientist meanwhile just nods at all the ripping then smiles widely. "The gateway to the future is the past said the artificial wormhole generator. The space where the mogs once were is now infested with darkness and THAT... is where you must go.... HA... You thought the void of darkness was just a television that was off or incorrectly CONFIGURED!!!!!!! No..." He points at the screen. It was actually off. He pulled out its remote and to his surprise it turns on. "Oh... it was off.... LIES!!!" he seemed at odds with himself. There was a camera on the screen that showed a black hole like void with nothing inside of it; complete darkness. It was apparent how this could be mistaken for the TV being off.
[6:44 PM]Kiyoshi: (ravings of a mental and deranged person)
[6:45 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan's hand had inched towards his pistol. Also queuing up Brutus if he could, then relaxed as Erin ported in. "You really should call first." He quipped.
[6:48 PM]A DM for supernatural: Maria's metallic fist clenching audibly before releasing and clinking on the table she was sitting at "Close enough, no concussive repairs are needed.... yet."
[6:55 PM]Kiyoshi: Murasashi turns to Erin. "Am I able to get maternity leave or is it too late to do so?" Murasashi asks, half-jokingly.
[6:58 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Uh... I think that is what you have been doing... isn't that a better question for Sumire though..." Erin shrugged at the ask about maternity leave. "OFFSPRING!" The mad scientist babbles. "TAZER YOU FUCK STOP SHOUTING AT PEOPLE!" She replies back at him. "... The mogs died there and then the black darkness came..." he mumbles.
[7:02 PM]A DM for supernatural: Maria stands up and moves closer to the Scientist before sitting in a closer seat as she puts out her arm and closes it up, the fists closes again and this time stays closed "don't step out of line again doc."
[7:02 PM]Kiyoshi: Murasashi stands, and gives Erin a hug the best her expanding belly would allow, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "We'll be on standby still if anything happens." Murasashi says to her before leaving, Dawn following quietly her.
[7:03 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Can you English motherfucker?" Mira asked the poor doctor.
[7:04 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I can try to get him in english." Maria said a small smirk on her face.
[7:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Ayasha walked in and pecked Aidan on the cheek. "Hi Daddy." Loud enough for everyone to hear. She knew it irked him. Seeing the madman, she pulled out her medical tricorder and scanned him.
[7:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ((What do I get back?))
[7:14 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (he is fine; this is his normal mode. He is just exceedingly eccentric to the point of madness... He is Scott just on the biology side of things... living things fascinate him so much he literally can't contain himself even when talking about their death, life or... anything)

The mad doctor nods "Fathers.... mmmmm Travel to the place where the Mogs once inhabited and investigate the Black Darkness... know from whence it came and report back... Much knowledge comes from the unknown... Much knowledge... mmmhmmm.... much... Study it we must, understand it we do not." (edited)
[7:15 PM]Kiyoshi: Catgirl watches Murasashi and Dawn leave, as well as Ayasha enter and scan the old geezer that had bribed her with a safe place to live and stash some of her loot.
[7:16 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Considering this guy literally handed Trinity a prototype ship investigating some fucked up black shit in space was easy enough given their usual mission involved avoiding death repeatedly Remi thought to herself.
[7:21 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Getting up, Aidan used his command voice."Ok. What the living hell is going on. I was hoping someone was going to pull their head out of their ass and lead this hopes ever dashed to hell."

"Da....General. Medically, he's fine. Whether he's mentally all there is a different question" Ayasha said.
[7:22 PM]A DM for supernatural: "At worst the doctor suffers from ADD, and maybe some Psychosis when he is off his meds but he has been keeping up with his meds, RIGHT?" Maria gave the doctor a look (edited)
[7:25 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "He wants us to search for the origins of that black phenomena in space in the sector that was once occupied by the race known as the Mogs." Mira translates the dumbass speak. "Yes; the black darkness..." he mumbles.
[7:27 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Why would we want to?" Aidan asked.
[7:29 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "He's giving us people and a ship..." Mira responded.
[7:32 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "That's not an answer." He replied.
[7:35 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I believe the term is he has expediated the transfer of a new ship so you don't need to wait three years in addition to some crew members to help round out your crew in exchange he'd like your team to search for this Darkness phenomena." Maria said in a more business like way.
[7:36 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Just because someone hands you a gun, you don't always point and shoot it." He added
[7:37 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "In between needing his diaper changed." Erin zings
[7:39 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "What's your name again?" He shot right back.
[7:40 PM]A DM for supernatural: "The doctor or mine, or the cats?"
[7:42 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Or mine" Aidan said with a grin. (edited)
[7:44 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Seems a bit sad to be losing your memory as such a young age."
[7:50 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Uh... so... yeah... we're figuring out the black shit for this dude... I mean we aren't doing much else besides fucking, dancing, being our lovely merry little selves and running a space dominion that is better off than all of its other compatriots... Am I wrong..." Remi said with a shrug.
[7:52 PM]A DM for supernatural: "If your shit is black you should get a medical check immediately." Maria said nonchalantly (edited)
[7:53 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I think the word for that is tresh..." Mira said.
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
"Uh... so... yeah... we're figuring out the black shit for this dude... I mean we aren't doing much else besides fucking, dancing, being our lovely merry little selves and running a space dominion that is better off than all of its other compatriots... Am I wrong..." Remi said with a shrug.
[7:55 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "You say that like those are bad things." Aidan offered. "But, like mom always said, Idle hand are the devil's work."
[7:56 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I mean, shore leave is really only good for half a year then some of the ptsd and suvivors guilt kicks in."
[7:56 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I wasn't saying any of that is bad... just... Do we really want to sit in sand... I don't like Earth's sand... There is too much sand here; I wanna go back into space..." Remi whined.
[7:58 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Rocks... sand... glass..." The doctor says replying to no one.
[7:58 PM]Kiyoshi: Catgirl finishes her current cupcake and starts nibbling on another one out of the store bought container pack that was nearby.
[7:58 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Shards of GLASS!"
[8:00 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Immediate medical attention for an erection lasting longer than four hours!" "'kay someone needs to sedate him." Maki finally spoke again.
[8:00 PM]Kiyoshi: The sudden outbursts startles the catgirl causing her to nearly drop the cupcake. Quickly recovering, she shoots both an angry glare and telelpathically sending a flash of anger at the crazy old geezer.
[8:01 PM]A DM for supernatural: Maria stands up and then bonks him on the head with her metallic fist, just to knock him out.
[8:01 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The man goes unconscious. (edited)
[8:02 PM]A DM for supernatural: Maria hefts him over her shoulder the non metallic one "I'll bring this man to bed he needs his nap." maria then exits the scene (edited)
[8:03 PM]Kiyoshi: "Mrrow" Catgirl vocalizes, angrily glaring at the old geezer until he is carried away in which case she just angrily glares at the doors.
[8:06 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (final posts before we end for now... after this the next few days will just be finishing up things on earth and getting a lot of one on one posts done then we will go and do an actual science mission... for once...)
[8:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: <END SIM>
The Lavie-A had made its way closer toward the destination outlined by the more insane than usual; for this group... doctor who had put them to work on what was assumed a mission of discovery but given the past track record for missions it wasn't know what they would find there so to prepare Mira conversed with Commander Godhin (If I am even spelling his last name right; I dont remember tis been so long since I put this guy in) and he suggested trials and training. To Mira that brought up the thought of mission simulations and realistic combat tutorials of sorts... with limited safety systems enabled. Pain and actual use of skills were powerful motivators that she herself understood well even if she were mostly useless in battle the small bit of usefulness she attained came from blood sweat and tears literally. New and returning people to the group only made this sort of thing that much more important. She tasked Ayano with leading the simulated training and first assigned Nik, the new catgirl, combat doctor and Mira herself to this first training group... mixed experience and skills needed to be worked together.
[7:37 PM]A DM for supernatural: Maria finishes putting on her helmet and racking her shotgun, she would be wearing a medium level of armor, her pack was kept light, she tried some deep breathing exercises before being the first to step out of the building.
[7:42 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira followed behind in a uniform for once with a tactical vest, helmet and assault rifle with gem attachments. She couldn't even remember the last time she had to actually put on combat gear but this was a good thing after all getting to actually use her skills. As the first two led the group out there were Reptilian aliens that were the size of Klingons wandering around outside with various weapons. "For the Empire!" One's screaming grunt of a chant was heard as he blew away a hologram human with a phase batleth that seemed to shoot energy.
[7:44 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: @Kiyoshi
[7:55 PM]Kiyoshi: Dressed in a red and black gothic lolita dress with a corset rig and carrying a sniper rifle that seems twice her size and even heavier, the catgirl tilts her head at the violence and the weird fact the human seems to have magically disappeared in front of her.
[8:12 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The humanoid reptilian monster turns to see the two girls and another appear outside raises his weapon in the air "Puny ants dare to resist... we will crush your insolent Star Fleet... HUMAN... !" He grunts twirling his weapon around in a taunting fashion.
[8:14 PM]Kiyoshi: (tempted just to have catgirl confused until she gets hit or clobbered XD)
[8:18 PM]Kiyoshi: After watching the alien's display for a bit, the catgirl glances around for a suitable place to set up to snipe from.
The Lavie-A had only been out of dock for a short while but was already making its way to the destination given its Gem Drive and the use of the newly functioning gate from Earth to the Rim. While the previous combat simulations were still ongoing the ship was also making other preparations for its arrival in the territory of the Mogs to investigate the strange signal found there and hopefully understand its origins.

Mira had met will her new senior officers and ensured they were okay with their assignments so progress was made in that department as she found herself going through old ship records trying to understand as much as she could about each crew member.

Erin meanwhile was writing up a directive for the new intelligence staff on the Lavie. Her job had become oversight; joy... But it did give her time to further her journalistic aspirations.

Meanwhile in the mechbay Ayano was once again doing work on her mech as Maki watched with the energy that was Mega producing a soothing sort of presence throughout the room.

Sipping a large mug of black tea, Nik looked on as Kacie paced a bit nervously. It wasn’t that he wasn’t a bit anxious as a new parent and his re-born child, he was just far better at hiding it.

“You look fine.” Nik added trying to assuage her feelings. “Completely normal to feel this way.”

“Dad?! No, I’m going to fall on my face.” Kacie said.

“Sweetie.” Nik said, taking her by the shoulders. “The same things you have already done thousands of times for me in the Mech lab or bridge, are the same things you will still be doing. Just for your new boss and supporting all the crew. It’s a mostly lateral move. The difference is you’ll be making more decisions. If you have questions, you can ask Ryuji, Aidan or a dozen others that will happily fill in any knowledge or procedural gaps you. Same people, same job mostly.”

Kacie’s new synthetic brain processed the information at near ftl speeds, the connections surrounding that data were still reforming after the transfer from her original form. The computer had been able to map where the pathways should be and worked in the enhanced virtual mode, he’d helped her through the transition from lower to higher functioning levels. Previously she’d had the mental capacity of a ten-year-old child. Now, she was a full adult, once the patterns converted from data-points to full neural assimilation. The thought Nik offered did settle her mind.

Kacie looked the part now. Subdued gold command piping on the Marine duty uniform stood out and looked nice when it flashed along with the gold her in feathers. She changed the coloring of the feathers to a more even gold tone to minimize the white. Satisfied, she turned to have Nik look her over. “Perfect. I imagine this is what human parents feel on the first day of school.” Nik said. Then added, “shall we go?”
[8:17 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: “Yeah, Dad, about that. I’m now a Staff Sergeant in rank, I don’t think I need an escort to the bridge.”

“That’s fair. He handed her a medium insulated cup. Mexican hot chocolate. Have a good day at work honey.” He quipped.

“Ha….ha.” Kacie replied deadpan.
She knew the ship like the back of her hand. Honestly, it was easier to get around on all fours but her limbs didn’t function like that anymore. Being nervous enough, she had drunk and recycled her beverage.

Off the ship’s lift, Kacie made it to the XO’s office. “Sergeant Kacie Blom, reporting for Duty. Sir.” She offered to Ryuji. (edited)
[9:55 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji is in his office he gives a glance up from his paper work, and Ship manifesto, perhaps Mira and him are learning every crew member on the ship together. He was wearing a foreign military suit he gets up from his sitting position, moving a bit closer and offering his hand to shake "Marine officer Ryuji Yamamoto, I believe Nik suggested I take you on as a Yeoman for some experience, I'm more then happy to do that, right now I'm just going through the list of soldiers and officers on this vessel, As of right now the clerical work is light but this is a new ship it'll definitely grow soon enough." he'd offer Kacie a seat. the room wasn't yet personalized but that'd probably change soon enough.
[11:29 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Taking the seat, Kacie replied, “thank you, Sir. As I understand my duties, my job as yeoman is not limited to clerical tasks. As your office manager, my job is to make sure I have everything sorted and organized, handle all comm/visitors related to this office, and point out that in deference to my unique skills will be highly effective direct liaison with Engineering staff. Other areas as you say, will require growth and time to mature.” (edited)
[11:59 AM]A DM for supernatural: "its fine, in terms of communicating with Engineering, I might need to you learn how to explain their complaints like you are speaking to a five year old. Based on my records here I come from a place that is very far behind technologically speaking, we catch up in other means however." he goes back to reading the manifesto. he is using pictures to match with names, which will only be a problem with twins.
[12:21 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: You could see Kacie look like she paused for a second, before responding. "Understood. Barney mode activated." She said repeating something Ayano told her. "Perhaps a pictographic dictionary for those so inclined to use one? Cross referencing is another special talent. "
[12:58 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano had left the mechbay a few minutes prior to Maki deciding the room being empty was no longer interesting. Maki left the large space returning to her quarters. There she would meditate for a bit.

Mira meanwhile had reviewed what she wanted for now leaving her office and making her way to the bridge. “Mr. Raven status?” She asked Trent. The officer replied “Nothing to report Captain. Ship is all green.” “Cool.” She replied to him taking her place in the command chair. She never really had this sort of thing on her little ship. Fancy consoles at the ready on her chair’s armrests and she could even interface with the ship from this chair given her unique abilities afforded to her by her nanomachines. Coming to the realization she could have just done the research in her head from this chair made her chuckle inside herself.
[1:00 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Being able to go inside computers would make things so much easier lol)
[1:01 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The ship resumed its travels towards their destination; which wouldn’t be too far off from their current location.
[2:11 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie moved to the nearby console and logged in. A nearly invisible mesh of strands reached out and she was inside. Moving things with no physical effort was now second nature after doing data entry in the Mech lab for nearly a year. Accessing the ships interdepartmental log system, a database was easily built and automated. She added the VX's of all the people that were tagged active in those logs. Presenting it on the larger screen. "This will gather and sort new comms within the ship between departments. You can also tag any older items for review. I will update and report as needed."
[7:15 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira noticed the login and monitoring from the ships computer as she was in her chair. "eh... You know communications dispatch monitors those right... I mean... Sure a log system would help them..." She shrugs. "You should talk to the comms operators before doing their jobs for them..." The new Captain chuckled at the display of Kacie's knowledge but lack of reading the protocol manual. "So uh... you are Ryuji's new aide?" Mira asked not really knowing she used to be Nik's pet.
Replying to Mira, Kacie said, "True, but it's the data within them I am mining for clues and I already setup the bot running the program. So it's takes me nanoseconds to update. Staff Sergeant Blom, she said, offered a hand."
[8:51 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: @♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
[8:52 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ((Lumi will need to bring that up at the weekly Synthetics Anonymous meeting ))
[8:55 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Huh... So you're my boyfriend's little dragon-bot... er... Wait... You don't look the same... uh... Well nanoseconds to do things is indeed more efficient. I only just realized I should be doing all my data analysis and research in the system. The nanotech inside me allows me to interface with computers; typing with hands is so for organics... Heh... There are advantages to being an augment..." She shrugged. @Solar Tech Superhero (edited)
[9:00 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie flexed her nanotech and the exposed skin changed to a more familiar white with gold patches. Her eyes also changed from white to black with the Iris, going iridescent coblat blue. They were somewhat smaller but the resemble was there. " Yes, ma'am it's me. But from now on, ask before scratching my head." She said ending with a giggle that was unmistakable Carmela/Kacie."
[9:03 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira nodded "So you were made a body... Cool... I found being free and able to do as you please is much more fun... I mean a few months ago I might as well have been a ship myself what with being trapped in a medically induced cage. Having your body kill you if you leave the little box was no fun. This; totally worth weekly injections... I bet whatever annoyance the process you took to become more able to interact with your world even if it was painful was worth it too..."
[9:04 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Solar Tech Superhero )
[9:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: There was a noticeable pause again. "It's still reconfiguring pathways from virtual to physical. My neural net will get better and faster. I apologize for any frustration this is causing." Kacie replied.
[9:11 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It is all in good time; I'm even still adjusting to being in the normal world. Stuff doesn't happen overnight..." Mira said encouragingly.
[9:15 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Thanks." She said flashing an appreciative smile. "Can't wait to stretch my wings later." (edited)
[9:25 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Turning back to Ryuji, Kacie asked, Will there be anything else Sir?"
[9:25 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: @A DM for supernatural
[9:28 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I don't think so, I'll be heading out first, to inspect the ship and get a feel for her." Ryuji will get up first then ask "do you have your bunk situation sorted out?"
[9:29 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: It's getting there. Gotta move a wall or two. " Kacie replied.
[9:34 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Thats going to be tough in a ship with very standardized rooms." he'll then move out of his office and head towards the bridge.
[9:35 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (kek; modular rooms can be modified )
[9:39 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "It's an easy fix." Kacie replied to Ryuji. "I will finish in-processing if there are no objections?"
[9:49 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I wouldn't change any walls other then that I'll see what rooms are available and accommodating." (edited)
April 10, 2023
[5:16 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Thank you Sir. Normally, I'd ask dad since he was quartermaster of the Lavie. Oh, I mean Nik to you." Kacie said.
[5:18 PM]A DM for supernatural: He'd nod before finally exiting his office possibly still heading towards the bridge
[5:19 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Makes Sense)
[5:29 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: KC (Kacie) also thanked Mira and headed for the holodeck. She winced in discomfort. as her wings fought the harness. Modifications must be made, and she needed to test her new capabilities or lack thereof.
April 22, 2023
[10:24 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Active Member anyone else… we’ll be moving on this afternoon)
[10:25 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: memememememememememememememememe
[10:28 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (You’ve already posted and we’ve got other 1 on 1 to do that are separate silly one. This is just for the mission. It’ll be running like 4 my time… maybe earlier it really all depends on if a bunch of people show up or not )
[10:45 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: true
[11:02 AM]Aya:
[4:56 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The Lavie and its support ships arrived in the sector of space known to once house the Mogs. The darkness they were sent to investigate was still a few light years off and out of detailed sensor range, but they were close enough for a sector scan. It was desolate, avoid of mass, and lacking in form. The lack of life here was eerie. If sound could be heard under normal conditions in space the absence of such would make this place even more insurmountable. Mira stared at the dark on the void viewscreen, which was jarring by its lack of spatial features. "Mr. Raven please deploy some sensor drones... Let's see how dead this place really is..." She then activated a ship-wide comm "Captain Lowin to all hands we have arrived in the Operating Theatre. Please proceed to mission operations stations."
[5:14 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Trent deploys probes to through the space hoping to find something useful for the captain but there was indeed nothing here. This place was as empty and devoid of life as it seemed.
[5:14 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: They would have to travel further in and prepare for what lie inside at the darkness; if anything.
[6:18 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Active Member )
[6:31 PM]Kiyoshi: (need to eat shower and put some stuff away)
[7:57 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Down in Engineering, Nik checked and rechecked systems, now that they had a moment. Something bugged him, he was glad to have the complete data and active gem shielding so they didn't light up like a burger Joint on a dark highway.
[9:10 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Others?)
April 23, 2023
[6:23 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji sat at his station keeping a close eye over the people and the lack of light in front of him, watching the deployed sensors "So I believe as mentioned in the debriefing, we are supposed to investigate this area?" he asked quietly to Mira "Do we know what we are trying to find."
[6:24 AM]Shinynecrid: you
[6:29 AM]A DM for supernatural: (Accidental post in the wrong spot?)
[2:36 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira looked over to her XO from her chair. "Supposedly... It appears to be varying degrees of emptiness, though... I guess we can only continue on in and resume our scans. I wonder why that madman wanted us to examine the darkness though; is it a wormhole, gateway... black hole...?" Mira asked, not thinking anyone could give them an answer, but Lumi piped in "As much as we can scan at present with our sensors that dark mass does not appear to be consuming energy or matter, so the likelihood of it being a black hole is, low. Further analysis would require us to move closer... If we keep this up one might mistake us for a science vessel, not a warship..." The half-girl-half-ship hybrid replied to her Captain. (edited)
[3:01 PM]Aya: Chan on ship comms
Chan: Chantelle to Bridge. Judgemaker in the hangar on the ready, just give the word

Aurey stood on the bridge, looking through her HUD binoculars to spot potential entities
Aurey: Scans seem clear for the moment... UKG Reclaimer in position trailing our starboard, remember Mira, you have the con.
[3:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Ryuji, you do this whole long-range recon and killing stuff from distance stuff more than I do... Should we send Miss Singularum to scout ahead... We are on a science mission, but given we don't know what that void... mass... even is we never can be too prepared?" Mira asked seeking Ryuji's input. ( @A DM for supernatural )
[3:13 PM]A DM for supernatural: "We sent out sensor's first and they did come back right? in this space based environment we should definitely make sure these aren't just tiny black holes otherwise we'd just be sending the scout into death. if we've made sure of that much that things can come back then I say some preliminary scouting is fine."
[3:16 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The officer at tactical sends orders to the probe to return. It had not gone inside the abnormality but moved close enough. The gravitational field around the object was not dense or powerful enough to stop the probe from freely moving. The little object returned as instructed to the ship. "All clear sirs." The tactical officer replied seeming to indicate the probe returned safely.
[3:36 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Bullshit." Was heard at normal volume as the lift doors opened and Aidan walked onto the bridge. Trent was about to announce his presence when a look froze Trent and a loud "as you were" from Aidan kept everyone on task. "No scouts. I don't trust this,"

He added, "Let's keep the "it's not this going. If we know what's it's not, we can narrow down what it is." He studied the data trying to add anything useful. "I DO NOT want scouts out there until we know the fish aren't in the water. Torpedo room. Rig up an anti-ship missile with an active Gem and send it out. Set to detonate on bridge command." (edited)
[3:45 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The tactical officer nodded. He knew better than to question the Major turned Colonel, then General, and now King. "Aye, Sir." Lumi also didn't say anything, merely sending instructions to the armory to send a gem to the torpedo room. This was a nearly instant process, but still, one was not dumb enough to store deadly weapons next to each other of both magical and physical varieties unless everyone wanted to die at once. The weapon was soon prepared. The bridge was silent some agreed with his decisions while others, probably newer crew, didn't, but given the ship's history of walking into the enemy's den every twelve seconds, it was prudent to be cautious and not send the crew to their deaths. (edited)
[4:02 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The torpedo is launched.
[4:05 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ryuji suddenly senses the formation of a peak of energy at the point of the torpedo and a blob-like entity around it. The torpedo is then redirected back towards the ship, but with its explosive and gem payload gone.
[4:06 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (the torpedo is just a rocket now since payload is gone)
[4:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Lumi detects at the edge of the ships sensors the warhead part of the torpedo with the gem attached just cease to be. She makes the disappearance known to the bridge crew.
[4:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: And its redirection towards the ship
[4:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Welcome to the bear cave." Turning towards Lumi, Aidan asked, "tell me we can program proximity sensors to missles that will detect THAT."
[4:11 PM]Aya: Aurey: Valkyrie to Chan, stand down

Chan: Sure thing
[4:11 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Our sensors don't even pick up anything except an energy formation where the warhead was." Lumi explains.
[4:12 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Other than getting the hell out of here, and leaving a nova bomb, I an open to suggestions." Aidan said.
[4:16 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji rubs his chin "I mean I can sense it but leaving a nova bomb if thats anything like a nuke, either that won't do much or it'll just piss off something stronger."
[4:18 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "So what I hear is run? You said you can sense it... Explain?" Mira said, feeling a bit of an uneasy feeling coming from the entire area outside the ship. She just dismisses this as fear since; you know, their own weapons were being sent back at them by an unknown force. (edited)
[4:19 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Yeah tactical retreat is probably better, I'll debrief in a bit." Ryuji watched the voids more intently
[4:20 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The entity seems to follow the ship even as it and its support fleet turn around and move to run as Mira gives the order to do so. Ryuji can detect that the force seems drawn to them.
[4:27 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Its following us, I need Maki at the bridge, Need a quick meeting with Aiden and Mira just to give a quick run down." he then beckon's towards Prome to come to him, which the creature will travel through the metal ship to reach Ryuji, and message Maki to meet them in the meeting room.
[4:28 PM]A DM for supernatural: (mini meeting is open to anyone who wants to be in it but Mira and Aiden need to be there specifically)
[4:31 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira nods "Well... General Simulacrum, you have the bridge." Mira said to Aurey then heading into her ready room. Maki would arrive on the bridge a few minutes after they arrive in the ready room. Upon arrival, Maki says "Mega is purely revolted by the Ulnumg outside." She said without explaining to anyone what an Ulnumg was.
[4:33 PM]Aya: Aurey: ... Roger that captain

Aurey takes off her binoculars and scouts the bridge, including the crewmen operating it
[4:38 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "People, any day now." Aidan said calmly but with insistence. "I really don't want to be something's chicken nuggies." (edited)
[4:41 PM]A DM for supernatural: "uhh quick run down since Mega pointed out what type it is, Its a type of Atsikai, Like prome here, or mega, except its dumb and eats pure energy in its path, those gems were kind of just a snack. if you launch a nuke in there or whatever the nova bomb is, I haven't gotten to that part of relevant tech, it'll either eat up the energy and we'll have bigger problem or we'll have an even bigger problem, luckily its too dumb to realize you attacked it but its kind of like a poking a bear, An easy way to deal with it would be to send it back or away somewhere else."
[4:44 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Quick question; what's an Atsikai?" Mira asked. "Spirit being... From our world." Maki pointed out without any further explaiantion.
[4:47 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "So we threw a gem at a giant spirit elephant?" "No... it is like a giant flower with tentacles, except it has no stem..." "So a Venus fly trap?" Mira posed "I dont know what that is" Maki replied. (edited)
[4:50 PM]A DM for supernatural: "ehh, more for a detailed thing later, something like a spirit being. Sometimes forms contracts with humans for reasons. its like an Outlands fly trap except a beast."
[4:51 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "and it eats all varying forms of energy be it other spirits, explosives, magic, fuel... and so on" Maki further explained.
[4:52 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "and how would we send it back or make it go somewhere else... better yet why is thing interested in us?" Mira asked "other than us giving it a meal..." (edited)
[4:52 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I'm more interested in the sending it back part." Aidan pointed out.
[4:52 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "or at least the ability as a defense." he added
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
"and how would we send it back or make it go somewhere else... better yet why is thing interested in us?" Mira asked "other than us giving it a meal..." (edited)
[4:55 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "it can interested once it's less of a threat." Aidan said.
[4:57 PM]A DM for supernatural: "We have a lot of gems on board, and uh myself." Ryuji will mention "Me and Maki could send it away easier, Its probably scared away the local Atsukai. its like a wild animal, are they ever not some sort of threat."
[5:08 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan was getting frustrated. "So we can't blow it up, we can send it away but it sounds like it'll just come back. I need options. Leave it the hell alone?"
[5:09 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Can we give it an alternative form of energy it might like so we can feed it without being eaten?"
[5:09 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Yeah and throw that energy into the wormhole?" Mira asked.
[5:11 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "So dumb it down for me. Why gems? Native to the energy from their reality?" Aidan asked. (edited)
[5:16 PM]A DM for supernatural: "They are basically just energy. I sort of have an air of love and calm about me to these creatures, So maybe launch two torps to lead it elsewhere after a big detonation scatters energy about." (edited)
[5:18 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "So energy go boom making big energy cloud then more energy go into hole..." Mira said, apparently describing their situation as if a kindergartener were here...
[5:19 PM]A DM for supernatural: "We'll we need to be at those holes right? so maybe away from the holes?"
[5:20 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Por que?" Mira asked, confused by the mention of multiple holes. (edited)
[5:21 PM]A DM for supernatural: "hole, sorry." ryuji quickly fixed.
[5:22 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Assuming it can be done. How long to modify a shuttle with energy sensing shields and a nice big tasty explosion." Aidan asked.
[5:24 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Why not just tape two torpedoes to each other and send it off in a direction.
[5:25 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Because I don't wanna lose fingers treating the dog" Aidan added (edited)
[5:25 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Or reprogram a probe?" Mira posed, apparently being the only scientist who wasn't a battle hungry warlord in the room
[5:26 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Fuck the bean counters. Put the probe in the shuttle." Aidan joked. He grinned like a kid at Mira.
[5:28 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki sighed. "Look, stop comparing energy-emitting diodes... just pick the smallest one we have the most of that emits the most energy and throw it somewhere. It's a cat following a catnip ball it doesn't give a shit how large it is; it wants the catnip." "I like her; we should have her in meetings more often...." Mira joked. (edited)
[5:31 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Good. Do that then. "
[5:32 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "XO make it so." Mira said cheekily. Aidan and Mira were on a roll with their random ass conversations.
[5:34 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji will give her a stare "Yes Captain." He'd then tell the others the plan. Which is launching a probe away.
[5:36 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As they return to the bridge and give orders, Maki stares at the viewscreen. "no stars." She laments about the absence of stars remembering the prettiness that once was where they were previously.
[5:39 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (other crew get to prepare probe; so hopefully other players appear.... delegation of tasks WOOHOO!!!)
[6:51 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Give me the good old days when I was just a peacekeeper. Things usually don't like being shot by me. It's not a craving I have to do it either. Go eat somewhere else Slimer." Aidan blurted. (edited)
[6:53 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "So....just to reassure this old man. We are still in the bear cave but we don't need the bear spray cuz the bears like you?" Aidan said to Ryuji. "How much danger are we still in?"
[9:27 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It is not so much that they like him; well... indirectly. They are drawn to him by a mystical energy he gives off like others from his family line. Now to your question, will that keep creatures from our world away... No, it won't. If that dark void is what I think it is... More will be coming. The good thing for you, though, is in short order, that also means more fighters from our government could arrive. We are the force that polices the sentient spirits and their partners. He and I were sent as a scout team. If we find a means to transmit a communication through that gateway, you will have gained another ally in whatever fight is to come." Maki explained as the probe was prepared in another location on the ship. (edited)
[9:35 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Then let's try the probe. It has more tricks up it's sleeve. But I also want a few torpedo treats so that the probe has a chance to do it's job. " Aidan said.
[9:41 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It can act as a transmitter?" Maki asked. She did read ship operational manuals and the like in the past, but some of the finer points of the technologies on board were lost on her as she couldn't understand the technologies mentioned. "Future" tech and all that. She barely understood how the replicators recreated things, something to do with rematerializing matter from a form of energy. She understood that because of her own skills with Atsikai and the energy knowledge operating Mega's powers required her to understand.
[10:06 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "It should easily act as a relay if it can. Maybe two more probes. One on the other side of the event and one stationary if possible in the event horizon." Aidan said. "Trent. If you would please."
[10:08 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (night)
[8:26 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Romulan Warbirds use a quantum singularity as a power source. Basically it's an artificially generated black hole) (edited)

[8:28 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (mind blown?)
[8:29 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (there was even an episode of creatures that thought it was a natural phenomenon and trapped their nursery in one by accident) (edited)
[8:52 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Okay so feeding it a super compressed energy bomb so we can deploy our probe without it trying to eat it?)
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
(Okay so feeding it a super compressed energy bomb so we can deploy our probe without it trying to eat it?)
[9:08 AM]Aya: No, we feed the entity to the bomb.
[9:09 AM]Aya: (The warhead takes/absorbs/sucks/steals energy, it doesn't give/feed it)
[9:12 AM]A DM for supernatural: (would you want it to get hungrier?))
[9:25 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (attempting to destroy spirit monster and wouldn’t be very helpful for us, and it would actually probably get us attacked by more spirit creatures… Sometimes let’s blow it up isn’t the best response)
[9:48 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( a narrow vision ) ( lmao)
[9:53 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (lol; someone should prepare the probe )
[11:55 AM]Aya:
[4:22 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik in engineering made a beeline to the nearby torpedo room. Inspiration struck him and he added a smart module to the probes, then added the software needed to dampen the energy signatures. The probes would look less tasty and could still be used if needed. "Bridge... Torpedo room one here. I've made the recon probes shielded, so the won't look like a candy bar."
[4:23 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: {What about that @♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡ }
May 1, 2023
[3:17 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (thatll work... ill reply in the morning)
May 2, 2023
[2:31 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira replied over the comm. "Got it, engineering; thanks for upgrading the probes. Firing more food at this guy wouldn't be good; now firing food AWAY from it so it follows the food... so we can actually launch our probes. Maybe load a high-yield emp into one of the torpedoes and fire that; it would require a massive amount of energy to unleash such an EMP, wouldn't it?" Mira asked unsure if EMPs worked as she thought they did, but the last thing she wanted to do was piss this giant flower monster off.
[2:32 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (the question about EMP was directed at engineering or anyone on the bridge since her science skills aren't within that skillset she doesn't know how EMPs work in that sense energy dissipation and all.)
[2:46 AM]Aya: Aurey: You asking for an energy decoy? We got a miniature fusion reactor we can launch in the form of a fusion rocket. Save the EMP
[2:57 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "At long as it doesn't piss the thing off, I wonder if we could recover it afterward... not sure exactly how this thing consumes stuff..." Mira replied.
[2:58 AM]Aya: Aurey: Stasis field, perhaps?
[3:01 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki soon adds to the conversation. "it would just consume the energy out of it and sort of spit out the rest so the reaction device would remain intact just all of the fission elements inside would be consumed." Mira nods in response to them both. "Both ideas then; getting as much back as we can and giving it as much energy that we could replenish later would be in our best interest; any more input XO?" She asked Ryuji seeing if he thought the idea would work.
[11:58 AM]A DM for supernatural: "It would be easier if we just.... well to put it in simple terms, it would be easier if we threw out a treat for the dog rather then a whole meal its just a matter tricking the dog with a good sized treat." he tried his best to put it in terms "If we had more atsikai we would just use that, as long as they are fast it could act as bait and return when we leave the area. in this case A small energy emitting diode might be for the best, and then like a wild animal it will back off."
[2:11 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “So any form of “food” would work… alright a energy emitting probe deployed when we deploy our comm one.” Mira mused and waited for preparations to finish before she gave the order.
May 3, 2023
[8:32 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Bridge...Engineering. I need about ten minutes if you want something like a big EMP lightning bolt. Not that hard to do really. I just need a high yield torpedo, wrapped in copper coil body. The fusion generator will charge the coil. As it blows from one end, the coil will start to destroy itself and the charge will ramp up exponentially until the coil is gone. Then. Sizzzle." Nik offered. "Think a taser powered by a quantum torpedo." (edited)
May 5, 2023
[7:21 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Are we trying to capture it or just lead it away... uh... I don't think any of us want this thing as a pet..." Mira replied concerned that the idea might just stun the creature. They wanted it to leave. Maybe people were overthinking it a bit.
May 7, 2023
[7:32 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Derp?)
[7:54 AM]Aya: (Derp!
[7:57 AM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (just fire two torps, one as bait, the other as a very brief stun. The first being able to reach a constant speed similar to the entity, and fired in a relatively safe direction for it to chase.)
[7:58 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji responded to engineering "Just put an energy emitting diode on a probe and launch it, its about the only we need, no need to waste resources. Do we have any data on that probe we launched through first?"
[7:59 AM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (offered my two tired cents, so heading to bed)
[11:37 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik brought up the data. "The data is there, I will need a moment to analyze it. Send the readings to the bridge at the same time. "
[6:01 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: =>roll 1d20
[6:01 PM]

Dice rolled: 11 - 20
7 + 0 - 0 = 7
[6:04 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: There appears to be interference so the signal isn’t that strong from the probe sent inside the wormhole. It appears to be some kind of portal. On the other side of the portal, the probe is able to communicate back a class M planet but limited other information due to that interference. This place could most definitely sustain life, but that much could be determined from the fact that Ryuji and Maki stated they were from here. The place on the planet, the probe arrived in, didn’t seem very hospitable, but very little data was able to be transmitted over the static interference. (edited)
May 8, 2023
[8:25 PM]A DM for supernatural: "plan, fire the probe, and go through the void, there is a planet on the other side, and we probably get all the data the doctor wants." ryuji states
[8:50 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik was listening from Engineering. "Counterplan. Let's try and clean the signal up on BOTH ends if we can, try to get more data, before charging into an unknown portal." (edited)
[10:34 PM]A DM for supernatural: "The portal is two way, there is a habitable planet that we can lay low at until the creature goes away, and before you ask how I know its two way we sent a probe through it and something came out from that end, it is a risk yes, but we are kind of facing a slightly bigger more avoidable risk if we keep retreating."
[10:38 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Uh... how could we even clean up the signal; I mean, at least trying to get closer is a better idea than staying away... Plus the monster thing isn't hostile... Just make it go away..." Mira hearing all the men seeing to have a pissing match over ideas sighs and stands. "Helm, take us in closer but not too close... Tactical fire a high yield energy probe 75 degrees to the left and slightly at an angle to the z-axis." Trent nods "Aye Captain." "There now everyone gets what they want... Seriously all work together as a group to create a plan ten million counter plans and spitting in each other's mouths doesn't help anybody. We are all on the same side; work together to create a common solution with the data we have or is that why I was asked to lead because people twice my age can't do that..." She sighs. "now ops; use the science station to rescan with the probe we sent inside." Lumi didn't say anything but did as she was told
[10:39 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: =>roll 1d20+3
[10:39 PM]

Dice rolled: 11 - 20
4 + 3 - 0 = 7
[10:39 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The scan result was the same.
[10:40 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira sighs again. "For christ sake... fire a communications boosting probe..." Lumi does this
[10:40 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: =>roll 1d20+3
[10:40 PM]

Dice rolled: 11 - 20
16 + 3 - 0 = 19
[10:40 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (was going to suggest another pair as boosters)
[10:49 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: On the other end the probe shows a desert and rather barren place. It was like this was this planets desert or one of them. There were a number of energy signals on the other side off in the distance pointing to civilizations being in the distance. "You lot where is this?" Mira asked Ryuji and Maki displaying the sensor data and a viewscreen image from the probe. "That's outlands territory... Can your computer interface with our own?" Mira looked over at Lumi. "There isn't any way to know..." The ship's AI human avatar replied but she attempted to link into the planet's computer networks anyway. It was successful but in a language not known to Lumi. She puts it on the viewscreen "What is this?" She asked the room to which Maki then came over to her console. She was able to get them a planetary geospatial map albeit a crude one it still gave a general idea of the probe's location in reference to the planet's satellites. This portal seemed to drop objects off in the middle of the desert far off from a very large city in the distance. (yay for modern GPS and futuristic computers doing the rest of their job for it).
May 9, 2023
[3:12 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I'd probably be faster to connect to an abacus, Can you do planetary coordinates, it'd be better to land a small shuttle planet side, getting to a safe spot requires travel be eyesight. We should get a crew together who'd like to see something different Captain you'll be coming with me, as for the rest volunteers, bring only light body armor and a side arm, Low tech side arm or don't bring any at all."
[3:18 PM]Aya: Chan: I'll stay in reserve incase you don't get the greatest reception and the shuttle is off-limits

Aurey stands on the bridge, processing the information coming in while listening to the chatter
[3:26 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Well I am from here, We aren't going to land in the city we are landing in the outlands, I'll give a run down later we'll get you guys street clothes or something, far warning if anyone has hostile intentions like shoot first ask questions later, stay on the ship." (edited)
[3:55 PM]Aya: Aurey: Chan, go with them, you've been getting rusty playing it safe on that ship of yours. Time to be part of the infantry, that's an order. You know what you can and cannot take

Chan begrudgingly gets out of the cockpit of her ship, putting away her cannon and getting a 10-in barrel GP-63 pistol firing cased .50/12.7x33mm armour piercing rounds with a 2x scope to fully utilise her marksmanship. Then walks out of her ship, into the Hangar
[4:40 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Number 12 walks up and puts up his hand. "It is advisable that weapon not be taken into this field of operations. The armory recommends a standard issue Federation sidearm. Your weapon may be seized by local immigration and security forces."
[4:47 PM]Aya: Chan: Could've told me that beforehand.

Slightly ticked off, Chan walks back into her ship and deposits the sidearm, then exiting back out

Chan: well then, do you have a federation service pistol for me?
[5:40 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( ) (edited)

[6:39 PM]A DM for supernatural: (those tracer rounds I see? nice, also a topic I never thought I'd have to look up is the color tips of bullets)
[7:26 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( Just a polymer tip to protect the hollowpoint underneath, but the old way was to use paint. )
[7:46 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (those bullets seem a little short for how long the magazine is)
[10:42 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Sometimes they are modified and have gem particles in them etc; the extra space is so the armory officers can add said modified payload without having to have 7000 different versions of the gun or magazines
[10:42 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: )
[10:52 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (even still, with a cartridge that small, I don't imagine the round has much in the way of stopping power?)
[10:53 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (what's the caliber?)
May 10, 2023
[9:49 AM]A DM for supernatural: (on my less the knowledgable self that pistol probably 9mm.
[10:00 AM]Aya: (9.5x22mm according to wikia
[12:16 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (9x19mm is standard 9mm parabellum. this is hotter) (edited)
[12:18 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (At twice the velocity of a standard 357 magnum. Which is the same size as 9mm .355 versus .357. 2500fps) (edited)
May 11, 2023
[7:49 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira stared at Ryuji as he said she should go on the away mission. “Isn’t that a bad idea sending both command staff off-“ “That hasn’t stopped like every single captain before you… or the general or queen for that matter.” Lumi replied rather bluntly. “OK…” Mira replied with little other resistance. (So who else is going with us, Chen was volentold like Mira lol…)
May 12, 2023
[7:41 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie piped up. "Can I volunteer?"
May 14, 2023
[6:34 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (I figure that question is directed at Ryu @A DM for supernatural since as XO he is pretty much in charge of the away team and even Mira would differ to his judgment on away missions; she has experience as a ship captain not a battlefield commander; those are not the same thing... any military officer will tell you combat command and ship/base command aren't the same in any form)
[6:35 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (even base command and ship command are different especially if your base is in a warzone or in a civilian area... like a base in Ukraine would be completely different than say a base in Okinawa)
[9:01 AM]A DM for supernatural: (Sorry got new game very very distracted, she has a non human body right?)
[9:21 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: {Not anymore. She's the XOs Yeoman} (edited)
[9:24 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: I haven't finished the bio yet. Nik light with wings)
May 16, 2023
[9:03 PM]A DM for supernatural: "if you can hide the wings sure, comparatively to the ships tech, and your own, its like returning to cavemen times, Speaking of which on the ground we'll need to get cellphones." he said having his still in his pack so he won't need one going back planet side, just needs to charge it. (edited)
May 17, 2023
[5:02 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Selecting her VX, Kacie selected a different harness for her wings. Being restrained wasn't fun, but she needed the interaction and experience more than any mild discomfort that might distract her. Over that went a longer uniform trench coat.

Her body realigned as her eyes went from dark to white and a more normal human blue color. Her feathers disappeared, the sole remainder was a headband sized one around the back top of her head. Being nearly two meters and 50 kilos, Kacie could hide quite a bit properly kitted out. (edited)
[5:05 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (and remember she has the protocols in her memory, so she's not likely to commit much of a faux pa. I hope. Being an android has it's advantages. )
[5:13 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Then there’s Mira lol… could totally just disappear in a crack in a wall)
[5:16 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (At least she’s not as tiny or small as Alex Werner or Misu Raion; Misu literally probably had dwarfism or something cause she was like four foot two or something… Alex… all 90 pounds of her was just skin and bone… pregnancy caused her to double in weight… it’s a wonder she was even able to get pregs with how underweight she was)
Ryuji will start heading to the hanger himself "Anyone not going sit tight, keep an eye out, don't say yes to anything offering you power and make sure the ship doesn't blow up."
May 19, 2023
[5:53 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie clapped hers hands excitedly. "That's not a no! " in a burst of energy she changed her hair color to strawberry blonde. Following Ryuji more like a puppy as she hadn't been off the ship in her new body yet.
[5:59 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira shrugged and followed Ryuji. As the group arrived at the shuttle bay, Ayano was waiting with the shuttle. "I wonder how many idiots are going to get us shot at today..." She said to herself, sitting in one of the end seats. Mira took the shuttle's pilot's seat, preparing the craft prelaunch checklist.
[6:13 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( Chan should probably come to the shuttle if she is still coming @Aya )
[6:46 AM]Aya: (Sorry, taking the dogs for a long walk through the Heath
[6:47 AM]Aya: Chan got onboard, atleast Serena went with her via her neural interface to aid her situational awareness and assist her
May 20, 2023
[9:48 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (In the morning I am going to move us forward since I've given people days to add themselves)
May 21, 2023
[7:15 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the final members of their away team arrived, Mira finished her prelaunch checklist and powered up the shuttle's engines transmitting to flight control that they were ready to depart. The flight control officer given there were no other active ship-based flight operations at the moment immediately gave the group clearance. The shuttle's boarding platform lifted itself up and the door soon followed sealing itself and giving notification to the flight systems it was safe to depart. Normal alerts were played outside of the shuttle by the flight control officer to make sure all maintenance crews and other personnel were clear of the flight deck. Mira then piloted the shuttlecraft out of Lavie's shuttle bay. She began to head to the black void that was the portal to their destination. Ayano looked at the members of the team taking mental note of each member; Ryuji obviously who would be leading this mission, Chan who was an extra tactical hand like herself, Kacie whom from what Ayano understood was Nik Bloom's daughter and assistant of sorts so that covered any scientific or engineering needs they would have, Mira whom would obviously be their pilot being the only other person here qualified and certified to fly these shuttles aside from herself. "So what's the plan?" Ayano asked Ryuji hoping for more detailed information on their goals on this mission.

(Leaving this open in case someone else slipped in the shuttle at the last minute)
May 25, 2023
[7:42 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Jack "Trench" Pine ?)
[7:42 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Kiyoshi ? )
[7:59 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (getting ready for a busy weekend and vibing to stay awake so i can be awake at the right hours for said weekend)
[8:00 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (My dude you said you’d post earlier… cmon mate)
[8:03 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (well that was before the fam decided to force me to change sleeping schedules for the weekend, so my post is on hold until i'm not bobbing my noggin to off sleeping hours)
[8:04 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡:
[8:05 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine:
May 27, 2023
[6:33 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I plan on setting down, and getting directions to My families place, no one will go near our stuff and they can give us a lift to the city, and maybe some civvie clothes that match depending on preference along with a few other things, We can't directly go to the house, you have to get directions there you'll understand when you get there. As for goals, partly to do a report to my supervisors, give the doc some time to study the worm hole. Do not expect hostiles, other then that enjoy the scenery and maybe bring back some samples for the doctor.... Don't ever just say yes to something offering you power or I'll shoot you myself." Ryuji explained to Ayano. (edited)
[7:32 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano chuckled. "You act like this is my first rodeo... I come from 20th-century Earth... It took me time to adjust to this future... The advice would be better served for our two friends here. After all, I don't think our android friend or Miss Chantelle has experience in temporal or inter-species, and intercultural operations. This sort of thing is what Trinity has me do and why I disappeared for a couple months. Command sent me to go do a few missions that, how shall I say; required that I blend in with the locals..." She smirked with the final comment. Her current attire would fit with the times as she was just in a black hoodie and jeans. If anyone in this group looked more like a civilian she did... Mira even seemed more in place flying the ship than Ayano did sitting in the back with a special operations agent, a scientific and combat android, and Ryuji, a hardened military sniper. Ayano then shrugged. "Not like you read my file after all... I did just come back from that assignment. Come to think of it unless Aidan did it at some point, and I can't remember. I don't think there has been a formal introduction... I'm Ayano Layton, the leader of Trinity's Elite Missions Unit and sort of a stand-in as the Tactical Division's lead given that there hasn't been a replacement appointed for that role. I'm probably the only one of the girls here who roams around in a schoolgirl uniform who isn't just doing it for fetish reasons... I was in university before the idiot that screws with time and space did his tinkering..."
[7:32 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @A DM for supernatural )
[7:34 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (ewverybody loves Jim)
[8:26 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Ryuji Yamato, former Military sniper, There will be lots of weird things you might see, based on the scale I saw Maybe an 8 out of 10, If you've watched anime its a bit like that for some of the super natural shows."
[10:06 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “That was one of the things I did with my time… thanks to dumb dumb god playing chess with peoples lives my life is pretty much an isekai anime…” Ayano mused jokingly.
[10:09 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “I can hear you two; it sounds like someone wants me to create a lewd story about them…” Mira said from the front sarcastically. Ayano then replies “didn’t we already do that…” to which Mira just ignores her.
[10:24 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (The funny thing is TNU has always been an isekai story as fucked as it’s been; Guildoer, Zoe, Hukari and both versions of Yuka were portaled into this world or other versions of it at one point or another… I think it’s like we’ve discussed before with all the weirdness here. This place is really a screwed up version of science fantasy… it’s broken and that’s what makes it fun…)
[10:32 PM]A DM for supernatural: "from my understanding reading some of the documents, the man in question beat you to it Mira." he rubbed his chin lightly, "we'll probably be meeting with a few people Snief second after my family."
[10:39 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “That’s the entity you and your companion work for right?” Ayano asked as Mira had ignored them now since they were picking on her from Ayano randomly getting pounced by her earlier. She’d get them back later she thought as she devised a way to make some weird yet playfully unrealistic RyujiXAyano story.
[10:57 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Thats right, I was on a bit on the lower end, mostly doing coffee runs and paper work due to previous injuries." he nodded while he watched them get closer to the planet and his phone started to get service again.
May 28, 2023
[4:46 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "Strange, the last one I remembering offering me power was fairly nice. Though my memory around the who, or power has become irregularly anomalous. But otherwise, sounds like a nice neighborhood..." Seraphina phased it all in a way and tone, that one couldn't quite tell if she was being sarcastic, attempting to be funny, or actually being legitimate. The elf still wondered how she had managed to assigned to this trip, she really wanted to be back in the lab, doing what she loved which was science. At least she wasn't having to hang around Scott anymore, but still, she never cared for fieldtrips either.
[6:03 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I hope you're joking, don't make the joke planet side, otherwise thank you for volunteering to go planet side Miss?" Ryuji was calm his eyes scanned the crew "Well while we are going down planet side, just to explain some things, our world intersects with several other, we call them spheres, each seem to be almost classical elementally charged, each Sphere has a spirit the rules over it with power, Called lords, otherwise Atsikai spirits are almost unkillable, there are a few exceptions as far as I can tell only one other person in this ship can make a contract with something bigger a minute spirit." he pets prome, a drone looking device with a giant purple shard sticking out of its head "This here is an atsikai, they're under different constraints then normal Atsikai, there are a few inside the shuttle but they don't want to show themselves." he let others have questions before continuing to spot exposition.
[6:06 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "I don't joke unfortunately for most people", Sera added back quite plainly.
[6:23 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “Probably ants or something…” Ayano said with a shrug. Small critters weren’t a problem. It was anything more she worried about.
[8:18 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie had one eyebrow cocked and her tricorder scanning.
[9:39 PM]A DM for supernatural: (what is she scanning for)
[9:57 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (sorry, I got busy. She only has rudimentary gem knowledge. Nik is an expert, like Lumi, but she's a newborn so she's trying to make the universe make sense? )
[10:39 PM]A DM for supernatural: (so is she scanning for gems? I'm just trying to figure out to best possible answer you is all)
[11:38 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: The creature is interesting. She's trying to detect them
May 29, 2023
[12:15 AM]A DM for supernatural: Prome as they are official called looks completely metal a drone through and through, she can see it and it has some readings of a purple gem but its also alive with something akin to a heartbeat.
[9:17 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie was fascinated with the creature. A complex mix of energys , alive and inorganic?. "C-can I pet it?" her voice wavering with excitement while trying to stay calm'."
[10:56 AM]A DM for supernatural: "I guess one last answer is, most atsikai have at least a human level intelligence. Prome here just can't talk vocally. Prome is like a kid, very excited very curious, when it got the purple shard, their intelligence boosted a bit."
[2:42 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "So non-vocal communication is an option?" Kacie replied without hesitation. (edited)
[3:44 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Prome can text, and they can hear you, when we get on the ground you and prome can make introductions where we have a a bit more space. "
[4:53 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Yay." Kacie replied excitedly. Her dad, Nik would be jealous he missed this chance for learning and possible first contact. (edited)
[10:22 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The shuttle soon enters the event horizon of the portal and begins to exit out the other end. Out the window, they were now in a desert with blue sky about and barren lands around as far as the eye could see. Mira looking out the window as she flew said "Well we are planet-side now... so navigator, where am I flying us?" She asked seeming to be questioning Ryuji.
[10:23 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @A DM for supernatural )
[10:27 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "So this spirit inhabitting you; explain?" Ayano said to Sera, concerned for the security of her mission even if this spirit stuff wasn't her specialty, she knew enough to be concerned especially given their proximity to other spirits and powered beings.
[10:30 PM]A DM for supernatural: "would you mind touching down on the ground, its a bit easier for me to summon our guide there." he'll say to Mira "Oh uhh watch out for lightning the guide likes his thematic entry."
[10:38 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Copy." Mira said as she landed the shuttle. "Just FYI were miles out from anything useful and we didn't bring a jeep... so walking... eh..." Mira said as more of a complaint than anything.
[10:52 PM]A DM for supernatural: "you can fly the shuttle when he comes." he'll explain reach out his hand and call out to one of his Kais his familial one in particular, though not many clouds in sight, the ones there darken for a moment striking down onto the ground with a thunderous crash, starting out far but comes in closer and closer until the final one crashes maybe twenty feet from them figure appearing from the smoke it looks like Ryuji in mourning clothes. "This is our guide Yako well thats what I call him he is already up to date, he was just waiting on my call." The man? called Yako will sit on the seat next to Mira, and Ryuji will get back in his seat as Yako will guide Mira in what would feel to her like them going in a bunch of circles for a bit.
[11:00 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira follows their guide's instructions without much in the way of conversation focusing on her work. Ayano meanwhile still waits for an explanation from Sera.
May 30, 2023
[10:40 AM]A DM for supernatural: (@Jack "Trench" Pine definitely needs your response before we move on.)
[2:59 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "I don't believe I ever said anything about one inhabiting? Besides, as I've mentioned, my memory has become rather anomalously irregular. There are things that are blurry, or memories that don't feel to match up, but some of the clear ones also feel new even if longtime memories." The elf gave a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, before going back to writing down whatever it was on her pad. In all honesty, she had been trying to ignore it, as such things were an inconvenience to her lab work.
[3:02 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: (point in fact, she wasn't an elf when she arrived in this world. But a race that had avian wings, even though she had lost her's, and had spoken to gainz on using ki to sort of replace them. Then during an older encounter, actually did get them back, but now she can't remember any of that clearly.)
[3:16 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Er... I mean, that is what the XO was talking about, though, evil spirits forming a contract with people or some lot... but I guess I can understand how having blank memories or a mishmash of them could feel like there is a demon inside of you. I'd rather not know some of the things I know about this place, to be fair..." Ayano said, and having been from another timeline entirely herself, she could relate a bit especially since there was another of her roaming around this universe too even if she and Yuka were no longer the same to a particular point were... especially now given that the memories from Yuka of this universe had also been given to her.
[3:16 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (We really need to get documents down for your characters) (edited)
May 31, 2023
[3:37 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Jack "Trench" Pine Did she want to respond to Ayano or nope?)
[6:31 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "I used to things like demons were just superstition, but half the shit here is almost out of a comic book. I fail to be surprised anymore, so some memories being out of sorts, well that will just take some digging to sort out eventually." For now it wasn't really conducive to the current job she had basically just been dragged into, for what amounted to sight seeing. Personally it vexed her, but she wouldn't complain, as it was a break she supposed. Part of her did however, wonder just how much of this, the others were also going through.
[9:31 PM]A DM for supernatural: "In my line of work I've learned half the things people do regarding superstition is something super natural, its nor even always Atsikai which are also literal ghost sometimes, and doesn't your rise of the universe have beings like gods? I believe I read up on one particular asshole called Jim."
[9:39 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "Not too familiar with that myself, I'm not originally from this universe, much like Miss Ayano. Mine had..... huh, I'll have to look through my papers again on that." She had begun to answer, but had trailed off on a distracting thought, before noting to check her old material that had come with her originally.
June 1, 2023
Kacie wondered how complex the entity's communication skills were. If the young or perhaps small beings start at human-level intelligence, vast amounts of things might be learned. She attempted to send Prome a tentative text. (edited)
[8:06 PM]A DM for supernatural: the text would go to Ryuji and with a text back with Ryuji looking like he just got a headache two different texts one reading "Prome: Hello." and one reading "Yako: it understands you, it can only text back, if it doesn't understand something I'll explain something... heh this is giving ryuji a headache, so this device is implanted into Ryuji?" Yako while giving directions perfectly through an invisible maze will turn to Kacie "And I can just talk if you would like to talk to another non-humanoid."
[8:33 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Wait, you said the purple shard boosted its intelligence. Is that temporary? What do the other colors do to it? " Kacie asked, her own excitement ramped up.
[8:38 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji pipes up for that "It did boost its intelligence, it basically went from a five year old kid to an 8 year old kid, its not temporary as far as I can tell its been months since its had the shard in his head, The one giving us directions is pretty cunning, Prome in particular currently lacks the ability to speak vocally is all, if it grows it might gain that ability if more pop up."
June 4, 2023
[7:18 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie smiled at that prospect. "Cool." Making detailed notes to herself, as well as for mission logs, it only took her micro-seconds to store it all in the VX for later retrieval. "Are we there yet?" she said attempting to break the tension. (edited)
June 8, 2023
[11:44 AM]A DM for supernatural: The ride won't take much longer, a dense fog over takes the shuttle for a moment before mostly clearing, there are still deep pockets of fog obscuring the size of the place, The Atsikai guiding the way points out a parking spot, the fog is shaped into a path. what looks to be a main building is visible. The outer protective wall has Crenellations reminiscent of European castles while the inner house had the stacked designs of Japanese castles. The Atsikai guiding them there exits the shuttle and warns them "No photography, if you don't mind."
June 10, 2023
[7:36 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the shuttle enters the fog the geometric sensors report invalid data. Once out of the fog Mira follows the instructions given to her to land the shuttle so she doesn’t have to use the shuttle’s autonomous controls given the invalid information they provided at this point. Crashing wouldn’t be good right now so best to pilot manually in here she thought. As the group landed Ayano was the first outside ensuring with a quick glance and evaluation that the area they were landed on was safe, nontoxic, solid and not an illusion. “We’re good.” She said to the team undoing a safety harness she put on while checking. Couldn’t be too safe in an unknown space like this.
[12:25 PM]A DM for supernatural: The Atsikai coughs lightly to clear his throat "Don't go into the fog, you'll find yourself outside the area with no way to get back in, And for those who like Mystic stuff, this place is pretty steeped in it, if you excuse me I'll be on my way." The Atsikai will enter the fog vanishing from sight quickly.
[8:29 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Unstrapping Kacie adjusted and stretched. Checking her gear physically and mentally was something she had absorbed from Nik. It was a bit odd at first to be able to access the data and have new skills. Her pistol was in a cross-draw holster, but the duster she was wearing covered everything well. One definitive perk was that tailoring clothes was incredibly easy since her body didn't change. Setting her tricorder in a completely passive move, it would record anything it could sense but wasn't emitting any signal. Her large eyes and VX would also record.

The away mission seemed like a fantasy world but she shook the thought away. Duty first. Kacie was not going to let her crewmates down. She just had to surpress the wonder and surprise. A tall order. (edited)
June 11, 2023
[7:43 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira checked over the shuttle's systems and began the landing checklist powering down the shuttle and setting it to cloak but leaving a marker for them to find their vessel later. Letting someone capture something this advanced, whether magical beings or not, would be problematic. She considered staying on the shuttle or even returning to the Lavie. Taking the entire command staff off planet side could have been planned more smartly. Considering this place seemed non-hostile, she figured exploring this installation would be safe enough, plus the high level of security she had with Ayano, Chan, and Nik's android daughter... She and Ryuji would be safe here. Mira joined Ayano and Kacie outside, adjusting her dress as she looked around. "Cool... Well... onward we go, I guess?" She said to the group.
June 15, 2023
[5:35 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie actually bounced a few steps before settling down. Her eyes darted around while she made a log and map as they went. Taking up the rear, she noticed the movements of the more veteran crew. She took a step, then two. Mimicking the others, she looked far more relaxed.
June 17, 2023
[3:07 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (words @Active Member ?)
[3:16 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira shrugs and leads the group on into the entryway of the compound.
[3:18 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji will wave the people through "Just follow the pathway someone will greet you and get you guys ready for meeting the locals, I'll meet with you guys later I got to do something." Turning right, he isn't restricted by the fog like the others would be.
[3:28 PM]Rockyeahh: William shuffles along with the group. Head down, poking a non-functioning tablet.
They look haggard, barely awake and ignoring those around them, while mumbling.
[3:32 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the group enters the compound, a man in a cape stands before them looking over each member with interest; he then says. "Greetings travelers, to what do we owe this meeting?" He asks no one in particular seeming to be looking for a response from the group.
[3:39 PM]Rockyeahh: William looks up at the man in a cape with a dead stare.
"Are you a super hero or just deeply ill?
"If so, can you fix this?"
They hand them the tablet.
[3:40 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Deeply ill, superhero... what is this madness... Please state your purpose here?" He replies.
[3:45 PM]A DM for supernatural: An older lady will peek out from the sliding front door giving a scan of the group, she'll point out to Mira and Ayano "Young ladies, what are your names?" she'll ask from the door. (edited)
[3:47 PM]Rockyeahh: William grumbles at the cape wearing trope and returns to their tablet.
[3:51 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I'm Mira Lowin; commander of the Trinity Forces Ship Lavie, this is my tactical division commander, Ayano Layton, William Shert one of our engineers, Chantelle Singularum one of our consultants and Kacie Blom from our engineering division as well." Mira replied. (not sure if Sera followed us or not so shrug)
[3:51 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The guard sighs "and your purpose here?" He asked impatiently.
[3:53 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Well alright, Bai-lou keep interrogating them until you are satisfied, and keep up the good work." she'll close the door. (edited)
June 19, 2023
[6:29 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Anyone?)
[8:17 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie replied factually, "Interdimensional first contact. We have puzzles we are solving in the galaxy, so we are looking for answers. Hopefully making friends along the way."
[8:22 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: Seraphina felt like chop liver for not being given a introduction, "Well since I was ignored in that, Seraphina Cerulius, science division." She totally wasn't bitter about.... Okay maybe she was, but she grumbled to herself before returning to her notepad, having given up on the pads since they seemed to be on the fritze here.
[8:32 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “So you are researchers? The man replied following up on Kacie’s explanation and the understanding coming to him that only two of the people here weren’t scientists of some sort. “So what is it you’re studying in our compound?” “ so you did follow us; I thought you stayed on the shuttle...” Mira said to Sera then replied to Bai-Lou “ yes we’re explorers of sorts… as far as what we’re doing here… we came with a member of the Yamato family.” The guard nods. “Ah guests of the family… very well then.” He moves out of their way. (edited)
June 20, 2023
[11:36 AM]A DM for supernatural: Whenever they decide to enter the building they will see the older lady sitting at a table, clothes in all black with some white, a bit like a suit in a kimono a bit formal with more of it trying to invoke the feeling a mourning attire she has a large stack of papers and what looks like a manual. With a calm demeanor she'll call out a name out loud "Kogitsune-maru." an familiarish looking person looking like the older lady complete with the same lipstick and makeup will open the door. the older lady behind the desk will hand the new lady a manual "Give this to the pilot you guided here." and then it'll be handed off to Mira.

"Information on the SUV we'll be letting you borrow, its a bit modified to handle all your weight, those changes will be written in a note section in the back. Be sure to remember not to let anyone know where you are from. If you have to go through a metal detector the excuse is you've been in a bad accident and have metal plates and pins everywhere." the old lady stated. She's had to deal with this before, maybe not exactly the same but similar at least. She'll speak up again "I have heard that you guys spend a lot of time fighting things, if anyone would like to stay behind and take in a more natural scenery feel free.
June 22, 2023
[5:55 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie was highly tempted to stay, but that violated team protocols. She'd also be alone, though good luck fighting a 100-pound eagle woman with artificial muscle and metal claws. "Can I drive? I know how!" Kacie offered.
June 27, 2023
[1:49 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira flips through the manual. "Heh... with stuff like this, people might confuse me for an engineer... not a pilot... I fly aircraft and spacecraft... Since you seem so interested here..." Mira hands Kacie the book. "Just don't kill us..." She said sarcastically.
[1:54 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira then responded to the woman who greeted them and provided instructions. "Got it; you guys sure do have the Asian trope down don't you... as for claiming accidents, that wouldn't be too far from the truth for me... dying bubble girl explanation usually just makes people sad. Thanks and... I am sure a bunch of our crew will take you guys up on rest once things settle down a bit... Some of these guys have been fighting longer than I've been alive...." She joked mainly referring to those hardened warrior types like their priest, Aidan and the doctor.
June 28, 2023
[5:38 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “This entire future is one massive nerd otaku’s wet dream don’t knock it though… pretty cool shit to be fair… I’m sure even our scientist can agree there…” Ayano replied to her boss referring to Sera as well hoping to get conversation out of her that was more than lack of interest. She may not have wanted to be here but everyone was here by choice even if it was a form of being volentold by the science division. So long as they weren’t being shot at or needed her skills as an intelligence analyst Ayano wanted the group to have fun… it was rare that they were on the ground somewhere that was reasonably accommodating, and not immediately resulting in gunfire or threats of death… she wanted to make the most of that.
[5:38 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Jack "Trench" Pine @A DM for supernatural @Solar Tech Superhero @Aya )
June 30, 2023
[8:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie took the manual from Mira and started flipping through the index. Finding the controls, she familiarized herself with them for a few seconds and then held the manual in front of her. While she wished Nik/Dad were here to help explain things, it was freeing to discover things at her own pace. "I can't wait to get General Thornton here. With nothing to kill, he might finally relax!" She said smiling.
[9:43 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (And impale more girls with his everlasting rod )
July 1, 2023
[11:08 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( lol. Galactic level harem )
[11:25 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (or forget about Upstate NY for half a second) (edited)
[9:06 PM]A DM for supernatural: The lady smiled a bit "Well the locals know it as the Yamato style, Asia is a land of legends here, the normal folk won't know what that means if you say it, as for Aiden Thorton, the man seems to find something to kill in empty air so I don't think he'll relax." the older lady smiled coyly and chuckled.
July 2, 2023
[10:36 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira laughed. "Thornton isn't that bad; geez this place's space legends must be sad if you are missing key points like that... Sounds like you guys need yourself a good manga series on the topic...." She playfully suggested though it was more a demand. Mira then looked to Kacie "So got a handle on that manual or do we need a local escort?" She asked her.
[11:02 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Oh, I was waiting for the group. Sorry. Where is the vehicle?" Kacie offered.
[11:03 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Hey, not bad for someone born a few hours ago)
[11:03 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (ROFL)
[11:05 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (I knew I shoulda turned left at Albuquerque. )
[11:09 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (just imagine how she will react when she eats real food for the first time like Lumi did among other things; life is full of lots of pleasure lol)
[11:11 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Farmer's market?)
[11:27 AM]A DM for supernatural: "Its easy to make the wrong first impression, As for the vehicle if you go back out the door you came in you can follow the fog path to the car, Right now not even you will be able to find your shuttle, it'll be visible when you get back and worry not its in safe hands here, I wouldn't drive off in the car just yet when you get in, your little expedition leader will soon be done with what he needed." both copies of the older lady give the same coy smile and wave.
[11:52 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (so just get the jeep ready driver lel)
[12:23 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Solar Tech Superhero )
[1:06 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie bounced along the fog path, coming across a large multi-door jeep. Getting in she started to familiarize herself with the controls. As her former self, she had been quite used to moving vehicles and even Mecha around. Buckling up, she waited for the rest of the team and the expedition leader to show.
[1:47 PM]A DM for supernatural: Oh cool the back doors even slide open, the vehicle doesn't purr to life like some cars on more archaic planets to, its not an electric car either Ryuji will come out of the fog soon after everyone else finds their seats and sits down in an appropriate seat. he puts his phone in the car's port with a car charger, he has a few extra things with him which he has put in the trunk area.
[2:50 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Okay. All arms and legs in the upright position. No screaming. The driver controls the tunes. Where is the GPS?" Kacie spat out all at once.
July 4, 2023
Kacie added, "Okay, co-pilot navigates. Those are standard driving rules. Where are we going?" She started the engine. (edited)
[8:36 AM]A DM for supernatural: The car infact did not start with a throaty roar nor have a low rumble, it was silent when it started up. when the car starts up the fog which was more tight and narrow recedes a bit giving them more manuevering space and a pretty clear way to exit out of the castle. "Once we get far enough away we are going to to get stopped by Snief, they'll want a sitrep, but it'll be fine, it just means I've got a lot of back pay coming my way."
[2:29 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie took control. Easing the car out, she had no trouble. While the experience was similar to electric vehicles, it was also different. She set her tricorder to passively scan and record the view. It was a shame that she has decided to drive. She would have preferred to look around. The others had far more experience, so it was all for the better.
[5:22 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: Seraphina did so herself, not that the fog offered much to look at. However, maybe the scans would paint a different kind of picture for her, as she scanned the range of window view her seat offered. (edited)
[10:13 PM]A DM for supernatural: The fog acts like chaff to the scanner, the scans picking up nothing, the chaff somehow looks like a mad cackling face.
July 8, 2023
[8:57 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The passive scans also return a similar result, except as the vehicle moves the scanner, eventually just begins returning itself to the scanner. At that point, whoever was looking at the scanner, would just determine the information to be useless garbage. Looking outside there was only just enough visual reference to ensure they didn’t crash into anything. They were still obscured by the fog. No useful information was available. Ayano commented. “ this shit is seriously like some irritating fog of war out of some video game... And it follows you too...” She stares at the impenetrable fog as it provides a wall of darkness to obscure their surroundings.
July 9, 2023
[9:46 AM]A DM for supernatural: "its intentional, we've had people try to invade us in our long history the fog acts as a barrier for modern day solutions, we are subject to a lot less fog then say the City's government officials who only see thousands of miles covered in fog, Maki would see less fog then you guys do, and I only know that the fog is there because I was told about it."
[2:44 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the car continues to move, it starts to leave the area of the fog slowly losing its shrouding effects. Off in the distance, a group of four military jeeps could be seen heading toward them.
[3:47 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie saw the small convoy. "Friends I hope. " she said. Bringing up what she saw, she sent an image to anyone with a VX in the SUV.
[3:50 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano looking outside saw the cars in front of them and giggled to herself as Kacie sent everyone a picture of what she saw. "You know windows exist right..." The twenty-something college student turned intelligence operative explained in a sort of jovial tone.
[4:21 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( her eyes have far better resolution than the human Mark 1 eyeball) (edited)
[4:22 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "How conscious were you at less than a day old?" Kacie asked Ayano.
Since no one was commenting on a course of action, she kept going. (edited)
[10:07 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “Er... Was that a...” Ayano thought for a moment wondering if Kacie was trying to insult her or literally asking her that question since she was only hours into her human form. “But isn't your personality matrix and knowledge database older... Uh... You know what... Never mind I don't want to shove my foot into my mouth any further...” she shrugged. Meanwhile, the jeeps approached them; as the vehicles nearly passed each other the Jeeps stopped and one announced via loudspeaker “You in the van pull over immediately.”
July 10, 2023
[10:07 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie slowed. Responding to Ayano, she said, "I was Carmella for close to a year, but the limits on her positronic brain would only back up the baser levels of behavior. When my dad hooked me up to the positronic expansion deck, I could explore higher learning, but incorporating it into my neural net is proving more difficult than initially planned." She pulled to the side and slowed, then stopped the car. Leaving the window cracked, she placed both hands on the controls in plain view and waited. (edited)
[10:08 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie added. "It would be similar to recovering memories for memory loss in the human brain. The data is there, but the connections are still developing."
July 21, 2023
[9:51 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the SUV comes to a stop the two jeeps come up behind it, and a man in a suit gets out; beside him comes another man in a suit; the two look almost identical. "Deputy Director Kaoushi will see you now." One of the men said as they both approach the doors of the SUV with a third man in a suit getting out of the second jeep and going to the first opening one of the side rear doors. A silver hair woman with long hair in a white dress exits the jeep and approaches the front of the SUV on the driver's side door. "I see it is as we were told; Miss Tahoshi isn't with you... Lieutenant, I thought it was made clear to you that she was your partner; not some agent to be left abandoned on some rock." She seemed to be talking to a particular occupant of the minivan. "Also for space monsters, these folks don't look too scary, or were the Atsikai fibbing..." She asked stopping for a moment "They aren't monsters disguised right?" She seemed to have heard from Atsikai that the people Ryuji was coming with were demons from space. ( @A DM for supernatural shes hoping the crew aren't space monsters)
[10:20 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji plants his hands behind his head "She's fine, we came from a place that doesn't really have Atsikai, so she chose to stay behind incase anything nasty tried to slip in. Infact besides Maki everyone with natural affinity is in the back here, and the rest have different talents. I'll give you a sit rep if you'd like, whether that's here or at the office, These space faring folks are mostly here to research the door that appeared that I walked through, and a bit of shore leave. But there is a lot to tell you, I can't really sum it up in a sentence."
[10:26 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: She nodded, trusting her agent's judgment just as she did with all her people. "Okay. Debriefing with operations would probably be best. For the rest of you, I'm Atsuna Kaoushi the Deputy Director of the Super Natural Investigation and Elimination Force and assistant to our Director. These are my security team Agents Jacobs, Johnson, Jordon, Jackson, and Jerrard." All of the men look exactly the same to a scary degree.
[10:52 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Ahh yes I remember the quintuplets, The crew can introduce themselves to you if they feel like it, some of them have seemed down since atmos entry." he thumbed into the back
[10:54 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Mira Lowin; Captain of this great club of misfits... otherwise known as the crew of the Trinity Ship Lavie." Mira said with a shrug.
July 22, 2023
[11:25 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Kacie Blom. Executive assistant or staff sergeant, take your pick. I was born a few hours ago. Really nice to meet you. " said with exuberance.
[11:52 AM]Jack "Trench" Pine: "Seraphina Cerulius, science personnel, and most people call me Sera for short", the elf offered with no particular energy, a datapad held under her arm still.
[10:13 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano shrugged. "I'm Ayano Layton, this team's tactical specialist and the commander of their tactical unit. The quiet one here is Chantelle Singularum, also of our tactical unit; don't worry, she won't kill you. She just doesn't have manners when meeting new people, and this guy back here..." She said, poking William "Is William Shert from our engineering division; he isn't afraid of people he is just having a mild panic attack." People couldn't tell if Ayano was being serious or just jokingly introducing those who did not introduce themselves.
July 23, 2023
[6:00 PM]A DM for supernatural: "And thats introduction it seems, and no worries about space born illnesses or them with our planet based ones any they brought was sterilized away before we left and they have a shield preventing them from getting any of ours while they are here."
[9:20 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie piped up. "That sure is handy."
July 26, 2023
[6:08 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Atsuna nodded once, then said, "I really did doubt you would bring space diseases home... Wherever you guys ended up if you came home it would be safe or with friends. SNIEF doesn't recruit the incompetent; even for me my skills are administrative and the Director in his wisdom knew where to place me... Not like the man is a god or anything but he always makes the right call when it comes down to it." She seemed to as always have the utmost respect for her boss even if people rarely if ever saw him; the Director was shrouded in mystery for everyone but a select few in SNIEF and in the Hen-Shu government at large. He worked in the shadows, and it served him well; she was his face for this organization and he seemed to like it that way. After she spoke she then returned to her Jeep leaving her security detail to finish up. One of the men then said. "Follow us into town and an agent will be assigned to be your escort from that point once we arrive at headquarters" The other agents then got back into their jeeps and he waited for any questions before heading off himself back to the passenger side door.

Mira shrugged. "It goes both ways to be fair... but it is also not like the nanomachines would protect against everything. That is what we have medical for though. Science is indeed advanced to a point where we need not worry about most diseases and infections... Unless you are me... When anything could kill you... We should be on our way though; best not keep them waiting?" She said more stating as a query seeing if anyone had concerns or questions to address before they moved on.
July 28, 2023
[3:18 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji will nod at Atsuna though he wasn't driving he instructed Kacie to follow them to the best of her ability.
July 29, 2023
[7:50 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Solar Tech Superhero )
[10:29 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie easily followed the other vehicles. She kind of wished they would speed up, but the mission came first. Most questions still than answers, but at least the natives were friendly, she mused to herself.
[10:29 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (sorry) (edited)
August 13, 2023
[7:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the caravan of cars moved toward Laviesta the land ahead of them still seemed as dead and uninhabited as before. It was quite obvious there was not much out here aside from the occasional village or independent installation like the family compound they came from. "This place really isn't much to look at, is it?" Mira asked more stating a fact and if asking anyone anything the question would be directed toward Ryuji since he was a local and the rest of them had little to no knowledge of this place.
[7:17 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie only trusted her senses so far. While it was understandable to be cautious, she wondered how much was paranoia. "Is that to protect them from us or us from them?" She wondered aloud.
[7:27 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Out here isn't really safe, some families like my own are probably the safest place place out here in the outlands, we are going to Laviesta one of the big cities, we'll only be able to see a small section of it but I know that section pretty well. it should not be too much longer."
[7:33 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Uhhuh..." Mira said as she pulled her tablet out of her bag and began to draw more to fill time since there was little to do now. Ayano looking from team member to team member, shrugged. "A lively bunch," she thought as she began to fiddle with her smartphone. One of the people hadn't even spoken since they left the dock which would have been hours ago now and their scientist seemed more preoccupied with her own issues than the mission. it was times like this Ayano wished for Kirin, Aidan, or someone else down here with her. The silence was a drag.
[7:52 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Without much to do, Kacie easily piloted the vehicle. Glancing in one of the mirrors, she saw Mira doing something. she couldn't clearly see. "What are you doing, Mira?" Kacie asked.
[8:02 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Doing what I usually do when not working; writing and drawing... working on a new story actually..." She explained as she continued to draw with a stylus. One could not do the fine detail with a finger, even if the screens were touch sensitive. Anyone who could see would notice she was drawing a female character with long hair in a backless dress facing toward another character. The drawing had not been colored yet and was only partly complete.

Meanwhile, the jeeps and SUV arrived at the outskirts of town, now noticing a more plains-like appearance and much less death and wasteland-like appearance. There were people tilling about on the land in an attempt to restore part of it for agricultural work. "Civilization ey..." Ayano said watching the farmers till their ground with archaic machines that looked sad in comparison to anything they could muster.
[8:08 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I thought farms had to have cows?" Kacie said honestly.
[8:09 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Depends on what they farm; just like people might assume I can make plantation maps... Different kinds of surveying my dear..." Mira replied as she worked not being condescending but more seeing it as educating a child at this point.
[8:15 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( an old childhood IE pet mode than hasn't quite assimilated. )
[8:16 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "How unsafe?" Kacie asked. "More of the energy eating bugs?"
[8:16 PM]A DM for supernatural: "some have animals not all, Ranches usually have animals, its a family common mistake we are getting closer to the city you might see you some of the skyscrapers on the horizon."
[8:19 PM]A DM for supernatural: "probably I don't know how to scale monsters eating your soul vs energy eating bugs."
[8:22 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "It all sounds rather unpleasant" Mira said. The group then neared a gate with armed soldiers there looked like something out of a swat team but with special helmets on. Unbeknownst to the group these were used for seeing Atsikai. The lead jeep pulls up first and upon opening the window and flashing a badge one of the men saluted as another signaled to the tower at the top of the gate. A large wall began to lower into the ground to allow them access to the city.
[8:34 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I can't say as I blame them. I'd be armed to the teeth as well. It's like living with dinosaurs." Kacie commented as she drove through the gate.
[8:38 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The first jeep enters and the second lowers its windows and enters. The guards then wait for the SUV to approach. The wall surrounding this city was massive and seemed specifically designed to keep things in but also keep others out.
[8:38 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Smarter, Dinosaurs can't tempt you with your dark desires, or trick you but not all Atsikai are like that. Heck most of them aren't"
[8:41 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: 'So, what are they like? Wolves that get out of hand? Trained sharks? I learn best by analogy sometimes. " Kacie blurted out.
[8:51 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Atsikai are classified into two different sects, The more dangerous ones are humanoid, or humans, most of the time." Ryuji pulls out his Snief badge, so they can check it at the gate as he explains it to the people again "They take so many shapes and sizes, some are ghosts people especially willful ones who refuse to die, some are like twenty elephants glued together in a slimy monstrous blob, People that are generally vile and power hungry, don't stop being so after death, and those who were kind or courageous and knightly might be in a different sphere, Yakou is from the lighting realm, Bai lou was an honorable person who happened to align with the ice realm upon his passing and continues to be steadfast even now, the ones these guys are mostly looking out for are from what we call the dark realm.
[8:53 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Got it. Rule #1. Don't be a dick." Kacie said, something Aidan had said to her dozens of times.
[8:57 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As they arrive at the entrance, the security forces see Ryuji's identification. A simple nod and the guards in their path move out of the way. "Welcome to Laviesta's commercial district seven agents." The man says through his helmet, letting them pass. The final jeeps follow them in, and the gate closes with an audible warning. "Attention: please stand clear of the security partition. Attempting to pass the gate as it closes is a class S criminal offense."
[9:00 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Once inside the city looks like something out of modern-day Earth and similar to something that would be found in New York City but much more polished and taken care of. High rises were about full of various businesses and other commercial establishments.
[9:06 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie took it all in, the sensory input enough that her jaw remained open for a second. "Wow. I'd love to fly in and out of those big boys."
[9:07 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (were going to pause here as this is a good place to eventually branch off and bring in others (when that will happen) but we got to town so yay)
[9:08 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (I wanted to say. ARE WE THERE YET. So many times.) (edited)
[9:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (it would have been well placed lol given how the posting died so mch)
The jeeps made their way to a government office, and everyone in the group was registered with the local authorities. Atsuna took Mira to a back office to negotiate, allowing the others to explore the city and go about their business. Now would be a time for the leaders to converse and for everyone else to explore and enjoy their time in this new place. Debriefings would happen individually with each person; the military guards gave each member of the group a smartphone which was how they would be contacted for their debriefing. The city was a sprawling metropolis to put it lightly and there would be much to do here.
[12:28 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (the first two people they obviously are going to debrief are Ryuji and Maki LOL as getting reports from their own forces would be more trustworthy than random information from foreign military forces)
September 21, 2023
[7:46 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: ( I get to roam alone. Great. )
[9:23 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (With ayano isn’t alone… lol

September 24, 2023
[4:34 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie was glad for the respite. Driving she could do with 1% of her processing power with room to spare. Consolidating all the the experiences in addition to the new input was a bit overwhelming. "Can we do something less simulating for a minute?" She said to Ayano.
November 2, 2023
[4:55 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano was standing outside the SUV now that they were at an SNIEF installation. Those who were involved in the meeting with the local government were already off with Atsuna; soon they would allow offloading of crew from the Lavie for shore leave and some rest. As kacie had posed the question from in the jeep Ayano thought for a minute then asked. "What would you like to do; I mean the driving is done. Now it is just meetings between the higher-ups... Diplomacy and the like... Even then it will go beyond the scope of our local command staff to Federation diplomats; beyond even the scope of stuff Rembrant and Thornton deal with; you know first contact is a big thing... Us field soldiers don't do it much and even then when we do our work is limited to the first interactions and security... Everything else goes to people who do first contact for a living. Lest someone is getting shot at or needs a spook we just fade into obscurity." She shrugs.

Meanwhile, Atsuna had taken Mira and Ryuji back to her office inside of the SNIEF building. Ryuji would be debriefed by an analyst but much of that process would be boring droning back words as well as reciting anything of note he encountered while on his journey through the portal. "Can you arrange for Tahoshi to be returned to us as well?" Atsuna casually asked Mira to which she replied with a simple nod only adding. "Any of your folks and equipment is yours; we are happy to return them." "Well then next on the agenda would be discussion between our civilian leaders... Meeting new civilizations and empires has lots of strings least of which involve us." There would be other logistical matters to address but supplies and such would be a conversation for later. Plus everyone coming from the ship would need to be screened and go through a medical decon process.
[8:26 AM]A DM for supernatural: To get the droning analyst he simply slapped his hand on the desk "Rhea they had actual ass magic, there was a whole ritual with magic, they have magic with little crystals of what felt like the atsukai realm, I'm sure somewhere in deep space Magical girls are real. And none of them have atsukai partners. I ordered around what I believe to be a Magical princess. Yes, before you ask, just like your anime" (edited)
[3:34 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As he knocked on the desk and mentioned one of the mousey girls in the room by name the secretary shushed him “Now now… best not stir the pot Mr. Yamamoto. Don’t make me herd the cats. Wait for an analyst like everyone else has to dear boy. Far flung stories of romance and action will only get you so close. Tell me though have you been caring for your partners?” The older woman asked. She was referring to his atsikai and Makigisa. One of the other girls came over from a desk in a uniform with glasses carrying a few pads and a book in her hands cupping them to her chest. “Be nice to him Dorthy… he just returned from a mission far away.” “So did half of our other agents… he needs to learn gifts and pomp won’t get him to the front of the line.” Dorthy again insisted but the girl in the glasses with her books ignored the protests and simply signaled for Ryuji to follow her to one of the debriefing rooms. “What kind of magic?” She asked leading the way to the room.
[5:48 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Both the kind where you gesture with your hands and speak words of power and Magical gems that like you control the elements, I've read a report of someone summoning a giant monster. there is a real life magic smith on that ship that would probably get a kick out of making a magic wand that shoots gouts of fire there was a scientist on there trying to make hard light using crystals." he rubbed his chin a bit "Lots of weird scifi stuff, I have to say though I like their medical technology the best." he says walking with the lady
November 4, 2023
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
Ayano was standing outside the SUV now that they were at an SNIEF installation. Those who were involved in the meeting with the local government were already off with Atsuna; soon they would allow offloading of crew from the Lavie for shore leave and some rest. As kacie had posed the question from in the jeep Ayano thought for a minute then asked. "What would you like to do; I mean the driving is done. Now it is just meetings between the higher-ups... Diplomacy and the like... Even then it will go beyond the scope of our local command staff to Federation diplomats; beyond even the scope of stuff Rembrant and Thornton deal with; you know first contact is a big thing... Us field soldiers don't do it much and even then when we do our work is limited to the first interactions and security... Everything else goes to people who do first contact for a living. Lest someone is getting shot at or needs a spook we just fade into obscurity." She shrugs. Meanwhile, Atsuna had taken Mira and Ryuji back to her office inside of the SNIEF building. Ryuji would be debriefed by an analyst but much of that process would be boring droning back words as well as reciting anything of note he encountered while on his journey through the portal. "Can you arrange for Tahoshi to be returned to us as well?" Atsuna casually asked Mira to which she replied with a simple nod only adding. "Any of your folks and equipment is yours; we are happy to return them." "Well then next on the agenda would be discussion between our civilian leaders... Meeting new civilizations and empires has lots of strings least of which involve us." There would be other logistical matters to address but supplies and such would be a conversation for later. Plus everyone coming from the ship would need to be screened and go through a medical decon process.
[5:12 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: @Solar Tech Superhero
[6:53 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "How do you decide what you want to do?" Kacie asked. "I'd love to get out of this harness and stretch my wings, but something tells me that is out. We could...find what passes for food here. "
November 5, 2023
[4:45 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano shrugged. "Yeah, I think freaking people out with your wings would be a bit... Well... these people don't even have androids, so they'd probably think you were one of these spirit monster things and shoot you... Probably not a good idea." At the suggestion of food, Ayano considered exploring this city, and that way, they could leisurely go about things and also find something to eat. "Sure, let's go find food... As for the question about deciding what to do... uh... it just kinda comes to you. There isn't a... you know mathematical or formulated process for deciding where to go or what to do; life just happens, and people respond to their surroundings... Sure sometimes you gotta think things through and decide in a more calculated way, but it in no way is a hard and fast rule."

Meanwhile, back inside the building Rhea sits Ryuji down in one of the debriefing rooms and closes the door; just from the report from the escorts about where Ryuji went this one would be classified... It was not for her or her superiors to determine who was told about there being the existence of a space-faring super army of magical girls in spaceships. "Hocus pocus wizardry stuff and beautiful gemstones that shoot powers... That does sound like an anime or novel. Are you sure you weren't trapped in an RPG? Their medical technology huh; tell me more..." She said. She would go over the droning formal stuff after they had a conversation. This debriefing would be awhile so might as well get fun parts out of the way first. They both could fall asleep to every droning detail later; for now it was gossip time; even if she never would be able to tell anyone what he said in the real world.
[4:46 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (if someone tells her about Gainz she'd totally think he was locked in some game world )
[5:04 PM]A DM for supernatural: "You must not remember me nearly as well as I remember you, or you were excited over the magic, We've walked all the way to the debriefing room without a break inbetween." Ryuji grinned and leaned on the table between them "I'm the guy that had only one and a half working lung." he looked smug "It prevented from lots of exercise or move down the halls unless I was in my wheel chair." he then sat up straight "Not a lot of the crew uses it but more then a few officers are trained to use gem based magic, they generally don't talk to non-warp capable civilizations, but we found more portals to here and more then a few of them need to be trained against Atsikai stuff since its hard to patrol an entire ship with just two people."
November 7, 2023
[10:45 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Solar Tech Superhero )
November 12, 2023
[6:18 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Walking with Ayano, Kacie offered with a grin, "Not getting shot would be a great start for my first away mission."

A savory scent greeted their noses. On a nearby corner was a vendor, the smoke from the grill carrying the scent of grilled meats and tasty things. Taking a cue from what she had offered, Kacie headed in that direction, Ayano in tow.

Small rolled fried tubes of unknown origin where on a sampling tray. "Please. Very fresh today and my signature creamherb sauce."
[6:29 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( )
[11:32 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Rhea nods “I remember that. So you are saying they fixed you? Wouldn’t that require intensive surgery and months of rehabilitation… sounds like a drag…” She was interested in the magic indeed also the mention of other potential worlds intrigued her. “There’s many of those portals; why’d you all come back here then… you could totally explore the universe and become gods of the multiverse!” She said excitedly.

Ayano followed Kacie as she took them to food. She was glad the android turned pretty much human decided not to fly. Flying would make it hard for her to keep up. She after all could not fly or move at high speeds. At the arrival of a food cart and its seller discussing and offering his wears Ayano realized something rather important; they had no local currency or for that matter; any form of payment. She stared awkwardly at the situation before her worried about what was to come… getting arrested for theft, or made some random shops slaves because they couldn’t pay wouldn’t be an ideal scenario. Plus explaining why local law enforcement detained them would be; a complicated and rather humiliating experience… One she didn’t want to take part in.
[10:50 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji smiled "I didn't need to get a second surgery, most of my rehabilitation was just getting used to being able to run walk and being able to stand, as for the god part being a god is never as fun as it seems it has many rules they have to follow. as for why we came back, partly there is a need for the crew of the ship to learn their view of the universe is still limited it can't all be explained by gems and magic, but also we were doing research into a giant portal essentially and we traveled through, we can probably travel back the same way."
November 13, 2023
[3:19 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “ But didn’t you have parts of a bullet lodged inside of your lungs? That didn’t just… magically cease to exist… uh… Maybe you did become godlike without even realizing it?” She mused. As she listened to the rest of his explanation she considered that they also had much to learn about the universe around them but given the Hen-Shu Empire’s isolationist approach to existence even with their sufficiently advanced technology, being able to colonize far off worlds it would seem Federation technology may even trump their power with what was being explained… though nobody on this planet was really allowed to interact with their parent Empire excluding the very top echelon of the government; even to SNIEF the capabilities and extent of the empire’s true ability and motives was shrouded in secrecy. (edited)
November 15, 2023
[6:19 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Point of contention: wouldn't Ayano INFORM her thusly about the no cash BEFORE shenanigans happen? ) (edited)
November 16, 2023
[1:12 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (have they not ordered yet; lol? Ayano only just considered herself the lack of local money... in her defense, it has been something she hasn't had to worry about in a year+; credits just auto deducted or everything was provided for; she hasn't had to have money... now she does XD)

November 17, 2023
[11:53 AM]A DM for supernatural: "the bullet was removed in less then an hour on the ship, though the person who did it got an earful from the ship surgeon, the rest was just growing a completely rejection free cloned lung." he smiled a bit "and please I am just a normal guy who can cook decently well. I chose not to take any classes on their particular super natural stuff, and I still have some recovery to do, you don't go back to perfect from such a long term injuries, but if I were still here I'd be out doing field work perfectly fine."
November 19, 2023
[7:27 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie approached the vendor slightly tentatively. The smells and sounds from the cart were intriguing.

The old man tending the cart smiled at the pair. "Ah, welcome weary travelers. What can I get you two lovely creatures."

A small selection of what looked like hand pies were on a nearby chart. Divided into sweet and savory categories.

"Very tempting." Kacie said. "We don't carry any of your planet's monetary units however."

The man smiled, "Ah, not to worry. Adolphus has just thing. Please select a choice and a beverage, if you wish."

He reached into a drawer, pulling out a purple slip with the tiniest chip in it. Waving it under another crystal, it lit up, glowing slightly intermittently. "Before you leave, taking this back to the Rhea, they will compensate me."

Kacie choose something savory, she thanked the gentleman, smelling the deep fried dough and tantalizing aroma.

"A good choice. The mushroom-kelp burger is one of our most popular."
November 23, 2023
[6:19 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Rhea contemplated Ryuji's explanation and seemed a bit giddy with the response, but she returned herself to the task at hand before taking things too far off into unrelated conversation. "Growing a... removed in a half... oh my... That sounds truly magical... To have such a thing happen shows you aren't normal; you are truly exceptional... Uh... Anyway... Let's start with going over things in order before I get too far ahead of myself... Do you have reports and logs of the events, or should we start from the beginning?" She asked, inquiring all the way back to when he went through the portal, hoping to gain a clear picture of his time away from their superiors.

As Kacie approached the seller and began a conversation about purchasing, Ayano's worst fear almost came true, but then, when the girl mentioned they had no money, he seemed okay. YAY, she wouldn't be getting arrested today! "So... you deal with this a lot?" Ayano asked, trying to understand how he was so prepared for foreigners to come here. At that moment it hit her; this stall was close to the SNIEF building so of course, he dealt with this a lot. He probably had spirits in human form or their partners coming up to him all the time or something like that. Either way, it was a relief.
November 24, 2023
[12:12 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @A DM for supernatural @Solar Tech Superhero )
[10:51 PM]A DM for supernatural: "I do have a physical report of everything I did on a day to day basis, minus some developments I'm not allowed to disclose and what happened today. But I'm sure you'd like to hear about it more." Ryuji will pull from an inner pocket a physical journal and a pen almost empty of ink "Probably best we came back I was running out of ink." his report mostly skips over the days that nothing truly of note happened but also included his humanitarian efforts to feed those suffering from a natural distaster here and there. along with his findings on what he could of technology level. (edited)
November 25, 2023
[7:32 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Rhea nodded as he explained he did have a report. "Good; that makes our job easier. I assume ink was one thing they didn't have in a spaceship..." She wanted to ask if he and Makigisa finally confessed to each other but kept that question to herself; it seemed to be ongoing office gossip that Maki liked Ryuji. As if anyone wouldn't tease him about that since it was highly obvious the stoic girl only showed emotion when things related to Ryuji, stars, or magic; beyond that she was nearly emotionless. "So yeah, we can go over a cliff notes version of what happened since I assume taking days to debrief would anger Dorthy even more."
[7:37 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: It was also around this time that a VX message was sent to the away team and operations back on the ship that they were authorized to send more personnel down. The longer discussion of diplomacy and such between Laviesta, the Hen-Shu Empire, and Trinity would be someone else's job. Even Sumire and Aidan's part in negotiations would be small in comparison to what would be discussed between this newly discovered world and the governments on the other side of the portal.
[7:37 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (cause that is what the diplomatic corps is for lol)
[9:14 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (sorry, zebra malaria)

The old man chuckled. "This far from the capital, it was easier to come up with a plan to pay for small things newcomers want." Looking at Ayano. "How about some Vetxos? Something sweet." A nearby small tree, the old man, broke off several handfuls of small branches. Blue energy course over the breaks, sealing them nearly instantly. Breaking them into smaller pieces, he placed them, into an nearby pot, red gem energy glowing for a few seconds. A small burst of yellow energy, and the old man placed, a small multicolor plate of something that looked like a tentacle monster. He sprinkled some yellow powder on top and handed the plate over.

Kacie was partway through her burger. Keeping the sensations fresh, she would tell her father what it tasted like later. "Is there something like a public library nearby? A visitors center? "
[9:54 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ayano observed the man as he spoke and worked on creating her meal. Exciting use of things. This city looked like something of Earth from the 21st century, but its technology showed it was different. She wondered why it looked like it did if their tech was more advanced. This was a debate even historians could have: why humans kept certain things a specific way. Doors and windows would always be required and are generally kept to particular designs aside from some exceptions. Maybe it was something to do with vision; she did not have full eyesight until the last year of her life and for the first few years as a child. As the food was given to her she observed it. The strangeness of it was new. This place would be fun, an exciting diversion. Ayano took Kacie and herself to a table before answering her question. "I have no idea... I would assume so... Maybe we should ask dude guy?" She replied, referring to the seller, but then a man in a suit walked up, gave the man a voucher, and came over to them. He looked like something out of the US Secret Service from her time or something of the Men in Black from movies from her time. An all-black suit with a white dress shirt, black tie, and black sunglasses. "There would be such a building here. I'm Agent Fredmen; I'll be your escort of sorts. A field agent has been assigned to each of your parties to ensure you have everything you need while here." The man explained. (you'll remember this meme @Rockyeahh how ALL of the non-tactical field agents looked like Gene as if all of them were a copy)
[10:11 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie texted Ayano via VX." What they tell us is likely to be as useful as what they do not." stealing a piece Vextos, she saw Ayano's face wrinkle in disapproval, something she was familiar enough with as Carmel.
[11:12 AM]Rockyeahh: (Currently out via beer)
[8:11 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Cliff notes, the group I'm with are essentially explorers for the most part that gets into hijinks, their tech is light years above our own were we to get into a tangle we'd have to rely on Atsikai to deal with any space based threat. overall they're greatest weakness is not having any knowledge on atsikai but they generally outclass us. I would put forward it would be better to join them in an alliance of some sort."
November 26, 2023
[12:33 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Rhea nodded. “Got it. So space marines with magic who can conquer but prefer to just explore. Sounds intimidating. Now we get to the boring part… verification and paperwork…” she said with the mention of paperwork bringing a sadness to her. She sets up a computer and a recording device and begins to go over minute details and verifies the details he wrote in the report he gave her. The process of verification, and the paperwork would take a few hours. The joys of formal debriefing following a few months long assignment.

Ayano acknowledges the field operative that was sent to observe them. Kacie’s analysis was indeed, correct. This guy was their chaperone… there to ensure they didn’t see or encounter what they shouldn’t. They weren’t free to go as they pleased apparently. She considered ditching their “security detail” somehow but figured that would piss someone off.
Kacie finished her snack and took both plates to be recycled. The guide took them to what passed for the local library. Various forms of media where in play.

Since she was the faster ready, Kacie focused on the printed materials. Since her optics would capture the data effeciently enough for her to sift through, they could concentrate on more areas of study
January 10, 2024
[6:28 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Ryuji's debriefing would have ended a few hours later as the girls were wandering about and attempting to avoid their "handler." Rhea let him out of the debriefing room as she was still typing since there were things she had to type up he did not need to be there for. If it was boring and mind-numbing to her, it was probably worse for him.

Ayano considered what they should do next, especially with a guard keeping them to where they could and couldn't go. She and Kacie headed down the street, taking in the sights of this human civilization far off from its homeland.
[7:41 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji would stretch, was he given a bonus to show the out of towners some places and maybe give other out of towners some cash for their own enjoyment?
January 11, 2024
[1:54 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The agent that was outside to watch Mira and the group who was outside of the base noticed Ryuji; it seemed like he was doing the same thing. The man shrugged and handed Ryuji a folder. Inside it was a sum of money for the guests and a list of things they shouldn't see. The agent said "Since you are here I guess I can go back to my original assignment." The man leaves without even confirming if that was why Ryuji was here.
January 23, 2024
[8:28 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @A DM for supernatural )
[5:57 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji sighs "How about we try out the various places around the city, have you guys seen any tourist attractions yet or have you been contemplating a street dog?" ryuji has not been caught up to speed with the the group is doing so he is asking for a quick rundown
January 24, 2024
[2:48 AM]Aya: Chantelle wakes up from her slumber in the jeep, having the unhealthy habit of staying up for days before catching up on all her sleep in one go or spread out in naps, she's been out of the loop for quite a while. With a groan she opens her eyes, looking at her lap to let her eyes adjust to the light level and give herself the chance to "wake up"
January 27, 2024
[5:33 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Now back at the jeep waiting for something to happen, Mira notices Chantelle wake up. "you really slept that whole time... " As Ryuji posed, heading out, she shrugged. "Anything is better than staring into a wall, especially while we have nothing shooting at us.". Maybe they would be able to meet up with the others and all avoid guards together...
[5:44 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Jack "Trench" Pine @Aya @A DM for supernatural ) (edited)
[6:37 PM]A DM for supernatural: "You missed seeing my family, and the lightning strike almost hitting the shuttle." Ryuji smiled a bit also the vehicle in question was more like an "electric" minivan in that it made no noise while it traveled. "We were deciding if we should go see the rest of the group and do some tourist things, like the Giant yarn ball.... ooo ahh" the last part ryuji is playing as a joke sounding monotoned about the giant yarn ball.
[6:51 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “go see the giant statues of balding old men… yay!” Mira quipped
January 28, 2024
[1:28 AM]Aya: Chantelle sighs when the realisation of how long she was out hits her. She gets out of the jeep for a moment to stretch and regain feeling in her extremities, before picking up her cannon and reattaching it to herself

Chan: Sorry about that, I don't have a sleeping schedule

A.I Serena: That you don't
February 3, 2024
[4:51 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Rounding a corner, Kacie and Ayano spotted a busy vendor's market. Tables full of clothing, food, and household items. It gave Kacie an idea. She sent a quick VX, letting Ayano know what she was planning.

(kacie can camoflage at will. So it's easy for her to change her feather, skin, hair and eye color. Ayano could buy a jacket or something to distact the guard and when he is looking for Kacie, Ayano can easily slip away.) (edited)
[7:46 AM]Jack "Trench" Pine: The introverted elf scientist of the group, mostly kept quiet, and her head down. Papers and quiet labs were her normal place to be, well unless scott was around, then they were never quiet. Seraphina simply tailed along with the rest, sticking close to Mira as the most familiar person to her. To be honest, she was far less interested in sight seeing, and more just what was going on with the bizarre going ons of this world. Mentally she made every note she could, hypothesis already formulating and changing as her thoughts ran wild with possible explanations of all they'd seen so far.
February 4, 2024
[12:00 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @A DM for supernatural after you reply again I’ll work to craft something if you have anything else to say)
[10:08 PM]A DM for supernatural: "Lets go get the others and find somewhere fun." Ryuji will say scanning for the other two visitors to this planet. Ryuji thought up some places like a nice restaurant or seeing about potentially increasing the number of contractors on the ship.
[10:29 PM]Angel/エンジェル: Yozu gets out of the ship "Alrighty"
[10:40 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: A jeep was waiting as Yozu and Maki got off the shuttle. As soon as they got in the driverless vehicle began to drive at breakneck speeds. In no time flat, they had entered the city arriving in the parking lot where the others were.

Mira smirked at the comment from Chantelle about not having a sleeping schedule. Her attention then turned to the scientist who literally said nothing. She wondered if bringing her here was a good idea. She really did not seem to want to be here. Even though this group was selected from volunteers, it almost seemed as though this girl was voluntold to come. Mira didn’t know how to address this so kept it to herself. Ryuji’s quest to get them moving was welcomed at least by her though…

As Ayano and Kacie broke from their escort the man sighed staring at the large crowd before him. The mass of thousands of people was problematic.
[10:42 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (It’s time to violate every possible traffic law at the same time)
February 18, 2024
[2:07 AM]Aya: Chantelle: So uh.... anything interesting happened while I was busy not paying attention?
[11:36 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Active Member erm… everyone else? We should all be linking up?)
[11:36 AM]A DM for supernatural: (didn't two people just break free
[11:38 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Yes but they are heading back this way and the guy watching the main group left cause Ryuji was here so he just pawned his job off on your char)
[11:38 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (so the main group is in effect “chaperoneless“) (edited)
[11:39 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (no uptight Rando NPC guard lol)
[11:41 AM]Angel/エンジェル: (Hm?)
[11:41 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Trying to get replies from others in the group :3)
[1:49 PM]Angel/エンジェル: (I see)
[4:12 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (here)
[4:15 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Kacie sent an encrypted image of her new appearance to the rest of the away team so she woud be less likely to be missed.
February 21, 2024
[11:22 AM]Kiyoshi: (i still have no idea how to get my character(s) back into this 8D)
February 22, 2024
[11:43 AM]A DM for supernatural: (you could be in a shuttle)
February 24, 2024
[7:56 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The group made its way through the city and found Kacie and Ayano. The next set of jeeps also arrived from the landed shuttle, bringing more of the crew to the town. Mira then had a thought after walking for a while. She then said. "Maybe we should have brought a vehicle. This city is utterly massive, after all... Walking this entire place would be an exercise in insanity..." (edited)
(i still have no idea how to get my character(s) back into this 8D)
[7:57 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (As Josh suggested you can come down via shuttle; at this point people are just being brought together)
February 25, 2024
[10:13 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Mira was half-aware and speaking aloud. Kacie heard the complaint and her head tilted slightly, as she was in deep thought for a micro-second. Since it was mere thought, Kacie linked to the ship still in orbit. Accessing sensor logs, she pinpointed all the buildings they had visited so everyone had the same basic map. She wanted to shed her wing harness and fly over the city for her own familiarization.
After uploading an editable link, she sent a copy to the others. "Does that help?" She asked Mira. (edited)
[12:02 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Then she added you are here for group to more easily interact.
[12:12 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik had been on the second shuttle, eager to follow-up with his daughter. While he wanted to spoon-feed Kacie what she needed, he was smart enough to know that would cause more harm than help. Being the good parent, he did watch the progress, but no further than he would for any other crewmember. Seeing the uploaded map, he easily committed the basic layout in his brain an headed for the gathering.

(more later, but open for anyone to add) (edited)
February 27, 2024
[11:44 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Another jeep arrived with the group dropping Yozu and Maki off with the rest of the group then headed off to the landing point again to pick up more passengers who came down from the ship. Mira was initially distracted by the creation the the map Kacie made. This would be helpful for everyone. Her attention was soon however drawn to Yozuki. Had she seen this person before… Was she really who she thought she was… Mira contemplated this thought unsure if she was seeing things or if this was; like with Tim her now having met another of her friends from the VR world in person. Mira’s staring would easily be noticeable to Yozu and likely others in the group by this point.
[11:46 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Angel/エンジェル @A DM for supernatural @Solar Tech Superhero @Aya @Kiyoshi @Jack "Trench" Pine kinda an all tag at this point since everyone is here)
[1:20 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: The elf of the group was still for the most part, caught up in her scientific revelries, but also far more kept aware of the group she travelled with as part of the study. The looks of recognition and what she thought might be surprised confusion, was clear on her... friend's?, face. Honestly she was never sure where she stood with anyone anymore, having been a bit reserved since certain events that grew fuzzy of late to recall clearly. An interesting phenomenon in of itself for her, which she'd have to ask her friends from the same world about later.

But for now, there were more important things, and even she wasn't so tunnel visioned to be blind to them. Leaning over, she nudged Mira gently, and began talking low so only her and Mira could hear. "Go, go talk to her, you look like you want to... Say hi, ask her how she's doing, maybe guide her with the group", Seraphina offered, giving Mira a shy but encouraging smile to go interact with the woman she'd been staring at. "You can always introduce us later, now go have fun. I'll... tail the group as best as possible."
[1:27 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira was pulled out of her thoughts by Sera who encouraged her to go talk to Yozu. She would have to eventually, anyway, even if things might get awkward. Mira made her way over to Maki and Yozu. "You're new to the crew... I'm Mira Lowin the Captain of this fearless troop..." She said introducing herself in the vent her thoughts were wrong and she wasn't who she thought she was.
[3:15 PM]Kiyoshi: The catgirl who for most of her life had spent in ruined city on a devastated planet and hasn't really seen much else besides the occasional spaceship she would scavenge through looked around in stunned amazement at the new environment she now found herself in.
[3:40 PM]Aya: Chan: Serena, surface scan.

A.I Serena: Enough points of interests, perhaps more Guardian anomalies for us to find and study.

Chan: We'll do that then.
[4:23 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Yes; there will be lots of analysis of those anomalies… Just hopefully, you guys don’t encounter an evil aligned one, and it tries to kill you all lol)
March 1, 2024
3:28 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As Mira was over with Yozuki talking to her Ayano decided to strike up a conversation with the others there. Noticing the catgirl emit an aura of confusion and fascination with the city before her Ayano replied. "So you haven't really seen anything this big have you..." She wondered if the group's new friend would respond as up until this point, even on the ship, the catgirl had seemingly been so lost in her new environment that she was trapped in her own shell and hadn't really interacted with anyone on the ship.

(Chan should submit that updated map to the rest of the group)
[4:04 AM]Aya: A.I Serena: Full surface and seismic scan complete.

Chan: Convert it into an interactive live map and send it to me

A small drop canister is launched from Chan's ship, going down to the jeep. retrorockets activate at the top of the canisters to slow it down as it nears, followed by a small parachute
Chan catches the canister and retrieves a holographic pad out of it. Turning it on, an interactive live holographic map appears, with yellow dots highlighting their position

Chan: Place your devices on top if you wish to download it for yourself.
[6:48 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: As the group gathered, Kacie saw her dad Nik and almost skipped over. Nik smiled a bit at her apparent exuberance. Hugging him, she simultaneously started a download of her data and personal logs to Nik.

He started sorting through the data, things weren't adding up yet, and puzzles like this were usually deadly, if judged by crew history. (edited)
[11:43 PM]Kiyoshi: The catgirl shakes her head at Ayano as she seems to suddenly get mental images of a ruined megatropolis and the feeling that was all the catgirl had to see. Noticing the holomap, the catgirl goes to poke it only to be extremely confused when her finger just passes through without any solid interaction with the map.
March 2, 2024
[5:52 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “It’s a hologram… think of it like just light.” Ayano explains trying to be helpful.
[7:52 AM]A DM for supernatural: A lone cat will jump up onto a car they are all standing by and begin licking its paw a bit before speaking out in a low pitched voice "I'd hold off on the scans and send back your probe." Anyone who is robotic will have some trouble seeing at this moment with static filling their vision
[7:57 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Random citizens were now staring at the object that fell from the sky. There was much confusion from passersby. Maki then says after the cat spoke. "We are in the middle of a large city you know..." Using the scans from the Lavie was probably a better option than straight up deploying sensor and monitoring equipment on foreign soil.
[8:01 AM]Kiyoshi: The catgirl sensing the power from the cat immediately hides behind Ayano, absolutely terrfied of it and trembling behind her.
[8:02 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Just another day in the neighborhood..." Ayano said patting the catgirl hoping to give her reassurance. Having been fucked with by Jim repeatedly Ayano was at this point used to godlike beings being... godlike beings.
March 3, 2024
[9:12 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (so lost)
March 4, 2024
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
As Mira was over with Yozuki talking to her Ayano decided to strike up a conversation with the others there. Noticing the catgirl emit an aura of confusion and fascination with the city before her Ayano replied. "So you haven't really seen anything this big have you..." She wondered if the group's new friend would respond as up until this point, even on the ship, the catgirl had seemingly been so lost in her new environment that she was trapped in her own shell and hadn't really interacted with anyone on the ship. (Chan should submit that updated map to the rest of the group)
[10:06 PM]Angel/エインジェル: "What is this place? I never been outside my home world before, so this is rather... Interesting..." Yozuki said to Mira, her cat ears move slightly back while her tail swaying left and right. She looks around her surroundings before looking back at Mira
[10:15 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "We're still kind of finding that out... from what we know, though, it's the home of some of our other crew and their spirits." Yozu's lack of understanding partly confirmed some of what Mira understood about her. She still needed to figure out, though, if her belief that she was who she thought she was, in fact, was correct. "Uh... so... we know each other right?" Mira asked plainly, unsure of how else to ask this question, even if it would seem strange to ask someone you had just met this... How else would she ask such a question, though?
[10:20 PM]Angel/エインジェル: "I think so?" Yozuki replied to Mira, her cat ears perk up. She's very curious on such question, but shortly replaced by confusion "Our crew and other spirits?" Yozuki repeated, her ears droop in response
[10:37 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “Uh… yeah… Makigisa and Ryuji… So the girl you came down here with… She’s from here… and the spirits… how to explain that one… as I don’t even fully understand it… hum… so basically like ghosts but with magical powers, they can choose for people to be able to see them and they’re like fully coherent… At least some of them are… though I guess that might make it more confusing… so we’re both confused about it.” Mira said shrugging. “I’m also kinda relieved I wasn’t hallucinating… that we’ve met before in the place with Tim…” The thoughts associated with this particular place though brought feelings of unease and uncertainty for Mira though because she did have feelings for Yozu in the world at which they had met but would those feelings translate into reality. She had no idea.
March 5, 2024
[2:25 PM]Angel/エインジェル: "I see..." Yozuki said as she clings onto her tail "I thought our time there was real... Everything we've been through as well" Her heart beats faster as she begins to blush "I'm just wondering about our... Relationship at that place..." She pauses for a bit as her face turns red. She shakes her head and regains her composure "F-forget what I said!" She exclaimed as she looks away from Mira
[2:36 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira looks into her eyes. “It was real… just because it happened online doesn’t make it any less real… what we experienced together… and the things that happened there… had the same effect as they would have if we met in person… at least I think so.” She pats her head then pulls her into a hug. “That is if you do feel the same…” Mira replies.
March 8, 2024
[9:54 AM]Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki hugs Mira back, gently patting her back "But I do feel the same..." She said while blushing, her ears twitching a bit
[10:31 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “That’s good… You also joined us at a good time… this group tends to get shot at a lot and right now we’re in a safe place so that means we have some time to rest and relax…” Mira explained while receiving Yozuki’s hug.
March 9, 2024
[8:26 PM]Angel/エインジェル: "I see" Yozuki said as she pulls away from Mira "I could go for some rest right now... My shoulders feel way too stiff right now"
March 12, 2024
[6:33 AM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji will wave to Mira and Yozuki as he tries to get away with the situation with the cat lord, he'll also make sure to wave to Maki with a smile. "You two came in on the second ship right? I assume you might have some questions about the planet and its inhabitants I can answer most of them if Maki didn't answer any.
March 15, 2024
[12:40 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the group was going about their exploration and chitchatting, whilst to the cat, was attempting to ensure the newcomers didn’t piss off the locals Remi and Aidan’s shuttle made its way down to the planet.

Mira patted Yozuki on the head then motioned over to the jeep. “You could take a rest in there… it’s big enough I don’t think anyone would care even if we had to use it.” She wanted to be helpful for her friend whom she was meeting for the first time in real life. As Ryu waved Mira gave him a smile. Maki simply nodded to her comrade and partner. A nod was a sign of affection for her as usually unless spoken to she didn’t really say or do much of anything. Ryuji’s question to Yozu was a relief to Mira. She hoped Yozu could make more friends here and not get shot by local security forces as others were tiptoeing around such possibilities given unauthorized activities on their parts. ( @Angel/エインジェル @A DM for supernatural @Solar Tech Superhero @Aya @Kiyoshi @Jack "Trench" Pine since there’s kind of stuff for everybody to respond to just pinging you lot… also for everyone)
[10:26 PM]Kiyoshi: (wouldnt that thunder god sense something weird with the catgirl considering shes techincally part succubus part vampire and hosts a bit of a cat god(dess)'s energy/power?)
[10:40 PM]A DM for supernatural: (do she have any ranks in the atsikai skill?)
March 16, 2024
[12:19 PM]Kiyoshi: (is there such a skill? cuz i cant find it)
(is there such a skill? cuz i cant find it)
[12:24 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Yeah; Atsikai partner skill; )
March 24, 2024
[2:56 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Still waiting on our other members to post)
March 29, 2024
[6:12 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (tonight...or sat promise)
[6:49 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (I’ll be around so just let me know)
March 30, 2024
[1:01 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Here)
[1:19 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan was a rare sight off the ship and in civilian clothing. He had to admit that some of the more tailored casual shirts the staff had insisted he try had been very comfortable. Though he had to insist on an inner cotton lining. Jeans were another story. Now on the planet, he looked around in a normal mix of curiosity, wonder, and hoping something wasn't around the corner to kidnap, eat, or blow them all up. The heavy metal watch on his wrist was a comfort. Brutus being in there was a helluva scale balancer.
[1:22 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik walked around with Kacie. Looking more at the architecture and engineering. He looked at how the gems were being used in a native or more likely, hybrid environment. Pieces of the puzzle might turn up in the most unlikely place.
[6:24 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As another shuttle full of crew members had arrived with Aidan and Sumire more of the crew was here and able to experience this place for themselves. Nik and Kacie would notice that the gems here were either in limited use here or not in use at all; this planet seemed more like Earth and others they had been at with the exception of the spirit beings and the mech/security forces specifically created to combat these creatures. It seemed like things were designed here to mimic Earth as much as possible by the Hen-Shu Empire to make this world as naturally human as possible. Now that Mira had left Yozuki to rest she joined up with the group again as her superiors arrived. She looked at each of the group members and asked, "So... what are we planning, folks?" After discovering the disc device that Chan brought down was just a local map the Laviesta Security Forces lost interest and left leaving Raiju and the crew of the Lavie to go about their business. The security forces were more directly concerned with the invasion of their territories and attacks by beast Atsikai or evil Atsikai, not a random crime or trivial issues; the local police and SNEIF forces could handle everything else that didn't warrant the high-tech military equipment meant to battle Atsikai.
[8:07 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: After reading Nik's update, Aidan pondered with Sumire nearby, looking stunning in a blue, yellow, and white sundress. It was the last thing he wanted. Work always intruded. "So, all this place is missing is a souvenir shop? Mostly window dressing for our or someone's benefit.
[8:15 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "We are the window dressing..." Mira commented in response to Aidan while Remi was looking around and taking in this place. It seemed like something out of a fiction book about alternate architecture from Earth. Mira, as per her usual, was in her same normal sundress, probably something similar to what he was imagining Remi being in. Remi was oblivious to this though she wouldn't have minded wearing something like that if a situation for such arose... Like a beach... Not in the middle of some urban center where old men whom she didn't care about having herself on display for could gawk.
March 31, 2024
[8:06 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: (Remi would be used to being on display and the dress would have been a request perhaps from Aidan. He also would wear something she thought he looked good in.))
[8:09 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan turned to Mira, "Expand on that thought, please. That went over my head a bit."
[8:43 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (you’re right she would, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’d like it getting people staring at her. She only wants her lovers doing that… having some random dude gawk at you cause you’re the young princess turned queen and are a looker anyway… it’s not that enjoyable lol… As for wearing things for Aidan; she totally would and the same goes for any of her partners… she’d want to impress them… As would Ayano or any of the girls in their extended relationship… the girls would want Aidan to be happy.) Mira smirked as he replied. “ we are the window dressing… You know how window dressing looks nice and accentuates a room… as do we… look around at the splendid company you have…” she said, referring to all of those who were around them. She was specifically referring to the women in his company but the two other men in his company were also attractive; at least she thought as much… Obviously that was true of Nik given their relationship and he should have known what she thought of him after all Aidan and she were friends. Ryuji even if she saw him as a colleague was also not bad looking himself.
[8:43 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (basically she’s making a comment about everyone here being stylish, cute and otherwise desirable to look at like a window dressing would be)
[12:37 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (ah)
April 11, 2024
[5:53 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Kiyoshi @A DM for supernatural @Aya @Jack "Trench" Pine )
[9:41 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: At the commentary of the group being attractive, it was enough to get the scientist to lower her gaze. Originally still glued to her tablet, now took in herself in self inspection. She was by no means stylish, or even able to feel like window dressing. Her outfit was the blandest of office attire, in simple shades of grey which only barely contained her generous figure in places. Her hair in particular seems to have become a casualty, still kept cared for and clean, but once was straight and curvy in hair do. Now it was clean, yet wild, no longer kept done up or styled in any sort of effort.

It was enough to bring an embarrassed rosey tint to her cheeks and elven ears. Her ocean blue eyes regluing to the tablet out of self-conscious urge, and seeming to try and hide her face more behind the device. She didn't even want to think of how bad she looked without make up either, though.... Now she was.

Seraphina had no partners to dress for, no one to at least tidy herself to act as company for. Her crazy boss, half the time wanted to make her pull her hair out as he jumped straight to methods of destruction. Most days it was her research, remaining useful and with purpose to keep her place on the ship, even as she let the drive to work ruin her chances of friends outside all of it regularly.
April 12, 2024
[3:40 AM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Now that the cat situation seemed to have resolved itself for whatever reason, Ayano left the outside to its devices leaving the realm of gods and magic to someone more qualified. Even if she were the resident expert on being toyed with by gods, she still didn't understand them, so she returned to the jeep. While Yozu was napping, she noticed the flushed look on Sera's face. Unable to read her mind but able to read the room, Ayano thought it either had something to do with Mira's comments or the cat god that showed himself. "Are you good?" she asked Seraphina. (edited)
April 14, 2024
[5:22 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Jack "Trench" Pine )
[8:53 PM]A DM for supernatural: "So, there isn't much in the way of tourist attractions, but there is a lot of entertainments from restaurants, movies, sports, we have most things you think a civ should have, Maki I'm having you be second chaperone to make sure no one does anything stupid, with a group this big we'll need to make plans at least a few hours in advanced."

(A post was happening in a restaurant and will be posted separately as a group post as it is not directly mission-related.)

May 2, 2024
[9:06 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (considering little to nothing has gone on I might actually timeskip here soon) (edited)
June 2, 2024
[6:25 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki looks over at Ryuji. "It is becoming late; should we take everyone into the compound?" She asked, trying to be helpful, suggesting that the group should go inside and rest once those in the restaurant returned. ( @A DM for supernatural )
[6:34 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji will nod and agree "Sounds like a good idea, probably a good time to find them a nice place to stay, not too expensive though."
[6:35 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "We could just use the dorms in the HQ..." Maki reiterated.
June 23, 2024
[5:08 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Maki nodded, seeming to nonverbally understand Ryuji, and went into the SNIEF HQ. She was informed by security about the arrival of Sophie and the others. She communicated as much to the rest of the group.
[6:33 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Nik and Kacie had returned from their wanderings as well. "Kacie and I are going back to the ship. Kacie's first day on duty has been a big one.

Struggling to not rip the harness off and set her wings free, Kacie squirmed a bit against the restraints. "I have plenty to add to the ship's log." She added.
[6:42 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Sumi and I will stick around long enough to make sure the adults on the planet don't need anything else. Then please don't need us for a while. No one wants a cranky General or Queen." Aidan said teasingly.
[7:31 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira took Yozuki with her and joined Sumire and Aidan, returning to the main group. By this point the entirety of the team was now at SNIEF HQ. (So we are now all at the SNIEF base. Let's get posts from people so we can get the story moving) (edited)
June 24, 2024
[8:56 PM]Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki continued to follow Mira into the headquarters, still feeling a bit nervous about buiding another relationship with someone else that isn't Arnaldo. She thought to herself that he wouldn't mind at all
June 25, 2024
[11:03 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Changing into a dress-duty uniform, Aidan chomped at the bit. "Surely SNIEF has had time to talk about us behind our backs while watching us, so I am a bit confused why we're are still waiting."
June 28, 2024
[1:41 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As Sophie, Ayano, and Neko were in the conference room, hanging out at this point, making it like a lounge for all the newcomers, the rest of the group was arriving inside and being cleared by security. Sumire and Aidan entered and he had made the comment about waiting. Sophie chuckled. "Just ask the two you were working with. Ryuji and Makigisa can tell you that this place is constant waiting... I mean, we aren't normal police, so the strangeness of cases we deal with comes and goes; unless you are an analyst, those of us in field ops tend to end up doing some gopher work to keep busy... As for the director and Miss Asuna; she is the one we all talk to... Nobody ever interacts with the director himself, much less those above him in the government... Some of them are a full-on enigma. You get used to it though..." She then went over to the espresso machine and had it make her a drink. Mira had taken Yozuki to one of the far couches in the room and just sat observing the others and, soon enough, pulling out her tablet; this place was worth drawing, especially with the new girl here.
June 29, 2024
[12:39 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan sighed aloud then said in a sarcastic tone. "Me?! Understand that governments are slow-moving and grabasstic and narcissistic entities at best? Naw...never experienced that." In frustration, he pulled out his pipe, loaded it, and lit it. "Screw them. We could be helping someone else that wants the assistance."

The scent of the pulled shot from the espresso machine triggered a craving in Adian. He grabbed a large mug, added a triple shot, and something that passed as heavy cream. Testing the final result, he was happy with the mix and even got a dopamine boost from the beverage.

"Fine, they aren't normal cops. We aren't normal military. Just sickens me that everyone else's time is more valuable than ours." He set his coffee down and scooped up Sumi for a second, smothering her in a kiss. "And I have better things to do." He said ending softly, as he winked, Sumi still in his embrace.

He VXd Sumi, "and while they are concentrating on us, Nik, Kacie, and Lumi have some nice data and scans to work with."
[8:54 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Sophie tilted her head at Aidan "Uh huh... Just remember you are still in public." She said then returned to her coffee and took a seat. "It is also my understanding that there will be work coming..." Sophie then just returned to her coffee. Mira continued to draw and take pictures. Ayano patted Neko and noticed Yozuki, who had just joined them with Mira and the others, was also part Neko. "Look a friend"

Sumire look the kiss and then chuckled. "You know their leaders could be monitoring this room..." She then nuzzled his forehead with her own.

Mira started drawing a picture of this exchange paying specific attention to Aidan and Sumire's exchange.
[11:12 PM]Kiyoshi: The neko, having curled up on the chair, glances over at Yozuki before snuggling closer to Ayano.
June 30, 2024
[1:41 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan shared a look with Sumi. "We always assume we are being monitored. The difference is my patience is wearing thin. We are all tired and the way we all feel, " he paused looking around the room. "I'm about thirty seconds from beaming back to the ship for night."
[1:54 AM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I can only be so generous. They have had ample time to debate, plan, and come up with something by now. " He added. "They want to give a to-do list, fine with reservations."
[4:02 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: “It is like midnight… I imagine that they probably want to give us time to rest… I mean in space time is really no object and you pretty much just follow your home world time but Lonhorn never gave me missions at three in the morning earth time… I feel like it was some kind of courtesy, even though giant empire sized mega corporations that span entire sectors of space don’t really possess compassion they’re just giant monstrous entities…” Sumire smirked at Mira’s response “ you aren’t wrong I mean, even my father, the ruler of one of those giant ass entities possessed no compassion whatsoever. He always babble nonsense about how he was doing what was good for his daughters… No, he wasn’t. He was just being an asshole. When things are that big you forget that other people are actually humans and it just becomes a game about numbers and politics. Hence most politicians are utterly worthless. You think they would at least tell us that they’re going to fuck off until morning though?” Sumire responded and Sophie shrugged. “ I don’t know I mean I’m not justifying anything. I’m just a poor field agent I don’t have any say on anything… I can go check though…” She leaves and goes to the station chief who is in an office upstairs that overlooks everything and was the one who actually let them use his conference room. The group can see the man nod then pick up a phone. He quickly puts it down and shortly thereafter Sophie comes back. “I guess your orders aren’t coming from Asuna… it’s some higher up government official. They did say what I thought though that you guys can use the dormitories here and this conference room for whatever… someone will be here in the morning to discuss the mission… apparently they also want me to work with you… I guess I’m sort of your liaison… I don’t know why they wouldn’t assign that role to Ryuji or Makigisa.” Sophie explained then Mira added “ it probably wouldn’t make sense because officially they are on our roster right now. I mean Ryuji is the Executive Officer of my ship… it would kind of be counterproductive to expect someone who’s on loan to another government to fulfill two roles simultaneously, especially in a leadership capacity.” (edited)
[4:28 PM]Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki sits on the couch beside Mira and waved at the others with a smile on her face "H-hey everyone... I'm not used to seeing everyone physically other than Arnaldo... How is everyone?" Yozuki said nervously, both of her hands rest on her thighs through her jeans and her cat ears twitch a bit
[5:19 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Looking at Sophie, Aidan offered, "Thanks for asking. Then I say we are done for the night at the very least. Since the powers that be strung this out and part of it is our fault that the dinner ran long. Please pass along that a late wake-up call is preferable. Twelve hours from when I get into the dormitory. Is that possible? " he asked Sophie.

It would give time for the crew to recuperate after the shenanigans that were likely in the next few hours.
[5:29 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "What... Uh... I am not your attendant... Do I look like a maid?" Sophie replied offended by the insinuation of her being charged with waking the group.
[5:32 PM]sceptile403: "my apologize for my comrades actions we will take care of waking him up" Kirin replys
[5:46 PM]Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki looks at Mira as her face is inches closer to her's "Hey, Mira? Have you heard of my childhood friend Arnaldo? He's really cool and cute, but you're also just as cute as him... Hehehe~" She said to Mira and grabbed her left hand gently to not make her uncomfortable
[5:49 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira while drawing and observing the situation unfolding around her says to Yozuki "I don't know who that is; I think I never met him in the manor... Thanks for the compliment though..." She nuzzles her, leaving the events of the conference room to someone else. She was charged with keeping the ship going and ensuring the crew didn't make asses of themselves. She already told Aidan and Sumire what she thought but at the end of the day they were her superiors and it wasn't her place to get in their way. (edited)
[5:53 PM]Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki grabs her phone from her right pocket and starts looking for photos of Arnaldo "You're welcome, sweetheart~" She said to Mira, she keeps looking for the album where the picture of Arnaldo is. After a few seconds, she found the photo and shows Mira the photo of Arnaldo; He has dark skin, slim build, hazelnut eyes, messy hair due to him waking up and a green mariachi suit since it's a waist up photo of him "That's Arnaldo, Mira." She winks at Mira
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
"What... Uh... I am not your attendant... Do I look like a maid?" Sophie replied offended by the insinuation of her being charged with waking the group.
[6:05 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Looking back at Sophie, Aidan offered an apology. "I meant the collective you, not you personally. "
[6:07 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "So tomorrow if the next item on the agenda. Is there anything else pending on the agenda tonight? Aidan asked.
[6:10 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Or anything else you'd like to mention?" He asked
[6:13 PM]sceptile403: "this looks like the last destination you go lay down i will be outside guarding the room on first shift, ill wake you up when it is the next person time for rotation" Kirin says
[6:13 PM]A DM for supernatural: Ryuji will sigh getting off the phone summoning him to the station chief where everyone is, getting debriefed, which is putting it lightly, by the chief was his time for a while before he gets sent to help the diplomatic guests deal with Ryuji comes in smoking a cigarette something he only does when he is very stressed "Aiden doesn't the VX have an alarm clock, just set it to like 11pm, or should I get a shitty five dollar alarm clock from the convivence store down the street, there is no real agenda if you like to go to sleep head to bed, your wife is probably tired too."
[6:57 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "I just meant that it would be preferable the council didn't summoning us at oh six hundred, that's all." Aidan replied. "Never mind."
[7:03 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: Sipping at his coffee actually helped. "And at some point, Sophie you and a few guests would be more than welcome for a tour of the ship. Of course, the chef doesn't get to show off much for non-crew, so dinner as well. Time for us to show off properly. "
[7:15 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira looked at the picture she was given and noticed Yozuki called her sweetheart. She had never done that before even in the manor. Her interactions with Yozuki made her happy. "Since we keep traveling the galaxy, we might meet him at some point... We do get around... it seems," Mira said, then responded to Aidan, hoping to help. "I doubt they would do that; it's midnight; since they just talked to people, going off the rails at six would also mean they wouldn't get sleep; I doubt they would be happy with that themselves. If I were a government servant... I would not dare make people think I am working at Six in the morning." MIra replied; she doubted as much would be possible or happen. Sophie simply nodded. "Through my interactions, albeit limited, with anyone beyond Miss Asuna, I feel like she is correct. Most of the government here is strictly business hours; even if the world is on fire, they'd more than likely just send us or the Kaimori response force, which is full of idiots... uh... Jackstrong jumping out of a helicopter while posing..." Sophie shuddered. "That does sound like an interesting change of scenery, and somewhere Zander can't find me..." Memories of her former classmate and Kohai made her again shutter; his expression of love in public when she didn't want it always made things awkward for her. Sumire VX'ed Estelle to come down and prepare she and Aidan's room without telling him. (becuase having a butler does have its perks even if Aidan doesn't like the serving staff doing stuff for him)
[7:56 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: (I'm sure he would get used to certain things. others might still bug him)
[8:00 PM]Solar Tech Superhero: "Well, as a long time soldier from a few elite forces, I got called at odd hours all time." Aidan. But that is a comfort to know." Aidan smiled at bit, "as you can tell, we could all use some sleep. Thank you Sophie and Kirin.
@♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡
Mira looked at the picture she was given and noticed Yozuki called her sweetheart. She had never done that before even in the manor. Her interactions with Yozuki made her happy. "Since we keep traveling the galaxy, we might meet him at some point... We do get around... it seems," Mira said, then responded to Aidan, hoping to help. "I doubt they would do that; it's midnight; since they just talked to people, going off the rails at six would also mean they wouldn't get sleep; I doubt they would be happy with that themselves. If I were a government servant... I would not dare make people think I am working at Six in the morning." MIra replied; she doubted as much would be possible or happen. Sophie simply nodded. "Through my interactions, albeit limited, with anyone beyond Miss Asuna, I feel like she is correct. Most of the government here is strictly business hours; even if the world is on fire, they'd more than likely just send us or the Kaimori response force, which is full of idiots... uh... Jackstrong jumping out of a helicopter while posing..." Sophie shuddered. "That does sound like an interesting change of scenery, and somewhere Zander can't find me..." Memories of her former classmate and Kohai made her again shutter; his expression of love in public when she didn't want it always made things awkward for her. Sumire VX'ed Estelle to come down and prepare she and Aidan's room without telling him. (becuase having a butler does have its perks even if Aidan doesn't like the serving staff doing stuff for him)
[8:11 PM]Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki's cat ears perk up in excitement, but realized how far Donenia is "But... Donenia is pretty far" She replied as her cat ears droop
[9:15 PM]♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Sophie nodded, "Well, have a good rest, and... I mean, some of the SNIEF agents are ex-military, but most of us come from something else entirely. Remember, this place is safe; even if there are issues going on, there is time for fun and relaxation... Don't overthink it... Work will come in its own time." She said, attempting to reassure Aidan and the others in the group as well.

Mira patted Yozuki. "You would be amazed at the distance I traveled in a ship by myself; having a small town with you and all the services of the ground, you totally have a different thing going for you and can travel further, plus, with our advanced engine... This ship moves fast and can go long distances without stopping." Mira explained to Yozuki.
Angel/エインジェル: Yozuki nods in understanding, she takes note of everything Mira explained and looks at her afterwards "That sounds amazing... I wish we had those in Donenia..." She said with a dreamy voice
July 7, 2024
[7:53 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (any other posts before the morning; seems like no but just want to check
July 28, 2024
[11:52 AM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: After everyone had enjoyed their night the sun soon came and it was nearly time to gather everyone together for the briefing. The conference room that was set aside for them had been converted to having breakfast catered for anyone who came about along with coffee, breakfast times and other such things so that everyone; including the superiors could focus on their jobs and not have to deal with needing to care for their food or other needs. SNIEF's logistic and medical support units seemed to have that all covered as they wanted their agents, government contractors, and foreign support personnel to be able to focus on their tasks; not their medical care or sustenance.

(I know there are some posts going on in private with folks but putting this year so people can post as they get to it and we can finally move on)


[12:06 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Active Member )
August 1, 2024
[4:46 AM]Aya: Chan stood to the side, coffee mug in hand as her groggy eyes tried to wake up
[6:14 AM]
Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan walked in, finally letting Sumi's hand go. Walking over to the table, he refilled his large coffee mug, and snagged an off-yellow-red Danish, plus something that smelled like a cinnamon roll. It was one of life's greatest mysteries like Swedish meatballs. Nearly every culture had some form of dumplings or meatballs. Aidan suspected it was one of those great universal mysteries which would either never be explained or would drive you mad if you ever learned the truth.

Aidan used a fork to take several along with sauce. (edited)
August 4, 2024
[9:46 AM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @A DM for supernatural you should probably post something mate)
August 15, 2024
[11:23 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (Waiting on you as everyone should be caught up to now…)
September 9, 2024
[4:43 AM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (So are other people coming or should I just start?)
September 27, 2024
[5:59 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: ( @Aya @Jack "Trench" Pine @Angel/エインジェル @A DM for supernatural @Solar Tech Superhero @sceptile403 @Kiyoshi anyone have anything else about getting their characters into the room; we are all just chilling in here until someone from the SNIEF administration comes in and gives us our mission; I am hoping that I can sit down with the GMs and write something for them soon so just making sure we have everyone in the room first; unless you dont want to take part in this mission)
[8:03 PM]Jack "Trench" Pine: Not really feeling a mission honestly, been enjoying the casual stuff on the side when it happens, and isn't two people having a date.
[10:21 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: (The mission channel does exist for missions but its also a more general main story channel that covers elements that are relavent to everyone or occur in such a way that EVERYONE can interact with them; group is for like larger groups but not the whole team; site rps are like one or two people... I thought I said that before rip...)
[10:24 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As everyone is waiting for the SNIEF and Laviesta officials to appear and brief them a klaxon sounds and over the bases PA an automated system says "Attention: Waveform abnormality detected. All agents and security personnel to lockdown stations. This is not a drill."
[10:32 PM]
GAINZ: He appears in the sky for a brief moment before quickly landing on the ground, the white cape gracefully falling behind him, seemingly almost in slow motion. By the time it touches the ground the sound finally catches up and sonic booms from him entering the atmosphere and again from him changing direction and landing. He stands up, his uniform a familiar red and white, the orange golden hair striking, and he had a beard now and a scar on his face that wasnt there the last time he was seen. It appears hes been through some battles while he was away.
[10:43 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As the man appears landing in front of the SNIEF HQ compound the officers guarding the door immediately draw their weapons along with two massive mech suits walking out of a side storage building. "Identify yourself!" One of the guards demands.

Hearing the alarm and the advisory Mira calls back to the Lavie over her neural link directly into her VX. "Lowin to tactical; status?" Trent replies. "Captain, the signal matches one of the EU, Specifically Captain Gainz." Having never met Gainz before, Mira had to look up to whom Trent was referring.

Ayano who was outside in one of the jeeps waiting for word on what the groups next moves would be heard the alarms and upon the streaming of security and rushing of guards everywhere she exited the jeep and headed for the front. "Oh boy... more fun..." As she approached the front she saw Gainz recognizing him from a previous encounter albeit brief and his similar appearance to Dan she whistles to the guards. "It's okay. He is with us; the guy just doesn't know how to use a shuttle or a door." The guards seem unphased by her and still remain aimed at Gainz. Ayano messages the away team as a group. "Yeah... uh... can someone from leadership get to the gate... security is trying to shoot someone who they probably shouldn't..."
[10:51 PM]
GAINZ: He yawns a bit after standing, seemingly unbothered by the security but he glances over in their direction, noticing Ayano, confirming that hes in the right place. He waved. "Hey, whassup? You good? What yall doin here?" He notices the guards being on high alert with their weapons pointed at him and he just chuckles a little, teasingly raising his hands for a brief moment. "So tense, chill out. I aint here for a fight."
[10:56 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Get down on your knees and place your hands above your head" One of the guards demands. Ayano chuckles at the exchange. "Uh... Well we are here on a mission. I just messaged the command team in hopes someone will come to defuse this... fun we're having..." She replies as the mech suits approach Gainz. "You have entered a restricted area and are subject to detention. You must comply." One of the suits says. They call for folks from the Laviesta National Guard since their scanners show how off the charts this guy's power is. (He looks like staring at the sun... to their scanners)
[11:00 PM]
GAINZ: "Fun?" He glances over at the mech suits before casually walking over to Ayano. "The aura alone would fry their suits if I even powered up a little bit. Thats no fun. Anyways, what kind of mission?" He crosses his arms in his usual idle gesture.
[11:03 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As he ignores the police one of them approaches him and attempts to use a tazer that is designed for magical beings on him. It has no effect. The officer tries again. A tank arrives. Ayano stares at the futile attempt at subduing Gainz. "Uh... Well... At first we were just exploring and trying to understand this place. Now I guess they need our help; no idea with what... That is what the Captain, General and company are doing right now." Ayano explained.
[11:08 PM]
GAINZ: He side eyes the police, feeling how weak the tazer was, actually surprised at the level of ineffectiveness. Grabbing it to get a better look at it. "What kind of weak ass tazer is this? I think the ones from New York City back on Earth were stronger than this. Ya'll gotta do better than that." Not realizing yet that it was designed for magic, since his power was just raw ki energy. "Ayo who are these folks anyways? Oh cool they got a tank..."
[11:15 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Um... They are the local spirit police. I guess they are mad you landed in front of their building without asking... I mean you did put a dent in the ground..." Ayano explains. Mira makes her way out of the conference room and out to the front with Sumire behind her more following to see what was happening than anything else. As the officer's hand is grabbed and he attempts to free himself, given Gainz's overwhelming strength and imperviousness, the cop hurts himself. His partner approaches with his firearm safety off and the weapon still aimed. Apparently, intending to shoot him now. "Get down on the ground now!" The mech suits seem unamused, and their hands open up with a plasma cannon-like weapon aimed at Gainz.
[11:22 PM]
GAINZ: "Yeah? Well I aint no bitch. I got on the ground when I landed here. The ground lost." He lets go of the man and the taser now. Still unbothered, crossing his arms, but now they got more of his attention. "I said I wasnt here for a fight. Was just checking on my peoples. They say you need help, and I can see why if this is the kind of stuff your rocking."
[11:28 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Sir I'll ask you one more time to get down on the ground." The officer replies. At this point Mira and Sumire arrive outside. "Officer you might want to cut your losses; this goes for all of you guys... I mean this guy could literally kill everyone in this building." Sumire explains. She nods at Gainz "Been awhile; seen Erin yet?" Sumire asks inquiring if he had talked to Ari since he arrived. Mira connects the dots that all these people know each other on more than just a professional level. She walks over to Gainz and Ayano with Sumire still following behind her. Mira then says "I'm Mira Lowin I just took over command of the Lavie. It seems you are quite chummy with the crew here... So... why are we fighting the local security forces?" (edited)
[11:33 PM]
GAINZ: "Ah he-hey! Whats good? How you been?~ Nah, havent seen Erin yet. Kinda just got back from this multiverse place I was at, kinda crazy...a long story for another time." He looks over to Mira after she introduces herself. "Good to meet you Mira. I'm Gainz. I'm with Skynet, technically but also the EU. Thats also a long story, heh." Looking around at the security forces and then back at the crew. "What fight? I'm just chilling here, they rolled up on me haha."
[11:40 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: The cop being ignored results in more police coming out of the building. Remi shrugs "I mean we are just meeting with them. Brought back two of the crew who came from here. I think you met Maki... She and her partner Ryuji are from here. We are working on negotiating with the government here and making first contact. I think maybe just letting these guys detain you will calm them down since they really seem to want to arrest you at any cost." She explains. Mira agrees nodding. "Yeah, probably at least let them take you back with us so they will stop pointing guns at everyone and threatening to melt the entire block," Mira added, referring to the mechs with plasma cannons aimed at him. The guards seem to not understand what Skynet or the EU are, so this explanation gives them no further information and just seems to confuse them.
[11:48 PM]
GAINZ: He crosses his arms and sighs. A bit of him a little irritated, enough for the weakest of auras to show around his body, looking like a faint distortion of heat, and probably making any power level scans freak out but nothing more. He calms himself and sighs once more. "Welp, for the sake of peace lets go then. I'll follow wherever they wanna take me, though they gotta know handcuffs wont work on me."
[11:53 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "If he goes with you guys williningly and we escort is that good?" Mira asks an officer who came out who seemed to be of higher authority. He nods. She then leads the group back inside and they make their way to one of the meeting rooms separate from the other conference room. Once Gainz was in the room a guard stands by the door but leaves everyone to their devices. Mira and Sumire enter the room with him and take a seat. Ayano shrugs now that things are good she makes her way to the main conference room where the others are. The alarms are turned off and security seems to just let things be. The group converse and time passes while everyone is still waiting on an official to come from the Laviesta government and brief them on what is needed or what is happening from here.

Solar Tech Superhero: Aidan was refilling his mug for what passed for caffeine, he wasn't impressed but the red-yellow Danish things made up for the mediocre beverage. "What the isomorphic fuck now." He grumbled a bit, then swallowed enough of the hot mug to not spill when he walked.

Crossing the corridor to the adjacent room, he saw Gainz and smiled. "Finally. Someone I know. Good to see you." Aidan said genuinely. Facing the security team, he said. "I'll vouch for him. The guns are just going to tickle at best anyway."
[5:48 PM]
GAINZ: He sits in one of the chairs and kicks up his feet against an empty chair. Noticing Aidan he nods in his direction. "Wassup? Yeah they was trying to try me outside. Dunno what their deal is."
[6:51 PM]
Solar Tech Superhero: "Flying weird monsters that eat energy or'd have to ask Mira or Nik but we can certainly use the backup." Aidan offered. "Threat to the universe. Usual stuff. Aidan said offhand. (edited)
[7:15 PM]
GAINZ: "Sounds fun, reminds me of the place I was just at. Had to deal with some similar crazy folks... Multiverse stuff, lost track of time, heh. Theres some powerfull folks out there. Good to know theres always some headroom for improvement. Hows Skynet been? The scouter lost communications while I was in there, seems the range has its limits haha."
[7:45 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: As he and Aidan spoke Sumire listened then at the mention of Skynet she said "Skynet is doing fine; just overseeing the terraforming of Earth and protecting the settlers who landed there. I feel like there are indeed parallels between this place and where you were. It seems there are super powerful beings here that oversee things within their realms or something of that nature. We are pretty far from home though I mean that wormhole thing sent us like half way across the galaxy. At least it is still stable so we can return when we are done here." As she finished speaking an aide came in and got her taking her back to the other conference room to discuss something leaving Aidan and Mira with Gainz. The cop outside didn't really react to Aidan's suggestion that thier weapons would be useless on Gainz; he seemed to just be content with the fact that the guy with the power of a lord spirit was contained for now and they didn't have to call on Ryuji's clan for assistance.
[9:12 PM]
GAINZ: He takes out his scouter and puts it on, the red lense covering one of his eyes. A heads up display comes up on there as it boots up as it initializes, trying to reconnect with Skynet. He chills out in the meeting room while catching up on any news he missed out on. He did get a sense that the place they were currently residing in had a sort of spiritual aura about it
October 1, 2024
[6:45 PM]
Solar Tech Superhero: (not seeing anything to Aidan????)
October 5, 2024
[2:50 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: Mira observed him zone out staring into his device which appeared to be some sort of heads up display. She left him to his devices and as Aidan was still there she asked. “ anybody shown up in the other room or does it seem like the locals are just ghosting us?” She shrugged.
[7:36 PM]
Solar Tech Superhero: "Probably having a Demi-god pop in has them rethinking a few things," Aidan said, finishing the last snack on his plate.
[7:39 PM]
Solar Tech Superhero: "Maybe they will finally stop keeping us at arm's length." he added.
[7:50 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "I feel like after fighting I giant energy eating space whale thing we are totally going to be fighting some giant magical bird that spews acid or something... Maybe that is the mission they are going to have us do. WIth the galaxy being as fucked up as it is I bet you some random shit out of one of my manga is coming." Mira said in response. "And what do you mean about them keeping us at arms length; I feel like the folks here have been fairly accommodating and aside from the guards everywhere have let us pretty much do anything we want... Like would you like forgien soldiers wander around in your restricted areas and chitchat with anyone who could give them intel that could damage you; politics is a game... I am sure Mr. Gainz can even attest to that one." Maybe she misunderstood what he was saying but that is why she asked.
[7:54 PM]
Solar Tech Superhero: "True. But not the leadership. Maybe the whole place is wired for sound, but if I had people like us wandering around, I would expect a bit more curiosity or at least thorough inspection. That doesn't strike you as odd?" Aidan replied.
[7:58 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Well we have only encountered the director of their spirit police so... Yeah we would think someone who actually could make decisions would be here... Maybe they do have everything bugged..." She chuckled. "Or he scared them away?" SHe added referring to Gainz.
[8:16 PM]
Solar Tech Superhero: "Well as my father would have said, 'shit or get off the pot', that and learned how to make decent coffee. " He said making a face as he put the mug on the plate for retrieval.
[8:19 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Gainz, I know you are paying attention. Have you any thoughts since you are here?" Mira asked him for advice in hopes that he might know something they didn't.
October 7, 2024
[8:41 PM]
GAINZ: "Hmm, not sensing anything that catches my interest, energy-wise anyways. Weak ass mech suits and magic based weaponry and sad taser batons, heh. But the giant magical bird spewing acid does sound interesting. I fought a few magically inclined folks at the multiverse bridge. One of them sealed me away for a few years in a dimensional void. Was fun trying to figure out how to get out of that. Was a good way to brute force my way through mastering teleportation though." He chuckled some and then realizes all this time he could have just teleported instead of launching himself at crazy speeds to get around, but old habits die hard.
October 9, 2024
[10:09 PM]
♡ ♪ Atsu ♪ ♡: "Years... uh... You know, according to the records, it has only been a few weeks since you were here with the crew last?" Mira pointed out after checking the records through her link with the ship's systems. "So you don't detect anything huh... If that is the case, then what could these people even need our help with that they couldn't do themselves?" The talk of other dimensions made Mira curious about different things she had seen and heard of, even in the manor. Plus, there were unexplained phenomena she had seen in the ship's records, such as the appearance of Ayano, Dan, and the others, as well as Ari. According to the temporal security division and some scientists time did not exactly go in a straight line as people thought. With so many branch-offs, there were many questions to be answered about many things, and this place might have an explanation for some of that; that is if the locals were willing to discuss these matters with outsiders.
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