Sumire Rembrant



Name Sumire "Remi" Rembrant
Gender Female
Species Human; Orterian
Age 26

Physical Appearance
Height 5' 8"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Remi is able to pass off as much younger than she is; as shown when she enrolled in Marsia lying about her age. When when out of school wears shorts and a short sleeve shirt with boots or jeans. In more formal situations she will wear a blouse and slacks. Under her skirt in uniform she wears shorts as well.She prefers whit and black or pink and blue jeans type colors. She has been known to wear a cobalt blue dress that Aidan requested she wear along with three inch heals. She use to have blue short hair but when her uniform changed to the Orteria white royal uniform the system forced her back to her original hair color and length. She also changed her hairstyle a little as well.

Spouse None
Children None
Father Elric “Ric” Shoji
Mother Mari Shoji - Killed by Terrorists
Brother(s) Lee Shoji - Killed by Terrorists
Sister(s) Yuki Rembrant – Adopted Sister
Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark – Sister by Relation
Selaniphi "Selani" Kiirmant – Sister by Relation
Other Family Jin Rembrant – Adoptive Father
Asa Rembrant – Adoptive Mother
Aidan Thornton - Boyfriend

Personality & Traits
General Overview Remi is an adopted child whom is actually the daughter of the once ousted governor of the Orterion colonies. She was placed for adoption with a family despite her still having contact with her biological father. She is resentful of this fact and as such still keeps her noble side very visible believing that she is still more or less royalty. She hates her little sister whom has been forced to stay with her and treated more favorably than her. She has an interest in experimenting with sexuality and virtual realities. She eventually confesses to Flennel that she just wants to be accepted by society and becuase she wasn't she just became a angry recluse as it was easier to lock herself away than deal with the hand the world dealt her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Remi is skilled with computers, problem solving, social sciences and statistical information. She hates to fight and even though she is good at it... She decided to fight for Earth due to so many people dying and her feeling the need to follow the "noblesse oblige" adage; meaning she feels the obligation as a leader to help those less fortunate that herself (not nobility). Her physical fortitude is not the best meaning she gets sick often. She has an overwhelming tendency to go where she is not wanted.
Ambitions Remi wants to lead her home colony in her father’s footsteps. She is worried that Yuki will take her place in this and as a result wants to run away form her reality with Flan and Seleni.
Hobbies & Interests She enjoys computers, manga, anime, puzzles and government as well as civil planning. As a result she studied everything about this station before coming to it knowing everything from the decks, the size of each bulkhead to what is really on the deck under deck M on Marsia Academy.

Personal History Remi was born to the family that governs a colony and was raised as the daughter of a rich family. At 12 a girl was adopted into the family and soon thereafter Remi's mother and brother died in a terrorist assault disguised within a demonstration. She and her sister were adopted by the Rembrant family and her sister was spoiled and cared for more than she was; in fact the Rembrant's took such different care of Yuki than they did Remi that she began to hate her sister. Due to this Remi learned to work and has held jobs; she wished for better treatment and started to believe that reality was not the best place to be... due to this clash with reality it caused her to dislike people and become very arrogant and hateful. She used the internet and VR gaming; moreover erotic VR MMORPGs to fulfill her desires, live a better life and escape reality. She admitted this to Aidan and Flan in Season 2 Mission 1 near the end of the incident on the mining world.
Service Record Political Services Liaison - Trinity Information Security Service
Commander - Tactical Team One; Trinity Special Operations
Orteria Defense Service Commander/Crown Princess of Orteria - Orterian Sovereignty on assignment to the Trinity Organization.


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STR = 12
DEX = 17
CON = 9
INT = 14
WIS = 13
CHA = 16

Ranged Combat - 7 11
Close Combat - 4 4
Martial Arts (Fill in type) - 4 4
Leadership - 7 11
Starship Engineering - 4
Civil Engineering - 0
Equipment Repair -  6
Information Systems - 10 23
Intelligence Gathering - 10 23
Domestic Skills - 5 6
Survivalism - 4
Medicine - 5 6
Research/Innovation - 10 23
Piloting - 7 11
Diplomacy - 7 11
Bio-mechanic Mastery - 7 11
Gem Concentration - 5 6
Gem Specialization (Blue) - 10 23
EU Mastery - 0
Summoning - 0
Atsikai Affinity - 0
Partner Affinity - 0

Psi Energy - 0
Ki Energy - 7 11
Total Points 200

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